Limiting Your Options
When I was driving into the hotel parking lot I noticed there were numerous open spots very close to the hotel entrance. Yet as I walked through the parking lot I noticed most drivers passed them by, possibly assuming there was nothing available. What does it do to us when we limit ourselves by our assumptions rather than challenging what we just accept as reality?


There are always opportunities. Look around at the myriad of possibilities presenting themselves daily. Sometimes they show up as challenges that confront our thinking and cause us to see life from a different perspective. At other times opportunities show up as failures. But when viewed as events rather than shortcomings, they can offer the chance to reorient ourselves to see the event with a new perspective.


Opportunity can show up as disappointment in the job that you don't get, the meeting you don't make or the chance of a life time you can't take advantage of because of a prior commitment. Sometimes life has things in mind for you that are better than you can comprehend. Several years ago, I had the opportunity to work on a three-year grant. During the early part of the second year, the grant was suddenly canceled. I was devastated because I had realigned everything in my life to do this work and now there was no contract and no work. What was I going to do? I persevered for the next couple months and while in the midst of my despair a project surfaced that was far better than what I had been doing. Ironically if the grant had continued I would not have been able to even consider the new opportunity.


So when things occur that are disappointing, seemingly devastating or incredibly challenging remember that the rain from the storm releases and provides the nutrients that will feed you.


Be well,



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John K Kriger
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