July 17, 2014
The National Accreditation Commission meets at the end of the month. I will be attending to learn about the tweaks and changes coming as a result of the pilots now completed. Seven of our schools are hoping to receive official accreditation status.
 Written Curriculum
Excited to have a handful of leaders participating in the first pitch from Curriculum Trak on July 23. We will put our heads together and consider how best to move forward after the event. Stay tuned!
 Chapels and Visits
Thanks to those who have scheduled me for chapel already. I am completing my visit schedule for the fall and winter. If you didn't see me last year, you should see me this year. Watch for the schedule, and let me know if I missed you!

 Mentor Program
If you didn't see the Listserv post that included a sample New Teacher-Mentor Handbook, you missed a great tool. It is saved on the nwdlcms.org website as an exemplar. Use it to put something in place or improve your tool! http://www.nwdlcms.org/Schools.html
 SAMR - Heard of It?
Thanks to Anna Kramer for this link, showing the typical implementation of technology in a school. Are you helping your staff progress to the level that best describes meaningful teaching and learning? Google image SAMR and see all the awesome graphics! https://sites.google.com/a/msad60.org/technology-is-learning/samr-model
 Tech and Personalized Learning
This is one of those articles that has big picture implementation thoughts and case studies that will help you help any board member better understand your vision. Must read. http://tinyurl.com/kjsnoox
 Constitution Changes
Help remind the leaders you work with that any Constitution and By-Law changes must be submitted to the NWD for review and approval. This is a Synod requirement.
 Save the Date
  • NWD Golf Outing July 28
  • Hearts for Jesus submission deadline August 1
  • Principals Leadership Retreat August 4-6
  • Early Childhood Conference August 8
  • New Worker Orientation August 14   
  • SWD Principals Conference September 23
  • Pre-Retirement Workshop October 17-18
  • PCWC October 23-24
  • WCRIS February 6
  • LEA Administrators Conference February 12-14
Praying you have real rest before your launch
into the next school year.
DJ Schult
Assistant to the President
�2014 | 3103 Seymour Lane, Wausau, WI 54401 | 715-845-8241