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We believe that ALL people should live free of violence and discrimination.
Look at the great moments from our AWARDS 44 Gala!

Go behind the scenes to our 

Take a look at our amazing
Check out our
A Big Warm Welcome to Our New Board Members!
Rising Costs of 
Living in OC

Did you know that a person must make $30.92 an hour or work 137 hours a week to afford two bedrooms in Orange County?
Click Here to read more!

BRIDGES Student 
Leaders Graduate

Click here to take a look at our 2015 graduates from the BRIDGES student leadership team. These students met on a monthly basis to improve campus climate across Orange County.

Restorative Justice 
to the Rescue

Restorative Justice (RJ) is being utilized in schools all over the U.S. to improve student success and reduce suspensions. 
Click here to find out how it is positively impacting young people!

BRIDGES is Looking 
for Leaders!

Are you interested in being part of the BRIDGES Youth Leadership Camp? Be a part of a fun and engaging experience!

1300 S. Grand Ave. Bldg. B., Santa Ana, CA 92705