Weekly Bulletin

November 5, 2014


The Hartsbrook School

193 Bay Road
Hadley, MA


Main Office:



Quick Links



Pastel Workshop

Fridays:  11/7, 11/14, 11/21

8:45 to 10:15am


Felting Workshops

Fridays: 11/7 +11/14



Tuesday 11/11

Early Dismissal 12:45pm


Visiting Day


Martinmas Lantern Walk


Holiday Fair Artisan Bazaar

Friday 11/21

6:30 - 9:30pm


Holiday Fair Day

Saturday, 11/21




Parent Council

Tue., 11/4 7-9pm


Parent Meditation

Thursdays, 8:30-9am

Parent Evenings


5th Grade

Wed., 11/5 7pm


Early Childhood

Wed., 11/5 7pm


2nd Grade

Fri., 11/7 1:30-3:00pm


4th Grade

Thurs., 11/13 6:30- 8:30pm

Field Trips /
Class Events


8th Grade Glen Brook

11/7 - 11/9





Click here to register


SKi Season Registration is coming soon..

Visiting Day 
Tuesday , November 11, 2014

Come and observe a main lesson and stay for a student assembly! This is an opportunity for current parents to visit your child's class and experience The Hartsbrook School's rich curriculum. 

When: Tuesday, 11/11, 2014
Who: For current parents in Grades 1-12

Observe Main Lesson:
High School- start 8:05 am, Piening Hall
Grades 1-8- start 8:25 am, Grade classrooms

Refreshments and Q&A:
10:15am, all visitors, Piening Hall

Elementary Assembly,Grades 1 - 5:
11:30 am - 12:30 pm, including St. Martin play
Great Room, Hartsbrook Hall

Middle and High Assembly, Grades 6 - 12:
11:30 am - 12:45 pm, Piening Hall

Half day dismissal for all students:
Early Childhood through High School at 12:45 pm.

-Please be here at 8:05 am for High School and 8:25 am for Grades 1 - 8. 
-Adults only for Grades 1 - 8.
-Prospective external high school students may visit grades 9 - 12.

Please register with the Enrollment Office at 413-584-3198.

Saint Martin Play



Tuesday, 11/11 (as part of Visiting Day assembly)

Wednesday, 11/12 at 10 am

Thursday 11/13 at 10 am


Where: The Hartsbrook Hall Great Room


Martinmas Lantern Walk


Who: For families with children in First Grade and Second Grade

What: Lantern Walk, cider, a fire and song

When: Tuesday, 11/11 4:30 - 5:30 pm



Who is Saint Martin?

From France comes the legend of Saint Martin who, as a young officer in the Roman army, passed under an archway in the city of Amiens and discovered a poor beggar huddled there. The man was nearly naked, shivering with cold, and had received no alms to assist him. On seeing him, the young Martin took his own cape from his shoulders, cut the garment in half, and covered the poor man to warm him.


Martin was devoted to all humankind regardless of their station in life. He was known for his gentleness, his unassuming nature, and his ability to bring warmth and light to those who were previously in darkness and distress.  The Martinmas celebration is inspired by old customs honoring St. Martin.  On the evening of Martinmas, he is remembered in many French households with a festival of lanterns, carrying light through the darkness.


As the sun sets earlier and rises later, the world grows darker and the inner light of humankind wants to shine forth. Children and parents gather as the sun sets. Handmade lanterns, often decorated with stars, suns, and moons, are lit as a symbol for the children of their own individual light. Our walk into the cold, dark evening gives us an experience of caring and sharing as we move toward the darkness of winter.



Seniors Raise Money for the Food Bank

Hartsbrook Seniors will be join local radio personality Monte Belmonte of WRSI - The River- in the annual "Monte's March"  to raise money for the Food Bank!  Keep a look out for us on your commute tomorrow morning. We will be walking along Rt. 9 from Northampton to Amherst.  Hartsbrook will be donating a week of Farm Camp to the cause.

You can tune in to 93.9 and bid!
 ( all proceeds will be going to the Food Bank). 


