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 Issue 67                                                                          February 2015
In This Issue
Action Step Webinars
CCC Implementation Grant RFP
2015 WI CCC Summit
Two Wisconsin Tobacco Reports Released
Affordable Care Act's Tobacco Cessation Benefits
National Meeting to Increase HPV Vaccination Rates
WI CCC Program Staff Updates
New WI Cancer Council Members
Partner Events
Quick Links
Greetings from the WI CCC Program!

Dear WI Comprehensive Cancer Control Partner,

The groundhog's shadow can't even get in the way of the WI CCC Program team this February as we continue to prepare for a busy spring. Thank you to those of you who took time to submit Action Step ideas for the 2015-2020 WI Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan Priorities. We invite all of you to participate in the upcoming Action Step Webinars scheduled for later this month. You can find the full schedule below.


We are pleased to announce that the 2015 WI Comprehensive Cancer Control Summit will be held on May 28, 2015 at The Madison Concourse Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin. Please mark your calendars! More information will be made available in upcoming monthly newsletters and on


For cancer control news and updates please see the articles below and visit our website regularly. 


Your WI CCC Program Team

Join Our Mailing List!
Participate in the WI CCC Plan 2015-2020 Action Step Webinars 

You are invited to participate in one or more of the Action Step Webinars for the updated WI Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2015-2020. Each of these webinars will review and discuss proposed Action Steps for one of the Priority Tables in the WI CCC Plan 2015-2020. Thank you to those who provided ideas for Action Steps through the emailed survey sent in January 2015. All of the survey responses and proposed Action Steps will be reviewed in their respective webinars.


Below you will find the Action Step Webinar schedule. We ask that you join the webinars of interest to you using the log in and call in information below. Each Action Step Webinar will use the same log in and call information and there is no need to RSVP. Please provide ample to time prior to each webinar to log in successfully. Each

webinar will begin promptly at the start time. 


Webinar Information

To join the webinar click here

Dial-In: 1 (888) 582-3528

Passcode: 6974669#

The Action Step Webinars are your chance to contribute to the development of Wisconsin's next five-year Cancer Plan. We thank you in advance for your participation! If you have questions regarding the survey or the webinars, please contact Michelle Moreau. The Priority Tables and Plan Framework are available on our website homepage:





Tuesday, February 17

7: Increase use of recommended cancer screenings


4: Increase HPV vaccine completion


Wednesday, February 18

1: Decrease tobacco use and exposure to tobacco



2: Increase healthy, active lifestyles


11:30am - 12:30pm

6: Decrease exposure to radon


1:30 - 2:00pm

5: Decrease exposure to ultraviolet radiation

2:15 - 2:45pm


3: Decrease high risk alcohol consumption


3:00 - 3:30pm

Thursday, February 19

13: Improve WI specific cancer related data collection and use (Strategies b - e)

11:00am - 12:00pm

Tuesday, February 24

9: Increase access to quality cancer care and services


10: Increase participation in cancer clinical trials


Wednesday, February 25

12: Increase advance care planning


2:00 - 2:30pm

11: Increase awareness and knowledge of issues relevant to cancer survivors

3:00 - 4:00pm


CCC Implementation Grant RFP Released

Purpose: The Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control Program is soliciting proposals for "CCC Implementation Grants" that support the implementation of the WI CCC Plan 2015-2020. The intent is to fund local projects that address cancer prevention and control efforts in Wisconsin, linking directly to the priorities or strategies in the WI CCC Plan 2015-2020. The projects will be implemented from April 2015 - October 2016.


Number of grants and amount of funding:  The total number of awards and the final amount awarded is dependent upon the number and scope of projects submitted and funds available. We will be awarding applicants grants ranging from $10,000 - $20,000 over 18 months.


Who can apply? Community based organizations, healthcare systems, health departments and other health related agencies and nonprofit organizations that are based in Wisconsin, serve Wisconsinites and work on cancer related issues. The applicant organization must be a member of the Wisconsin Cancer Council and an organization can only submit one project proposal.

Important Dates to Remember:  

Applications due electronically

Friday, February 27, 2015 at 5:00 pm

Applications are reviewed

Mon, March 2 - Thur, March 12, 2015

Award notifications sent via e-mail

Monday, March 16, 2015

Completed contract paperwork due via e-mail

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Project period begins

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Project period ends

Friday, October 14, 2016


Please remember proposals are due electronically on Friday, February 27, 2015. The Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2015-2020 Framework, including priorities and strategies can now be found at 

2015 WI CCC Summit Scheduled for May 28, 2015

Save the Date! 


We are pleased to announce the 2015 Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control Summit will be held on May 28, 2015 at The Madison Concourse Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin. Please stay tuned and regularly visit the 2015 Summit webpage for upcoming details. 

