January 17
, 2016
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Royle PTO Online
In This Issue
1/18  Martin Luther King Jr.            Day No School
1/20 Kids Care Darien EMS            Post 53 CPR and First            Aid Presentation 3:00pm
1/27 PTO Meeting co-                   sponsored with YWCA
2/3  PTO Executive Board
       Mtg 9:15am
3/16 PTO Meeting featuring          Linda Johnson, 
      (ElementaryMath/Science        Coordinator) 9:15am

For more details on these events, please visit the PTO website homepage
Useful Links

From the Royle Office

Please notify the main office when your child will be absent or late.
An email to the teacher is not a satisfac�tory substitute. A busy or absent teacher would not be able to pass that information along to the office. To inform us of an absence or tardy, please call our Kidcall line (will reference a Shortel voice mail system) at:
OR send an email to our attendance email address: royleatt@darienps.org 
This important safety check is intended to insure that when you send your children to school, we verify that they arrive. After classroom attendance is taken, we cross reference the lists. If a child is marked absent but no parent has called, we call the home, cell phone or send an email to establish that the child is safely in someone's care. Please remember to notify us. Thank you.

PTO Thank You

Thank you to Amy Smith for overseeing the visit from Animal Embassy for our Kindergarten this past Friday.
The web team has created a Royle PTO Facebook page and Twitter account.  Like the page to join in the community and stay in the know with what is going on at Royle. 

Messages from the PTO

Last Saturday, Superintendent Brenner presented his proposed budget for the 2016-17 school year.  We encourage you to take some time to acquaint yourself with the budget and the interesting new initiatives contained therein.  You can access the budget here:  

We welcome any feedback or questions about the budget.  Feel free to contact your PTO Chairs (Tara Wurm (taraw@me.com)or Chrissy Rooney(christinerooney@sbcglobal.net)) or your CDSP Representatives (Patty Uhlman(p_uhlman@yahoo.com) and Amy Zerbe(apzerbe@yahoo.com)) for more information.

Overall, the proposed budget for 2016-17 is $94,215,343, which represents an increase of $3,492,817 or 3.85% over the approved budget for this year.  A significant component of this increase is due to contractual salary increases of $1.5MM.  Dr. Brenner highlighted two primary areas of focus and investment in this budget as well:  Technology and Professional Development.

Dr. Brenner has proposed the implementation of a 1:1 device policy in our schools.  This is an exciting initiative that will affect every child and every classroom in our district.  We provided information about this proposal a few weeks ago, but please refer to this link for more details.  1:1 Tech Plan

In addition, Dr. Brenner has emphasized his commitment to developing excellence in our schools by providing our teachers with the training required to roll out new initiatives and support those already in place.  His professional development priorities for next year include:  literacy, math, differentiation, technology, special education and SRBI.  

The Board of Education will meet again on Tuesday, January 26 to discuss the budget and propose possible changes.

Kids Care Club - Wednesday, January 20th
POST 53 provides the town of Darien, CT with emergency medical services, while providing local high school students with an exceptional opportunity to serve their community.  Now they are coming to Royle Elementary Kids Care Club Meeting on January 20th 3-4 in the common room.  Students will learn about First Aid, the EMS programs, and more.  All kids welcome. Please RSVP by Monday, January 18th to Amanda Craig acraig612@gmail.com or Nicole Casey nicolecasey@mac.com.  Include child(ren) name, grade and teacher.  Please pick up at 4:00 in the common room. 
Sound Tigers Family Day - January 23rd
Come  enjoy a day with your family and the Royle Community at the Sound Tigers.  The Minstrels will be performing again this year.  For more information  https://t.co/eCKDCKbgJH

The Royle Minstrels will be performing at the game along with the chorus' from all 4 other Darien elementary schools.  Additional details in form provided.  Tickets are $20 each and a portion of each ticket sold will benefit the Royle PTO.   All tickets will be held at Will Call the day of the game.
Please return form and payment by Friday, January 15th top the Royle Main Office.  For any questions, please contact John Josef, email johnojosef@yahoo.com, cell 203-644-8635.

The Royle Legend Is the Stuff of Legends
The 2015-2016 Yearbook - The Royle Legend - is in development and will go on sale NEXT WEEK.   Make a note to order your Royle Knight's copy to capture in one fantastic colored package all the people, events and smiles that filled your child's year at Royle.  Yearbooks will be ordered online - easy, fast and convenient for you.   No paper order available.  Books will be delivered in May.  Ordering details will be in next week's blast and come home in backpacks.   Please contact Shannon Silsby at thesilsbys@optonline.net or 203-273-2323 if you have any questions.