Community Service is an important component to a Hartsbrook School education... More Info


Healthy Campus:

Health Guidelines to Use as a Resource

Students should only be in school when they can fully participate in their educational program. Please find the attached health guidelines as a resource to be clear on when students should remain home or when they will be referred home by the school nurse.

Please help to prevent colds, flu and other illnesses by encouraging  hand washing.
Thank you for helping to keep our school community healthy.

Laurie Zacek, RN
586-1908 ext. 124 or
Hartsbrook Pork and Lamb for Sale
This exceptional meat is only available once a year. Our two pigs have been cared for by the 6th grade as they have taken on their daily work with the cows, feeding them grain and food scraps from our Homestead kitchen and campus, as well as over mature vegetables from the school garden.  This varied diet produces meat of exceptional quality and flavor!  The lamb has been pasture raised and grain fed by the 5th Grade students. Adding a small amount of grain results in exceptionally tasty meat with just the right amount of marbling.

Please let me know if you would like to receive details of cuts and prices. We will be taking orders NOW for pick up on the day the meat is ready to go. Supplies are limited and all cuts will be sold on a first come,first serve basis (and we usually sell out).
please call ext.119 or email me at


Nicki Robb

Operations Manager Review
We are conducting a one year review for Operations Manager Frances Cameron. We have been advised not to collect personnel materials via email so please send me a note or find a time to talk to me. Please respond by Friday, November 14, 2014.

Thank you, Louise Spear
Upcoming Workshops

Three Pastel Workshops  

When: Fridays: November 7, 14 and 21, 8:45 - 10:10 am (after community coffee)

Where: Hartsbrook Hand Work room (upstairs in Hartsbrook Hall)


For parents who want to experience something of the flavor of middle school art classes, I'm offering three pastel workshops in November. If you want to attend, please send me an e-mail.


Jan-Kees Saltet

Middle School Art, German Grades 7-11 and High School Humanities

Felting Workshops

When:  Friday, 11/7 and Friday, 11/14 9-noon
Where: The Little Wren Nursery Room, Early Childhood Building

On 11/7, we will make a pumpkin or an apple house with a little mouse.

On 11/14 we will needle felt Christmas cookie cutter ornaments.


Learn a simple craft, make something for your home and contribute something to the Holiday Fair. The kit for 2 houses is $25.00. One is for you to take home and one is for you to donate to the Parent Craft Table at the Holiday Fair. Nov 14, we will needle felt Christmas cookie cutter ornaments, make three for you and donate three to the fair. The kit for this will be $15.00. All supplies will be provided and more will be for sale if you feel inspired.


These workshops will be taught by Celia Riahi, who was an early childhood teacher here at Hartsbrook for 18 years and now has a Waldorf Home Nursery Program.


Contact Leslie Evans to register

 Hartsbrook AthleticsVarious sports at Hartsbrook

Basketball Season is Starting ~ Register NOW

basketball-basket.jpgIt is time to register for Hartsbrook Basketball.  I am excited to announce that we have coach Tim Kane returning for his 3rd season with Hartsbrook.  Basketball is open to students in Grades 8-12.

The basketball season will begin when we return from Thanksgiving vacation and runs through February 12th. Practices are held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3:45-5:45 pm at the College Church gym in Northampton. Transportation is provided to and from Hartsbrook, or players can be picked up at the gym in Northampton. The fee for basketball is $175.  

Payment and registration are due next Thursday, November 6th.

Ski season registration is coming soon!
Thanks Hawks for a Great Soccer Season!

The Varsity soccer season wrapped up last week with the River Valley Athletic League playoffs.  Hartsbrook's Varsity Boys team placed 3rd in the league after losing 2-1 to Eagle Hill in the Semifinals on Friday in a hard-fought game.  The Varsity Girls team placed 6th in the league after losing 2-1 to Dublin in the Quarterfinals last Wednesday, in what coach Maggie described as a 'heartbreaking' loss.


Congratulations to both teams, and many, many thanks to all of our wonderful coaches!


Megan Owens, Athletics Director
Please return uniforms to the main office by the end of this week.
Calling Student Grades 6-9: Western District Auditions

Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Chorus

Calling all student instrumentalists and singers to audition to participate in the Massachusetts Music Educators Association Western District orchestra, concert band, jazz ensemble, and chorus concerts.

