xTupler #33  ||   February 2014
xTuple CEO Ned LillyDear ,


Mid-February here in the U.S. and much of the country is buried under more snow and ice. For sports fans, the Super Bowl is over, it's still several weeks until the college basketball tournament, and there's a general feeling of "meh" (yes, I own that shirt - a gift from the xTuple staff some years back!)


Time to shake off winter and talk about exciting things on the horizon for 2014!


First, I'm pleased to announce xTuple version 4.3 release, debuting xTuple Distribution. The Distribution Edition replaces the former Standard Edition, which will be retired, and includes integration with third party catalogs and pricing services including Trade Service, as well as other enhancements formerly found in an add-on package called xWD. These features are generally useful for any wholesale distributor, but were specifically designed to meet the needs of the electrical, HVAC, plumbing and industrial supply marketplace.


For manufacturers, we're extending the Mobile Web client into shop floor and warehousing environments, including ruggedized wireless barcode scanners running Android. Our commitment to bring all functionality of the Desktop client into Mobile Web - unique among ERP vendors of any size - is blazing ahead, with significant pieces of Sales, Purchasing, Inventory and Manufacturing now available for tablets and smartphones. (We poked fun about this in a recent blog post, but it contains a word that may trigger your spam filter, so just look for it here!)


What else is coming up?

  • By the end of 2014, all functionality in PostBooks, Distribution and Manufacturing Editions will be available in Mobile Web.
  • Next month unveils the release of xTupleCommerce 2.0, our fully ERP-integrated customer-facing Web Portal for sales and service.
  • Work continues on the manufacturing-focused Quality Management module, featuring control plans, revisions and inspections, all fully integrated into the manufacturing process flow.
  • Free Trial and Cloud refinements - in addition to the Desktop and Mobile Web clients, look for more integrated Business Intelligence tools, as well as a trial of xTupleCommerce.
  • #xTupleCon14 - we're already planning this year's global user conference, and it is bigger and better than ever imagined; you heard it here first - #xTupleCon14 SAVE THE DATE - watch for agenda and early bird ticket announcements coming soon!


If you'd like to know more about any of this, please contact the xTuple Sales Team. You'll be hearing a lot more about what we're calling xTuple's "three-legged stool" of products to support your business:

  1. The traditional Desktop client for office users who are comfortable with the familiar interface
  2. The Mobile Web client for people not tied to a desk and need (or prefer) a modern browser interface
  3. The xTupleCommerce Web Portal to empower your customers' interactions with you directly online

Thanks, as always, for your support of the world's #1 open source ERP.

ned signature
Ned Lilly
President and CEO
  • Customer Corner
  • Partner Feature
  • xTupleCommerce
  • Meet the Staff 
  • New Webinar Series
  • 2014 Training
  • Macworld | iWorld 
  • Distance Learning /Survey/ 
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Where's Wally? Macworld 2014


Touted as the best place for "all things Apple," xTuple's Vice President of Sales, Wally Tonra, again takes to the Macworld / iWorld show floor March 27-29, 2014, at Moscone North in San Francisco, California (USA). Wally will offer "test drives" of xTuple's Mobile Web application, fully interoperable with the classic Desktop client, on the Apple iPad and iPhone at his booth in the Appalooza Showcase.


The conference agenda includes over 50 Tech Talks to make you a power user. Wally has a few show passes to spare, so if you are interested in what's new, what's best and how to make the most out of the Apple and related products you (and Wally) love, register to win here:


I want a pass to Macworld 2014. 


Learn more about xTuple for your Supply Chain Management needs. 

xTupleCommerce launches, Introducing new Web Services Group

In December 2013, we announced the availability of xTupleCommerce - version 2.0 of eCommerce Web Portal - and the acquisition of internationally renowned Web design and development company Artsmith Media to support exploding customer demand for the online business solution.


With special expertise in the Drupal content management system, Artsmith's founding president Josh Fischer leads the xTupleCommerce team as part of the newly formed Web Services Group (WSG), tasked with delivering ERP-powered website solutions. Current Artsmith customers now have access to an expanded array of products and services from xTuple, including the new eCommerce Web Portal.


xTupleCommerce gives a company's business and retail customers direct access to order from online catalogs, so they can serve themselves day or night, from anywhere in the world. A fully integrated, turnkey eCommerce and ERP system empowers any organization to manage the complex requirements of online business, while using the data generated within the system to enhance customer service, cross-sell products and drive more sales.

Learn about xTupleCommerce - online selling, integrated with your ERP - to grow your business. 


xTupleR Staffer Features
Tom Atkins of xTuple
Tom Atkins
Software Engineer


Joined: June 2012
Mission: Build Wholesale Distribution-specific offering in xTuple ERP.
CV: MIS Administrator for an electrical distributor; degree in Electronic Engineering Personal: Lives in Alabama with his dog and wife.
Avocation: Plays guitar, although "my vocals could use some work."
Why technology as a career? U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' G.I. Bill which provides educational assistance to military service members.
Social: Not unless I have to.


