Worshiping together
We love to do it and that's why we are so thankful for our Beit Immanuel Worship Team who led us through a fascinating time of Discovering Worship this week at our annual End of Summer Shabbat Celebration.
Our team made up of young and old, new believers and seasoned elders divided us into small groups and lead us through a network of 9 unique challenges to rediscover the practice of worship through art, dance, history, painting, team work and the Bible.
We learned that musical notes the music scale were created so that we could worship God with songs and music. "Do," for example, comes from the Latin for Lord (Dominus).

Learning the Notes

And we danced... and choreographed dances and made music and a joyful (re:loud) noise unto the Lord.

Dancing unto the Lord
With colors and paints...

Painting His Love 
we released our imaginations and expressed our love to God. 
Creativity in Worship
Do you know...
Who it was that sang praises to God at night while in prison? Where do we find worship 24/7? We know the answers because each group had to answer Bible riddles (hint: Acts 16 and Rev. 4). 
Food for thought
Can Mom worship in the kitchen?
We even had a station where we prepared food as a sweet aroma unto the Lord (but also tasted good at the end of the celebration!) 
How do we worship?
Our prayer is that all of us, young and old, would worship our God in all things "in Spirit and in Truth."

The best part of our worship time was doing it together. The children especially enjoyed it. When our hearts are united in one the Lord is pleased and comes to dwell with us.

We thank God for all that you do for him each and everyday. Know that your service to him in love brings us great joy and encouragement!

We always love to hear from you.
The Team at Beit Immanuel Congregation