Best wishes to our High School Students!

Their auditions are November 8th, rehearsal January 10th and concert January 17th.


Junior Districts are for grades 6, 7, 8 & 9:

Auditions December 6th, rehearsal March 7th concert March 14th.

Hartsbrook students enjoy getting audition feedback and participating in the festival with peers from all over the region. Participants may also be invited to try out for the All-State Concert held at Boston Symphony Hall.

To learn more about auditions, requirements, fees:

Any student Grade 6-9 who wants to participate needs a check payable to Hartsbrook for $11 and a student endorsement form, (available in Vensa's office).


DEADLINE: Forms for 6-9th Graders are due Friday November 14th in Vesna's office.


Contact Swansea Benham Bleicher or Lara Radysh, parent coordinators, if you have any questions.

Holiday Fair 2014

Holiday Fair Team Meeting 
Thursday 11/6, 9am, in the Handwork Room, Hartsbrook Hall.


Pre-Holiday Fair Events


Crafting Together Magdalena Toran is hosting "Crafting Together" for parents on Tuesdays, 2-3pm in the Early Childhood Building, Cricket on the Hearth Room. 


(On 11/11, crafting will be 8:30-10:30 am, right after drop off!)


All parents are welcome, especially parents of early childhood program students. The goal is to learn a skill and create items for the Children's Bazaar at the Fair.


Baking Together events will be scheduled shortly. We plan to highlight our baked goods at the Alumni Cafe, taking pre-orders on cakes and pies for the holidays. Keep an eye on our website for recipes.


Food Prep We are now outsourcing chili and soup to a vendor and focusing on baked items, including cornbread, cookies/bars, pies and cakes.


Vendors have been secured by Beth Volkmann, with a waiting list.


Volunteer scheduling: Volunteer scheduling: we are using a combination of paper sign-ups and online volunteer registration, so that we can manage the overall picture of Holiday Fair needs. Online signups are now available; please go to Holiday Fair Shift Sign Ups for the online process.

Musicians:  Seeking parents, students and faculty musicians for performances in our caf�, food tent and around campus.  Contact: Swansea


More details to come!

Questions? Contact Pilar Schmidt, Director of Development, 

News From the Grades

6th Grade ~ Long Jump Construction


To honor former teacher Arn Krugman and to help Hartsbrook fifth graders train for the Olympiad, the current sixth grade parents and students came together last Saturday to build a long jump. After the top layer of grass was removed with heavy machinery, everyone worked hard to dig the pit, add the framing and dump sand. Undaunted by the cold rainy weather, we completed the project in four hours and ended with an inaugural jump by the sixth graders. 


 A big thank you goes to Evan Jones of Cowls Lumber for giving a discount on materials, Shawn Lamoureux for bringing necessary equipment, Tom Hallisey for lending his tools and carpentry know-how, Judy Loebel for hot chocolate and cookies, Jennifer Hall-Witt for organizing the project and all the families who donated the necessary funds and their efforts to make the long jump a reality. 


Kirsten McGee, Assistant Teacher and Parent      


High School Happenings

10th Grade Performs Major Barbara


The tenth grade presented their final performance of "Major Barbara" last Wednesday in front of a packed house of High School and Middle School students.  The cast did a terrific job mastering British accents from different regions and social classes and of polishing their performances on a tight rehearsal schedule.  


The four lead roles were played by Nora Cooper, exchange student Louis Ehret, Oliver Noyes and Ruby Dirks.  Other international students also played important roles both on and off stage.  The comic show stealer was Sarah Wennemyr as the upper class twit, Charles Lomax.



Tony Cape, Director

High School Halloween Party


The 11th grade organized this year's High School Halloween party, with Monadnock Waldorf High School as guests. They put in a tremendous effort to prepare dinner for 100 people, decorate Piening Hall, set up a game room, and arrange a DJ. The evening of dancing included a limbo contest and prizes for best costumes. Both schools completely cleaned and restored the space in preparation for an open house the next morning. 

