Welcome Sandie!
Mrs. Sandie Pagel has recently joined the District Resources team as an administrative assistant. Sandie lives in Wausau with her husband and two children, worshiping at Trinity, Wausau. Her experiences as a church secretary and most recently as a school administrative assistant have prepared her very well for our work here at District Resources. Say "HI" to Sandie the next time you email, call, or stop in.

 Autumn is in the Air!
Click this link to share and view LCEF Upper Midwest's latest quarterly publication!
 January Leadership Meetings
Each January the District Resources staff travel the NWD for Leadership Meetings. 2016 has new sessions available. Check with your church leadership to see if anyone is attending. Topics, presenters, and locations can be found on the NWD homepage by clicking here.

 Peru Mission Trip
The NWD is planning a short term mission trip for summer 2016. The team of 6-8 must have at least half that are fluent in Spanish. Those accepted will need to raise their support. Is your church ready and willing to help a Spanish speaking member serve on the first NWD mission team to Peru? Contact DJ with questions.
 Special 3.5% Offering Ends Dec. 15
The 3.5% 35 month fixed rate LCEF term note offering is coming to an end. The incredible response from LCMS members has helped reach the $40 million goal in one month's time. LCEF will honor the 3.5% applications if received by December 15, 2015 at the LCEF office in St. Louis. If you have questions regarding this term note, please call an Investor Representative at 1-800-843-5233.
"Supporting your ministry as you reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ"Dennis Johnson
LCEF Vice-President
�2015 | 3103 Seymour Lane, Wausau, WI 54401 | 715-845-8241