YWCA and the PTO Present Eliminating Stress
Come hear Dr. Chris Bogart Executive Director for the Southfield Center speak on January 27th at 7:00 p.m. in the common room. Eliminating Stress and Creating Balance in your child's life.  

School News 
Jump Rope for Heart Starts February 22nd!

Our school is proud to partner with the American Heart Association to help kids with special hearts!  You can earn Toby the Top Dog this year by raising $150 online by February 1st. Parent letters and donation envelopes will be sent home with students in early February. You can help the American Heart Association by helping your child make a web page.  
Visit www.heart.org/jump
Help Us Send Our Teachers to Summer School

Donate to the Reiss Fund today! 

For over 50 years, the Reiss Fund has generously awarded scholarships to our teachers allowing them to further their studies over the summer in an area of interest, exploration or enrichment. The learning from these incredible experiences comes back to our children's classrooms, enriching the learning that goes on and elevating the enthusiasm with which it is delivered.

Just this past summer, two Royle faculty members received Reiss Fund scholarships. Barry Wasserman developed a program of whole class instruction for elementary school use to facilitate an understanding and support of students with learning, social and emotional differences and music teacher Jane Minnis studied the music and life of Mozart.

A total of 17 teachers throughout the district took classes in sciences, the arts and music and literacy thanks to your generosity.

Our ability to offer this extraordinary scholarship program to our teachers sets our district apart in Fairfield County. Our ability to continue to support our teachers through Reiss Fund grants depends on you.

Please make a secure online donation today at www.reissfund.org, where you can also print out a mail-in a donation form to send in with your check.

Please join us in supporting the Reiss Fund.

District News 
SEPAC January Meeting: District Priorities and Initiatives for 2016-17
Shirley Klein, Assistant Superintendent of SESS and Scott R. McCarthy, PhD, Program Director, SESS will provide an overview of current special education initiatives and explain district priorities for the coming school year. Topics include literacy, professional development and administration reorganization. As planning will continue during this year, a follow-up meeting on district priorities will be scheduled for later in the Spring as well.

Wednesday, January 27, 1:00pm. Board of Education Meeting Room, 35 Leroy Ave.
Please RSVP and send preliminary questions to: dariensepac@gmail.com
The 2016 Darien Young Composers Concert
The Music Department of the Darien Public Schools would like to announce the 16th annual Darien Young Composers Concert.  This special concert program will be held on Wednesday, April 6 at 6:30 p.m. for grades K-5 and at 7:30 p.m. for grades 6-12 in the Darien High School auditorium and will feature the works of student composers in the Darien Public Schools from the Elementary, Middle School, and High School levels.    
All compositions for performance consideration must be recorded on a CD, DVD or electronic file and submitted along with the application form to one of the school music teachers no later than March 4, 2016.  The student composers selected to perform will have the opportunity to have their compositions reviewed by a professional guest composer and will also meet with the composer in a special workshop to discuss the creative process of music composition and opportunities for professional composers. During the course of each school year, the music teachers in the Darien Public Schools engage their students in composition lessons and activities as part of their curriculum and encourage participation in this unique opportunity.  Guidelines, application forms and other information are available from all school music teachers in the Darien Public Schools, on our website at:  http://blogs.darienps.org/music/young-composers-program/ or by calling the Music Office at: 655-3981 ext: 2250.

Community News 

New Community News

Tip of the Week:
Let's Get Talking - Thriving Youth/The Community Fund

Got Resilience?
Managing the stress, struggles and bumps in the road of everyday life is a challenge for many of our students. When the going gets tough, there is an increased tendency to turn to risky behaviors to escape. 

The skills of resilience can be learned, you can be empowered to help and its never too early to start. Join us on January 19th at 7pmin the DHS auditorium when a panel of local experts will share with you five concrete steps you can take now to empower your child(ren) to rise above.Click here to learn more. 