Chip Weems, High School Science and Technology

 Scrip Tip!   Make sure Your Vote Counts at Florence Savings Bank

Last year the Hartsbrook School received $2,038 in grant funding through this program. This year the total being donated to local non-profits has been increased to $100,000 with each award based on the number of votes the organization receives. In order to vote you must have an account or loan with FSB - even a child can vote if his or her name is on an account; you can also vote online at .  The Scrip committee will also provide paper ballots at the Main Office and at Friday morning coffee. Please vote for the Hartsbrook School today! Thank you!
 Contact Vesna for more information.
Thank you,
Vesna Vasovic, Main Office Administrator

Around Campus 

For more photos, be sure to check out Hartsbrook Photo Site.
For the password, check the back of your directory or call the main office.



Community Bulletin Board 

SEEKING ODD JOBS: Versatile Hartsbrook mother seeking any odd jobs - domestic tasks, child/elder care, cooking, outdoor work/gardening, filing, organizing, beautifying, editing, illustrating?  email Tanya at or call 413 658 7153 


TEMPORARY HOUSING NEEDED: Hello, I am Mike Kantrowitz,, and moving to Northampton area by December. I am looking to rent a room, or other accommodation for a month to get acquainted in the area. I am easy to get along with and willing to help! From household tasks to splitting wood, I'm glad to pitch in!. Contact: or by phone: 860-754-6629 


BIOGRAPHY WORKSHOP: November 16,  2-4pm  with Kathleen Bowen "Taking the Next Step"

What newborn idea, attribute, feeling or skill are you currently nurturing in yourself? What are your resources? What have you brought with you and what have your acquired? What is needed for your next step? We will create a book of handmade envelopes and fill them with images so that the deeper meaning in our life can speak. 2 hours......with potential of 'round two'. Held at Honeybee Nursery Kindergarten, Hadley, MA. Fee is a sliding scale of $15-$25.  Register at 413-210-5400 or  

ADVENT WREATH MAKING WORKSHOP: November 15, 2-4pm  with Amy Burkey and John Rollinson The making, history, meaning and use of Advent wreaths.  Come as one or a pair and create a wreath base and greens with candles which your family will have forever.  We will learn songs and simple home rituals which bring alive the inner meaning of the Advent season.  Held at Honeybee Nursery Kindergarten, Hadley, MA.  Cost is $45, which includes materials  Register at 413-210-5400 or 


WANT RAW MILK? Our raw milk coop is looking for new members to join our rotating schedule for picking up milk from Robinson Farm in Hardwick, MA. Grass fed, certified organic, available in glass bottles, fresh and absolutely delicious!  Hadley/Northampton based, started by a Hartsbrook family.  Email Jennifer Hall-Witt (mom of Alex in the 4th grade and Lane in the 6th grade) if you are interested:


YOUNG WRITERS WORKSHOPS Woven Word workshops build on a wealth of experience in what makes young writers tick. We offer an enriched workshop setting complete with great prompts, lots of choices and permission to have fun. Session II begins 11/19. Thursdays After School (Elementary-Middle) , Wednesday Home School Writers (Elementary-Middle aged). MORE INFO:

 Lynn Bowmaster, 413-584-3373 or

ONLINE NUTRITION COURSE: Craig Fear, Nutritional Therapist at Pioneer Valley Nutritional Therapy has just released Fearless Digestion, a new online course for those with chronic digestive issues.  The course is rooted in the wisdom and healing power of traditional foods.  Learn more at and contact Craig for a special 10% off Hartsbrook discount. 

The Community Bulletin Board is for small classified-type advertisements. Each submission costs $5.00, is limited to 3 paid repeats and should be no more than 4 lines of text, about 45 words. Payment for Community Bulletin Board submissions should be made by Friday of the publication week. No charge for advertisements for free events or nonprofit organizations. Submit ads to:  



General Policy for the Bulletin  No political or religious advertisements.  No competitive program advertisements.  No fundraisers.  The editors will decide placement of advertisements and may edit for content and length.  The Hartsbrook School retains the right to choose not to print any advertisement.

Hartsbrook: Clarity of Thought ~ Warmth of Heart - Strength of Purpose