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In This Issue
Thank you for sharing
From the President of the Board
Spreading Awareness
It's Time to Talk About Summer Camp
Tech Corner
Advice from a Grandparent
Conferences & Convention Updates
Important Resources

Bi-Monthly Webcasts


Info for Teachers


Extraordinary Gifts, Unique Challenges
an Introduction to Williams Syndrome

Therapies for Education
"Tear Sheet" Primers

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WS in the News

Photos From
WSA Events

Pictures with Santa

Tri-State Region Holiday Party

Beauty Tips Salon Cut-a-Thon

November/December 2013
Thank you for Sharing...
How many cards did you receive over the past holiday? And how many included personal notes to "fill you in" on the busy lives of your friends and relatives? The number of cards I receive today is far less than in years' past, but I look at them differently, and they look different. There are fewer "holiday letters" but many more "photo essays". If you are anything like me, you enjoy the photo cards far more ...

From the President of the Board
Anthony Vecchia, MD
One of my privileges as President of the Board of Trustees is having the opportunity to write a President's Message for the newsletter. As I put pen to paper, I wanted to write something inspiring to our members. Unfortunately, the last time I checked, I didn't find myself all that inspiring. I sat back and thought for a while and realized that it's the families of the WSA that inspire me! They are the backbone of this organization, spreading awareness, fundraising, and creating wonderful support systems. It always amazes me how much...

Spreading Awareness of Williams Syndrome

May is the WSA's Williams Syndrome Awareness Month. Throughout the country, more than 100 events will be held to increase community understanding of Williams syndrome. In 2013, more than 40 walks attracted nearly 10,000 walkers & runners and raised $300,000 for scholarships, medical assistance and research. Fifty other events of all kinds - from picnics and parties, to {embraceable} premiers and kick ball tournaments helped increase awareness and provide family support in more than...


It's Time to Think About Summer Camp

For those of us in the colder parts of the country it may be hard to think about summer camp with the snow flying outside and temperatures hovering at freezing or below. But what better way to help shorten the winter months than by making plans for the summer. This year's WSA Camp offerings are...
Tech Corner
Robin Pegg, M.Ed, COTA/L, ATP   

Ever hand your phone or iPad to your kiddo to play with only to find out they have added, deleted, or re-arranged your apps?

Now what?

Advice from a Grandparent

We are always happy to hear from our members who have  advice to share.  Joan Hartley, the grandmother of a child with Williams syndrome shares her tips for other grandparents.  




Conference & Convention Updates

February 14 & 15.  

The Upper Midwest Region will Host an Educational Conference for Professionals and Families at the Doubletree - Minneapolis, Park Place...   


July 2 - 6. 

WSA's Canyon Region will host the 2014 National Convention at the Hyatt-Orange County in Garden Grove, CA.  Join us for 4 days of education...