Rating Employees is Archaic

So how's that annual performance evaluation process working for you?

According to new research on the psychology of work from David Rock, typical numeric ratings, rankings, and formal evaluations, without meaningful feedback, can result in reduced performance. It seems the research now proves that the annual rating exercise may do more harm than good.

The lengthy, complex, calculated performance evaluation is under attack. Motivated by a desire to simplify overly complex processes and to ensure the annual ritual is meaningful, many organizations are searching for a simpler approach. According to the Global Human Capital Trends 2014 report by Deloitte, only 8 percent of organizations believe their performance management process is worth the time invested.

In response, Deloitte is leading the charge with a complete overhaul of its performance management process, as described in the April 2015 edition of Harvard Business Review. The new approach focuses on weekly check-in meetings and throws out the five-point scale.

Deloitte is not alone. The latest surveys show that seventy percent of organizations reworked their approach to performance management in 2014 and even more are expected to take on the challenge this year.

If your organization is part of that large group seeking change, here are several factors to consider:




Complimentary Webinar

Join us for an in-depth look at new approaches to performance management during this complimentary webinar sponsored by:


Presenter: Marnie E. Green, CSP, IPMA-CP
Dates: June 17, 2015
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am PDT

Performance management programs require maintenance to stay fresh and relevant. When was the last time you updated your performance management program? In this practical session, you will learn to:
  • Assess your organization's readiness for performance management change
  • Gather meaningful data to support changes to your performance management process
  • Consider a variety of performance management tools to incorporate into your program
  • Assess the performance management tools that are right for your organization
  • Explore best practices for implementing changes to your performance management program.

Marnie's Signature Course
Open to the Public!


Rarely do I offer a program that is open to the public, so we are excited to invite you or a group of your managers to attend this workshop hosted by Arizona State University's Bob Ramsey Center for Executive Education.

This workshop offers the essential skills of managing day-to day-performance for optimal results. When you effectively manage employee performance you will be able to: 
  • Boost morale and employee engagement levels
  • Reinforce performance that is on target
  • Redirect performance that is off the mark
  • Bolster employee confidence
  • Create a sense of connection for the employee
  • Align the organization's goals with individual employee contributions
When: August 19, 2015
Where: ASU Downtown Phoenix Campus
Time: 8:30-4:30
Registration Fee: $400
Early-Bird Fee: $360
Early-Bird Deadline: July 16 



Final Footnotes

Our newest training tool gives you unlimited access to the Painless Performance Conversations webinar recordings and discussion guides. If you recently participated in our Painless Performance Evaluations webinar series, this is the next step! 

See a video preview of this powerful tool on our website and download a sample discussion guide now!
As always, if there is anything I can do to support your performance management efforts, just give me a call at 480-705-9394 or shoot me an email
Marnie E. Green, CSP, IPMA-CP
Principal Consultant



June 2015
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"Fantastic...Marnie was wonderful, engaging and extremely informative. I can apply what I learned immediately." 
---Workshop Participant,
Holstein Foundation, Young Dairy Leaders Institute
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