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August 2013  

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CAMT Events

Intro to Lean Product Development
a CAMT webinar
August 2
11 a.m. - Noon
No charge

Practical Project Management
August 14
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Denver location

Partner Event

FRCC Precision Machining Technology Info Session
August 13
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Commerce City
No charge
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In This Issue
100 Event Manufacturing Day Challenge
Practical Project Management One-Day Workshop
Goodbye to Merrily Hill Smith
Innovative Manufacturer: Coolerado Corporation
IndustryWeek Articles of Interest

100 Event Manufacturing Day Challenge



Host an event to showcase American manufacturing  


CAMT MFG_DAY_Logois focusing on helping the manufacturing community to host 100 Manufacturing Day events on October 4th, 2013.


As the Department of Commerce Manufacturing Extension Partner for Colorado, the "Centennial State", CAMT is pushing Colorado manufacturers, educational institutions, and public agencies to host at least 100 events this year in Colorado, with events scheduled throughout the State. Nationally, people expect 500 events nationwide. Hosting 100 of these events in Colorado would put Colorado manufacturing on the map and alert the Colorado community and the national manufacturing community that Colorado is a major player in manufacturing.


Manufacturers, educational institutions and others are encouraged to host events that will highlight the importance of manufacturing to the nation's economy and draw attention to the many jobs in manufacturing fields. These events can be as simple as an open house, or as extensive as CAMA's day of prominent speakers. Some manufacturers are already planning tours with grade and high school students to focus on STEM education and manufacturing careers. Others are hosting employee luncheons to thank their workforce. Anything that brings attention to manufacturing in Colorado will help spread the word about the vibrant and diverse manufacturing community in our State.


CAMT will be the clearing house for information about Manufacturing Day in Colorado. CAMT staff will be working over the next two months to help the Colorado manufacturing community plan activities and promote awareness of the importance of manufacturing in Colorado.  Let us know how we can help!


For more information, contact your CAMT representative or 

visit the Manufacturing Day website.  

Practical Project Management

a one-day interactive workshop


A successful project leader knows how to bring together, expedite, and monitor the essential elements of complex organizational tasks to align project and corporate objectives. Join CAMT for a workshop focusing on practical project management tools, techniques, and methodologies for high-performance project teams.

gold puzzle pieces

Date: Wednesday, August 14 

Time: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Location: Denver

Cost: $199 (includes continental breakfast, lunch & materials) 

More Info & Register 


This workshop emphasizes leadership strategies that promote creative group thinking, and problem-solving skills to ensure projects are completed effectively on time and within budget.  


Participants will learn:  

  • Working knowledge of key project development tools, techniques and methodologies that assist in creating realistic project schedules, monitoring resource requirements, controlling costs, and managing risks
  • How to identify the major steps to coordinate a project in order to manage effectively throughout the project life cycle, and link project goals and objectives to stakeholder needs
  • Foundational principles of total quality management and systems thinking that improve financial measures, enhance organizational effectiveness, and promote customer satisfaction
Goodbye to Merrily Hill Smith
Merrily Pic


This month we say goodbye to one of the stars of the CAMT family. Merrily Hill Smith, our Director of Marketing and Communications, is leaving CAMT after 7 years to pursue an opportunity to expand on her already formidable marketing skills.


Many of you may not know that Merrily moved to Portland, Oregon a year ago.  It's a testament to her value to CAMT that she was asked to stay on in her position, and a testament to her professionalism and work ethic that it was barely noticeable inside and outside of CAMT that she had moved.


Besides providing the energy and intellectual drive for our marketing efforts, Merrily's judgment, insight, and candid advice were invaluable to the entire team. She particularly helped me in the transition to CAMT CEO over the last year, and I will personally miss her help and guidance not only in marketing but in every aspect of running CAMT. We wish her all the best in her new adventure, and hope to see her on her family visits to Colorado.


Good Luck, Merrily!!!!  You will be greatly missed!


-- Tom Bugnitz, CAMT CEO 

Innovative Manufacturer: Coolerado Corp

Manufacturer of energy saving air conditioners based on patented technology   

Coolerado Corporation, Denver, CO Coolerado Logo

Leo Alvarez, Product & Marketing Manager


Briefly describe your company's products and services.

Coolerado manufactures and markets innovative air conditioning systems for commercial and industrial use. Based on our proprietary, patented and proven technology, our products use as little as 10% of the energy required by conventional cooling systems. 


What makes your company unique?

Coolerado air conditioners are equipped with our unique and patented Heat and Mass Exchanger (HMX) technology and using the Maisotsenko Cycle, are the most efficient air conditioning systems made. They provide dry, cool and healthy air, while only using about one tenth the electricity of a traditional air conditioning system.


What is a recent highlight of your company's success?

The National Snow and Ice Data Center, part of NASA and located at CU Boulder, replaced their computer room air conditioner (CRAC) with 40 tons of Coolerado cooling and now enjoys savings of 90% in their cooling bill. The Coolerado air conditioner system installed inside the data center is powered with solar energy.


Read more about Coolerado Corporation here. 

IndustryWeek Articles of Interest
IndustryWeek Logo
Expanding Beyond the US Market Manufacturers are looking to both traditional and emerging export markets. Read full article here.

The Impact of 3-D Printing on Supply Chains Jones Lang LaSalle EMEA Research demonstrates the impact additive manufacturing will have on the global supply chain. Read full article here.