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In This Issue
We're Making a Difference
WSA Expands Assistive Technology Initiative
WSA is recognized as a Top Charity
Regional Conferences will increase
National Convention Update
Regional News
Important Resources

Bi-Monthly Webcasts


Info for Teachers


Extraordinary Gifts, Unique Challenges
an Introduction to Williams Syndrome

Therapies for Education
"Tear Sheet" Primers

WS in the News

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September/October 2013
We're Making a Difference...
How many times have we sat around the kitchen table at a family gathering and listened to our elders tell us how much things have changed - they love to remind us that it wasn't that long ago that candy bars were a quarter, gasoline was less than $1 per gallon and you could go to a Saturday Matinee for just a dollar or two? It is not just the material things that have changed in price and quality over the years. As the WSA becomes more involved in its Assistive Technology Pilot Project and other education initiatives, I have been struck by similar profound changes...

WSA Expands Assistive Technology Initiative to help determine best ways to help young adults acquire a higher level of independence with life skills 
The WSA has developed a partnership with the Berkshire Hills Music Academy to help define better ways to teach daily living skills and increase independence for young adults with Williams syndrome. The Academy is a perfect place for the Williams Syndrome Association's pilot study due to the large population of students with Williams syndrome of varying abilities as well as those...

WSA is recognized as a TOP HEALTH & MEDICAL RESEARCH CHARITY for 2013s

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the world's largest annual workplace charity campaign. The CFC accepts donations to thousands of charities each year from Federal civilian, postal and military donors. The WSA is honored to be one of 156 charities listed by the CFC in 2013 as the "Best health and medical research charities in America".


Regional Conferences will increase in number and scope beginning in 2014

Recognizing that the National Convention, as wonderful as it is, can be an impossible trip for many families, the WSA will begin hosting 3-5 Regional Conferences per year in 2014. Each conference will include a special Friday workshop for educators and other professionals, and a family conference and "after hours" social event for families on Saturday. We will schedule the conferences based on convention locations (the regions furthest from a Convention location will have conferences scheduled in convention years), local committee availability and school calendars.  
National Convention Update
July 2-5, 2014, Anaheim, CA


On the Facebook groups and throughout other social media and family events, folks are asking about the National Convention. What is it? Will I be missing something important if I don't attend? Is there financial assistance to help us attend? How much does it cost? We hope the following information will help answer your questions. 
Regional News

The Mid-Atlantic Region
welcomes new CO-Regional Chairperson Erin Rupolo. Erin joins Lisa Ridgley to support families in DC, MD, VA, WV, NC & DE. Erin and Lisa have worked together to organize the Frederick Walk for several years, and Erin is an administrator of the WS Support group on Facebook. Erin and her husband Brian have 2 children. Barrett, age 6, and 4 year old Sophie (WS).