Two Wisconsin Tobacco Reports Released

Within the last month, two Wisconsin tobacco related reports were released: The WI Burden of Tobacco Report and WI State of Tobacco Control.  These reports provide a current picture of tobacco use and prevention in Wisconsin.  While smoking rates in adults and youth have decreased over the past few years, the WI Burden of Tobacco Report states that the annual economic toll of tobacco in Wisconsin was approximately $3 billion paid in direct health care costs and $1.6 billion in lost productivity.  The WI State of Tobacco Control released by the American Lung Association found that in 2014 Wisconsin continues to have mixed results in enacting tobacco control policies: 

  • Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Funding - Grade F
  • Tobacco Taxes - Grade B
  • Smokefree Air - Grade A
  • Access to Cessation Services - Grade F

For a quick look at  WI tobacco prevention and control numbers, check out the WI Tobacco Prevention & Control Data Look for January 2015 here.

Affordable Care Act's Tobacco Cessation Benefits

A recently published article in The New England Journal of Medicine "Helping Smokers Quit - Opportunities Created by the Affordable Care Act"highlights the Affordable Care Act's guidance for tobacco cessation treatment coverage. In summary, a group health plan or health insurance issuer are required to cover tobacco-use counseling and interventions. Requirements are met if insurers and health plans provide the following, without cost sharing or prior authorization

  1. Screening of all patients for tobacco use; and
  2. At least two tobacco-cessation attempts per year for enrollees who use tobacco, with coverage of each quit attempt including:
    • Four tobacco-cessation counseling sessions, each at least 10 minutes long (including telephone, group, and individual counseling), and
    • Any FDA-approved tobacco-cessation medications (whether prescription or over-the-counter) for a 90-day treatment regimen when prescribed by a health care provider*

*As of January 2015, FDA approved smoking cessation medications include: five nicotine medications (patch, gum, lozenge, nasal spray, and inhaler) and two non-nicotine pills (bupropion and varenicline). 

National Meeting to Increase HPV Vaccination Rates

In January, two members of the Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control team, Sarah Mroz and Dr. Amy Godecker, attended a meeting at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida to collaborate with other health professionals from around the country on increasing HPV vaccination rates. The WI CCC Program is one of eighteen recipients of a National Cancer Institute grant that aims to address low HPV vaccination rates among adolescents.

Sarah Mroz and Dr. Amy Godecker with other Tampa meeting attendees.
Dr. Otis Brawley, Chief Medical Officer of the American Cancer Society, kicked off the meeting noting that by age 40, 90 percent of women have been exposed to HPV, a statistic indicating HPV's widespread prevalence. Though the virus clears up on its own in most cases, it can also lead to cancer. The vaccine is recommended for females ages 9 up to 26 and for males ages 9 up to 21 but is most effective when administered between the ages of 11 to 12 for both males and females. The WI CCC Program plans to collaborate with partners around the state and nation to meet the goal of having 80 percent of adolescent boys and girls receive all three doses by 2020.
WI CCC Program Staff Updates 

The WI CCC Program has hired Sarah Kerch as the Events & Communications Coordinator. In this role, Sarah will manage all WI CCC events and communication efforts, including the biannual Summit and the revision of the WI CCC website. Sarah returns to the WI CCC Program after a 4.5 year absence. During this time Sarah received her Master of Public Health from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and gained experience in gender-based research and the evaluation of community-based maternal and child health programs. Most recently, Sarah served as the Grantee Coordinator for the Illinois Department of Public Health's Community Transformation Grant through CDC. 

Welcome New WI Cancer Council Members!

Couleecap, Inc.

Couleecap focuses on the social determinants of health, including poverty, housing, food and transportation, seeking innovative strategies to combat poverty in the Coulee Region of Wisconsin.


A youth-adult partnership, promoting healthy lifestyle choices, TJCK is a community based coalition founded in 1988.  They aim to reduce alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among Jackson County youth by promoting community & family protective factors.

Partner Events 

February 7, 2015 - Madison, WI
February 21, 2015 - Eau Claire, WI

Leukemia Survivorship Conference
February 21, 2015
Best Western Premier Waterfront Hotel & Conference Center in Oshkosh, WI

Breast Cancer Conference for Community Health Workers
March 6, 2015
Italian Conference Center in Milwaukee, WI

Wisconsin Women's Health Policy Summit
March 10, 2015
Monona Terrace in Madison, WI

2015 Midwest Young Adult Cancer Conference
March 28, 2015
Gilda's Club Madison in Middleton, WI

2nd Annual Symposium on Therapeutics Discovery & Development
April 13, 2015
Union South in Madison, WI
Monona Terrace in Madison, WI

National Health Care Decisions Day*
April 16, 2015
*Stay tuned for ways to locally honor this day
The CCC Newsletter is a monthly publication of the Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control Program and the Wisconsin Cancer Council. Its purpose is to share information on cancer prevention and control as it relates to our partners in Wisconsin.

For more information, contact: Sarah Kerch, Communication & Events Coordinator, or 608-262-8599.