Nov. 20, 2015
 Leadership Meetings - January 2016
Every January the District Resources staff travels the NWD for Leadership Meetings. 2016 has new sessions available. Check with your church leadership to see who is attending. Topics, presenters, and locations are found on the NWD website at homepage by clicking here.  

 Welcome Mrs. Sandie Pagel
Mrs. Sandie Pagel has recently joined the District Resources team as an administrative assistant. Sandie lives in Wausau with her husband and two children, worshiping at Trinity, Wausau. Her experiences as a church secretary and most recently as a school administrative assistant have prepared her very well for our work here at District Resources. Say "HI" to Sandie the next time you email, call, or stop in.

 Principal Professional Development
Modeling growth is an important task for school leaders. Three important opportunities are available now:
 Hearts For Jesus
Hearts for Jesus this school year will again be held during the month of February. After a national event in 2014 and an international event in 2015, this year the event will be local, in our North Wisconsin District. Peace Campus Center is a campus ministry to the students attending UW-St. Point. Pastor Andy Weden leads the ministry and is currently involved in a special project to expand the outreach of Peace Campus Center. Watch for details coming soon.

 Reformation 500
The Synod website for celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation is now live. Consider these ideas and resources as part of your theme for the 2016-17 school year!
 Want To Be Informed?
Four different newsletters and a weekly devotion are free, delivered to your email box, and provide a glimpse into the important work your District Resources is doing to encourage, network and equip churches and schools in the NWD. Tell your teachers and members. Sign up easily at this link 
 National Lutheran Schools Week
NLSW is celebrated nationally on January 24-30, 2016. While some may celebrate other times of the year, resources are now available to promote this special week with your stakeholders. See what's available at 
 Important Dates
  • NLSW, Jan. 24-30, 2016
  • WCRIS w/Marzano, Pewaukee, February 12, 2016
  • Principal Academy/Summit, Feb. 17
  • LEA Administrators Conference, April 7-9, 2016
  • Principal Academy/Summit, April ?? (Tentative)
  • National Youth Gathering, July 16-20, 2016
  • NWD Back to School Summit, August ??, 2016
  • LEA National Teachers Conference Oct. 13-15, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!DJ Schult
Assistant to the President
�2015 | 3103 Seymour Lane, Wausau, WI 54401 | 715-845-8241