Gene Levow
Quality Assurance (QA) Manager


Joined: February 2013
Mission: Product Validation for Desktop and Mobile Applications. CV: Liberty Tax Service, Trader Publishing; CTFL, Testing Certification; Associates Degree in Information Technology, working on B.A.
Personal: Lives in Virginia Beach with wife, Monica; cat, Mose; and toddlers Charlotte and Max.
Why technology as a career? At an Old Dominion University (ODU) Career Fair and gave my resume to a GE representative for fun, they offered an internship in QA and I've never looked back.
Social: Twitter LinkedIn


Ann Tucci
Office Manager


Joined: September 2012
Mission: AR/AP, license key generation, event planning and logistics, generally "herding cats."
CV: Local accelerator Hatch Norfolk by way of software developer We Are Titans (WAT), including planning and logistics for entrepreneurial competitions Start Norfolk 1 & 2; Marketing degree from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).
Personal: Significant other, Courtney Hayes. Lives in Norfolk's Ocean View by the Chesapeake Bay with one lazy house cat, Bouncer.
Avocation: Jaycees, CrossFit, recycling.
Why technology as a career? Starting in the field at WAT, organizing the first Start Norfolk, really drove my interest in a technology career.
Social: Facebook Twitter


Will Cline
System Administrator/IT


Joined: February 2013
Mission: Keep everyone at xTuple working.
CV: Liquidweb Web Hosting; degree in Anthropology from William and Mary College (W&M)
Personal: Lives in Norfolk's Wards Corner with two dogs; USA Hockey Certified Referee.
Avocation: Hockey; Detroit Sports, especially the Redwings.
Why technology as a career? It makes sense.
Social: Facebook Flickr1 Flickr2


 xTuple Partner Feature: Technology Advisory Group 
Affordable, feature-packed xTuple is logical choice for smaller manufacturers


Affordable, feature-packed xTuple is logical choice for smaller manufacturers, says TAG

Todd Zabel of Technology Advisory Group (TAG) helps his clients and prospects identify business issues, determine how to solve problems, evaluate and implement business systems, all so they can run their companies more effectively and grow.


While he has worked with QuickBooks, Sage and SYSPRO software solutions, Zabel realized many small- to mid-sized manufacturers really needed help. They need functionality just like the big manufacturers without the high costs. And he didn't have a good solution for them.


After much research and testing, Zabel chose xTuple ERP because, not only was it an affordable solution originally developed for the manufacturing market, the company offered a better, more responsive relationship than larger software vendors.


Said Zabel, "I'm much more interested in that sort of relationship with our software vendors, to really work hard and have good product that really takes care of those clients and their needs and what's coming ahead and for their growth...that's what it feels like we are going to get with xTuple."


Learn more about xTuple's Partner Program 

 xTuple Customer Corner: Bike Shop Hub
Outgrowing QuickBooks and running on Windows, Mac & Linux


Outgrowing QuickBooks and running on Windows, Mac & Linux, BikeShopHub chooses open source xTuple

Bike Shop Hub, located in Arizona, sells retail bicycle accessories.And, not dissimilar from businesses around the world, theirs is a multi-platform operation.


"Primarily our offices run on Macintosh desktops, some Windows systems, but mostly we are using Mac, and then our enterprise systems are running Linux," says Bike Shop Hub's software developer Frank Koenen.


Koenen supports the company's infrastructure, all based on open source solutions, for eCommerce sales and all of the logistics involved in doing online sales. Open source was part of the decision to go with xTuple.


As we hear many times with new customers, the company found their volume had outgrown the current accounting system, and they needed a much more scalable solution for the size of the business today and their anticipated growth trajectory.


More xTuple Customer Success Stories 

 In-Class Training 2014 

REGISTERPower User Training
March 3-6, 2014, Norfolk, Virginia, also available online (34 CPEs)



American Rover REGISTERSetup, Configuration & Operation
May 19-23, 2014, Norfolk, Virginia (40 CPEs)


Special Event! All attendees of xTuple's Training classes in Norfolk, Virginia, are treated to an event to be to determined. Weather-permitting, we sail through Hampton Roads Harbor past the largest Navy base in the world aboard the America Rover, Norfolk's three-masted topsail schooner.


 New Educational Tracks - Online Training (free) 2014
Complimentary webinars are held at 1:15 p.m. Eastern Time (GMT-05:00-US & Canada) or Find Your Time Zone. Each webinar earns you one (1) CPE credit.



Webinar: How to Automate Your Business Software Connections
Track: Business Management Solutions

March 5 (Wednesday) 


Webinar: Solutions You Need to Sell Online - eCommerce Solutions
Track: eCommerce Solutions

April 2 (Wednesday) 

Future topics include: Cloud Computing, Business Intelligence, Managing Projects, and more.
Past events are recorded and archived for your convenience:


Webinar: How to Enhance My Software (and Simplify My Life) with Custom Development
Track: Tech Solutions
See VIDEO from January 22 (Wednesday)


Webinar: How to Choose the Right Material Requirements Planning (MRP) System for Lean Inventory Management
Track: Operations & Planning

See VIDEO from February 18 (Tuesday) 

CPE LogoContinuing Professional Education (CPE) credits are available for every training event offered by xTuple, unless otherwise noted, authorized by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA)


xTuple Enterprise Edition in the Cloud Free Trial 

Try xTuple ERP Enterprise Edition - the commercially-licensed offering with both Mobile Web and Desktop applications - all unlimited features hosted for 30 days. Enterprise in the Cloud [FREE TRIAL]
About xTuple
Grow Your World with the World's #1 open source ERP - the leading provider of commercial open source business management software for small- to mid-sized companies. Connect with the developer community at xTuple.org, the partner community at NextBusinessBlog.com and the company at xTuple.com.
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