Impact Capital Business Owner Survey Impact Capital is conducting a survey to evaluate the roles and values of Seattle's chambers of commerce. Your input is important for them to improve chambers' services and better serve businesses' needs.
SLU Public Safety Conversation
Thursday, April 4
SLU Discovery Center
101 Westlake Ave N
5:30-7:00 pm
Join the SLU Chamber and SLU Community Council for a South Lake Union public safety conversation with the Seattle Police Department Neighborhood Team. Learn more.
SLU Chamber April Lunch
Wednesday, April 17
860 Terry Ave N
11:30 am - 1:00 pm  Come to the April lunch meeting, sponsored by the American Lung Assocation, hosted by MOHAI, and catered by City Catering Join Chamber members and guests for networking, and enjoy a delicious lunch. The first 30 minutes are dedicated to networking. Everyone is welcome! $25 for members $35 for non members Presenting sponsor: Host:
SLU Chamber April Evening Mixer
Wednesday, April 24
509 Dexter Ave N
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm 
Join Chamber members and guests our next evening networking event. We'll enjoy a delicious sampling of food and beverages from City Catering Company in their beautiful Utina Wardroom. We're excited to offer you this great opportunity to connect.
South Lake Union Discovery Talks: Eating to Prevent DiseaseJoin Vulcan, UW Medicine, and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center the evening of April 17 for this discussion, wine and snacks. This is the first in a series of events highlighting the synergy, innovation, culture, and community of South Lake Union. Tickets and details here.
Facebook is Important
Did you miss our March Breakfast meeting with Adam Rosenberg? Is your business on Facebook? Learn how Facebook can be leveraged to optimize your social strategy. Here's Adam's presentation.