I N T E R F A I T H   O U T R E A C H   &   C O M M U N I T Y   P A R T N E R S
Creating opportunities for all to thrive

         e-Touch                                                                     February 2014            

LaDonnaAs frigid February hands off its record-setting cold to March, overtaxed furnaces groan, schools and businesses reconnoiter to make up lost days, pipes freeze, and even the hardiest among us can only wonder will spring ever come?


Here's some news that might not do much for your furnace or pipes or snow/cold weariness, but might just warm your heart.


In February, 657 families of our community who struggle with more than cold were able to keep a roof overhead, food on the table, kids cared for, cars running and jobs intact, thanks to a community that notices and cares in all kinds of weather.


A wellspring of hope is already theirs because of folks like you. No matter the wind chill.


Thank you, friends! Your faithfulness warms our hearts. Spring is on its way.


LaDonna Hoy

Executive Director

Did You Know?

--For every $1 donated, IOCP can purchase about $9 worth of food from Second Harvest Heartland. 


--ReSale 101's Ladies Night event brought in 

$2,935 in sales in 2.5 hours to support IOCP programs. Thank you for your support!


--R.T. Rybak, executive director of Generation Next and former Minneapolis mayor, is the featured speaker at the Caring for Kids Initiative Breakfast on May 1. 

Upcoming Events  

4/10     Orono Empty Bowls

IOCP's Minnesota FoodShare Campaign
The IOCP Food Shelf's most needed items

March is Minnesota FoodShare month, a time when community members like you come together to help our struggling neighbors.  


This year, we've set a goal of collecting 100,000 lbs. of food and $100,000 for the IOCP Food Shelf to
help meet the increased need in our community. This vital campaign helps stock our food shelf over the high demand summer months when children are home from school and donations tend to shrink.


Can you help by making a donation, buying a couple bags of groceries or organizing a neighborhood food drive? Our most needed items are: flour; sugar; cooking oil; tuna; cereal; diapers; toilet paper; paper towels; dish and laundry soap; feminine hygiene products; and toothpaste. Thank you for your generosity! 

Meet Maria 


Maria arrived at IOCP 7 months pregnant with her first child on a bitterly cold winter day, wearing only a thin jacket. Her English skills were limited, but she was able to communicate that her husband had a job at an area restaurant. Still, they were struggling.


"My doctor referred me to IOCP to access better nutrition for me and my baby," Maria said. 


She was amazed to learn she could come to the food shelf and pick out items for her family twice a month - and all for free. Maria filled a cart up with healthy food. And before she left, she also received a baby layette for her little one on the way, information about how to register for English classes and a warm winter coat. She was taking the first steps toward stability for her new family of three.


Volunteer Spotlight  
"I enjoy teaching and seeing IOCP clients obtain knowledge and understanding in using computer software. It is very rewarding to give them a solid foundation in using the software through the IOCP classes and into the future." 
-- John Sweeney, Employment Services
Thank you to John and all our employment volunteers! Read more about John.

St. Paddy's Day Pack the Pantry Party


Support the IOCP Food Shelf, and stop by McCormick's Pub & Restaurant in Wayzata between noon and 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 15. Bring a bag of nonperishable food or donate $20 for the food shelf, and enjoy free cover charge (a $5 value). 

Downton Abbey Tea Party


Terri R. Wehling and Peg Rasmussen  
Party goers truly embraced the Downton spirit, donning period attire for the Downton Abbey Tea Party earlier this month at the beautiful Four Seasons at Rush Creek in Maple Grove. The event featured a multi-course tea and fun based on the hit show. Over $6,000 was raised to support IOCP's programs!  
A huge thanks to those who attended and to our generous event sponsors, including The Foursome; Peg's Countryside Catering; Franklin Press, Inc.; The Bookcase; Torke Coffee; Chico's; Bloom Time Floral; Kimbra Ness, Keller Williams; and Goorin Brothers Hat Shop.  
The mission of IOCP is to engage the heart and will of the community to respond to emergency needs and create opportunities for all to thrive.
Contact Us
1605 County Road 101 N
Plymouth MN 55447
(763) 489-7500
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Interfaith Outreach & Community Partners and the IOCP Endowment Fund, which solely benefits IOCP, are registered         501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Gifts to either organization are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.