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December 2013

Business Planning & Financial Statements Template Gallery

Everything is better with planning. Starting a business is a lot like taking a road trip, without a plan you'll end up lost. The SCORE Business Planning & Financial Statements Template Gallery has all the planning templates you'll need to navigate your small business. We provide step by step processes for your sales, marketing, business outlook, cash flow, and management plans to help get your business started on a path to success.

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Staying Afloat in the Sea of Employment Regulations
Managing a business - and keeping track of numerous employment laws - is a major challenge in today's sea of regulations. According to the report, "Small Business Problems & Priorities", compiled by the National Federation of Independent Businesses Research Foundation., the federal government alone proposes approximately 150 new rules every year that cost business owners over $100 million per rule in compliance costs. To successfully navigate the currents of law, employers need to be alert to the laws and regulations specifically related to their businesses. Learn more in this e-guide, sponsored by Paychex.

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Mobile Payment Solutions
Dell-Logo Since no one seems to carry cash anymore, nimble small businesses should set up the mobile infrastructure to accept payments anywhere and everywhere. Mobile payment solutions are now easier than ever to implement on your smartphone, but you have to wonder about the security of your customers’ payment data. Check out Dell’s Tech Page One for a discussion of the costs and benefits of mobile payment solutions, and how to make sure your customers can rest easy that their information is safe when they do business with you.

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