DARIEN ARTS CENTER - XOXO VALENTINE WORKSHOP, February 6th, from 2-3:30 p.m., DAC Visual Arts Studio. This crafty workshop is dedicated to the ones we love. Kids can express their desire to make art while creating Valentine-themed projects to take home or give as gifts. For ages 5 & up. $30 per person. Please enroll your loved one by Feb. 4 at darienarts.org or call the DAC at (203) 655-8683. The Darien Arts Center is located at 2 Renshaw Road, behind Darien Town Hall. 
Attention Kindergarten Parents!
It may seem as though spring is a long ways off, but it is time to signup for Darien Little League. Boys and girls in kindergarten are now eligible to join a T-Ball league in either the baseball or softball division. Practices start on April 23rd.
T-Ball is an instructional league to introduce kindergartners to throwing, fielding and hitting a ball and the fun of playing on a team. Before every simulated game, children will work with their coaches on these basic fundamentals. Players hit from a batting tee.
Softball T-Ball practices are Saturday mornings at Town Hall from 9:15-10:15.
Baseball T-Ball practices are Saturday mornings at DHS (time TBA) on the High School baseball diamond.
For more information and to register now, visit www.dybs.org. Register by January 31st to avoid late fees.  Proof of Age and Residency (for new players ONLY)
Saturday, January 30. 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the McGuane Meeting Room. (Located behind Noroton HEIGHTS Fire Department)
Every new Little League Baseball player is required to have his or her birth date and residency verified. A new player is one who has not previously played in Darien in the Spring season. Parents, please bring a copy of the player's birth certificate (or passport) and 2 proofs of residence (copy of telephone bill, utility bill, parent's drivers license, etc.) to the onsite verification session. Onsite verification will be held Saturday, January 30th, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the McGuane Field House. QUESTIONS? Please contact Myles Ridder at mylesridder@optonline.net.
The Center for Hope
Most of us struggle with how to help a neighbor or friend who has recently experienced a traumatic event. What do you say, how do you help? The simplest steps are also the ones recommended by experts. Hand-deliver a note letting someone know you are thinking about them. Drop off a meal, offer to pick up a child or host a play date. Simply being present is often the best support. If you want help for someone experiencing a loss, call The Center for Hope at (203) 655-4693.We care about our neighbors: The Community Fund of Darien and the Darien Dept. of Human Services

Previously Published Community News

Family Centers Presents "Active Parenting" for ages 4-11
Develop better communication and empower your children to make safe choices in the future.  With so many families stretched to the limit these days, every minute we spend with our children is precious. Learn how to use this time to develop deeper connections with your kids and prepare them to navigate the challenges of growing up in today's world. This healthy parenting program will help parents to:
* Communicate effectively with children
* Discipline while teaching responsibility
* Sidestep power struggles and redirect misbehavior
* Encourage the development of self-esteem and character
* Prevent the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs

"Active Parenting" is an award winning program that incorporates instruction, discussion and video clips into an interactive learning experience.
Held Over Four Wednesdays from 10:15- 11:45 a.m. beginning Wednesday, January 20th
Classes run Wednesdays; 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, and 2/10
Family Centers/Center for HOPEFee: $150 for 4 classes and the book, 590 Post Road, Darien
For information please call Center for Hope at 203-655-4693 or email Diane Hobbs atdhobbs@familycenters.org

Did you miss the deadline for Darien Little League?  
Good news - you can still cross little league off your New Year's to do list!  The registration date has been extended so please visit www.dybs.org and click "REGISTER NOW" to register today!  

Avoid Late Fees
For K, 1st and 2nd Grade Baseball, late fees apply starting February 1
For 3rd through 7th Grade Baseball, late fees apply starting January 11
For Softball, late fees apply starting January 15 

Proof of Age and Residency (for new players ONLY)  Saturday, January 30. 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the McGuane Meeting Room. (Located behind Noroton HEIGHTS Fire Department)  Every new Little League Baseball player is required to have his or her birth date and residency verified.  A new player is one who has not previously played in Darien in the Spring season.  Parents, please bring a copy of the player's birth certificate (or passport) and 2 proofs of residence (copy of telephone bill, utility bill, parent's drivers license, etc.) to the onsite verification session. Onsite verification will be held Saturday, January 30th, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the McGuane Field House.  QUESTIONS? Please contact Myles Ridder at mylesridder@optonline.net 

Royle Blast Guidelines

If you would like to post a message in the Royle Blast, please note the following guidelines:
  1. Send information to roylemsgboard@gmail.com
  2. Please no attachments
  3. limit submission to approximately 100 words
  4. Include contact name/phone/email
  5. Submissions must be age-appropriate and Darien school and/or community relevant. We will not include advertisements for businesses. Only community events that are child-oriented and for charitable purposes (not-for-profit) or are school related will be considered for inclusion in the Community section of the Blast. "Community News" information/events will run for a maximum of two consecutive editions.  Please time you submissions accordingly. 
  6. Must be submitted no later than Thursday at 5 pm. 
  7. Editor has final discretion as to whether information is appropriate for the Royle Blast. All text may be edited. For questions or comments on the Royle Blast, please send an email to roylemsgboard@gmail.com  
Jenn Seely, Kim Macdonald and Shelly Arrix
Royle Blast Editors