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January 2014
Responsive Coaching Special Issue


Here we are, at the start of another new beginning. Is there anything more refreshing that that feeling of a fresh start? Educators are lucky to have several of these - the beginning of the school year, the start of semesters and terms, and the first day back to school after the winter vacation. Lucky, indeed!

With new beginnings in mind, what better goal to focus on than Responsive Coaching? 
This issue of our Responsive School Network News is focused on Responsive Coaching and how JP can help you achieve your school improvement goals by utilizing our personalized professional development program.
Responsive Coaching
-Coaching Defined and the Outcomes of Coaching

Coaching may seem simple, upon first reflection, but dig a little deeper, and coaching is tool that gives and gives and gives. It gives to the coach, the coachee and trickles right on down to the students. 

What exactly IS coaching? According to Rob Horner from the University of Oregon, "Coaching is the active and iterative delivery of prompts that increase successful behavior and corrections that decrease unsuccessful behavior." Nice! To add to that explanation, coaching is done by someone with credibility and experience with the target skills, it is done on-site in real time, it is done after initial training, it is done repeatedly and it is adjusted in intensity according to need. 

Given that nice definition of coaching, what are the outcomes of it? 

Click this button for more information.
Respnsive Coaching Workshops

Have you been to our website, lately? We have an entire domain of workshops dedicated to school improvement, including our Responsive Coaching Domain.
For example...
Coaching Effective Practices: Coach Training

This session addresses the critical issue of building internal capacity for long-term success. Through modeling, group discussion and active participation, participants will develop an understanding of effective instructional delivery and clear communication with students and staff. 


Participants will then learn about the academic coach's role in supporting effective teaching practices across the curriculum. Information will be shared regarding strategies and techniques to enhance curriculum delivery; meet the needs of diverse learners; provide feedback to teachers; and increase student achievement. 


Through engaging discussion and active participation, participants will have the opportunity to learn and apply fifteen effective practices in the classroom that consistently increase student achievement. 


This workshop will also provide participants with an opportunity to explore the role of Cognitive and Responsive Coaching in creating a culture of collaboration with the goal of school turnaround.  


Click this button for more information.
 Email or call 516.561.7803 for personal assistance. 
We are here to help!  
Exclusive Professional Development Programs

Let us design a Professional Development Program exclusively for you!
Contact us about meeting with one of our experienced School Improvement Specialists and participating in a pre-assessment of your professional development needs.
Our professional development professionals will help you identify the information you need to design and implement a Professional Development Program unique to your school and staff!
Increase student performance.
Improve staff instructional practices.

Click this button for more information.

Great Leaders. Great Teachers. Great Future.
Article Coaching Examined
The outcomes of coaching are long-lasting and varied. Coaching gives a fluency to trained skills. Coaching allows for adaptation of trained concepts and skills to local contexts and challenges, including new challenges that arise. Coaching can give rapid redirection to misapplications and an increased fidelity of overall implementation. It can give improved sustainability, which is often due to the ability to increase coaching intensity at critical points in time. 
JP focuses on Responsive Coaching. We have seen the results of coaching for years upon years, and we are believers in the success coaching can bring. Check out the other articles in this newsletter or visit our website to learn more about JP-specific coaching ideals, beliefs and practices. 

Bottom line? Responsive Coaching = Success!
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In This Issue
Responsive Coaching Defined
Responsive Coaching Workshops
Exclusive Professional Development
Coaching Examined Continued
Clayton's Tech Tip
JP Travels


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Clayton's Tech Tip

By Clayton Turner of  

Shockoe Studios

Are you still using Windows XP? The "end of life" for XP is near. Please update your system before April 8th! There will be no support updates for XP after that date.

Click the link below for upgrading instructions:

JP Travels


JP in Buffalo and East St. Louis? YES - we're there!
Stay tuned to learn what we are doing in these cities.
For more information, visit our Events Page.
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JP Associates, Inc.
284 E Chester Avenue
Valley Stream NY 11580