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PCD Connections

The newsletter of the Pacific Central District of the           Unitarian Universalist Association
PCD Connections


Serving Unitarian Universalism and 
the Ministry and Mission  of our congregations in Pacific Central District and the Pacific Western Region - UUA

August  2016


In This Issue
PCD Logo Small November 12, 2016

Interdependence Day!

Saturday, November 12, 2016. 
9:30  - 4: 30; Registration begins at 9:00
$10 covers refreshments and materials. Lunch will be on your own.  We will encourage people who are attending to join together and meet someone new.  
Clergy and Lay Leaders are invited to a day of deep connection, celebration and learning. Our day will begin with a worship service with a full band, and end with a blessing of the leaders.
The learning will include:
Our Covenantal Faith and Beloved Community / Exploring the Connections. Exploring the connections and the diversity among us.
Helping Things Go Right in Your Congregation: An ounce of prevention is still worth a pound of cure, or maybe even more.  Much of the conflict in congregations can be avoided by paying attention to these basic things.
Paths to Healing: No matter what steps we take, conflict is inevitable. When responded to in healthy ways, it can be used to create and strengthen relationships and our congregations and help us serve as a beacon to the world.
Facilitators:  Rev. Deborah Holder and Rev. Jan Christian, Congregational Life Staff serving the Pacific Western Region of our Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations.

UUA Flaming Chalice
May 5 & 6, 2017 - Save the Date!

Dear Friends:
We will gather together on Saturday, May 6, 2017, for the PCD sponsored "UUA Presidential Candidates Forum," as well as the 2017 PCD Annual Meeting. Location TBA.
Please plan to attend this "meet and greet" with our candidates - also note that we may plan some events to take place that Friday afternoon / evening.
You can acquaint yourself with the candidates on their websites:

Watch for more details on workshops, and other special events!

Keynote by Rev. Mark Hicks & 
Worship by  Rev. Chris Bell

Saturday, October l, 2016
Unitarian Universalist Religious Education Conference

Register Online: http://tinyurl.com/zpd56c4

Teaching Race/ Ethnicity with Mark Hicks. UU History.
Conscious Teaching: How to Manage Challenging Behaviors.
Social Media in Faith Formation. Theatre of Oppression.
Small Group Ministry. And much more!
Mark Hicks is a transformative religious educator for people who want to integrate cultures and create justice-oriented ways of thinking, learning, and being. He is Professor of Religious Education at Meadville Lombard Theological School, the UU Seminary in Chicago. His academic work has appeared in nationally recognized journals, and his curriculum is used by many UU churches. Mark has inspired many across the UUA with his contributions to religious education and warm, welcoming spirit. We are delighted to have him on the Pacific Coast!
$50.00 for individuals
$40.00 per person for teams of 4+
Discounts available
Register Online: http://tinyurl.com/zpd56c4
Organized by PCD-Liberal Religious EducatorsAssociation, contact Rev. Alyson Jacks for more info at: ajacks@uusf.org

International Women's Convocation

The Third International Women's Convocation will take place on February 16-19, 2017, Asilomar Conference Center, Monterey Peninsula, California.
For more information on the Convocation, please visit our website, IntlWomensConvo.org. There, you will find a link to our Program Guide with up-to-date news about speakers and the rich variety of workshop and discussion topics, as well as discounts and scholarship opportunities for ministers, young adults, and international participants. 

Contact us:

Pacific Western Region, Regional Lead

PWR-UUA Youth Ministry Specialist

PWR-UUA Congregational Life Staff

PWR-UUA Congregational Life Staff 

PWR-UUA Congregational Life Staff

PWR Administration Team

Pacific Western Region - UUA

Oakland CA Office
4100 Redwood Road, #344

Oakland, CA 94619-2363

(510) 530-1437

Quick Links



Board Buzz 
Steve Burns, 
PCD Board President

August 16, 2016


I have to admit to some difficulty in finding a topic for this column. Maybe it was the summer doldrums, where the temps go above 100 for many days in a row and my energy dips as the temp rises. But given time, a theme emerged and some ideas have surfaced.

Back two days ago (8/14, ed.), and my plan was to watch the Olympic opening ceremonies. A family member has joined the Olympic team and I am more excited than usual about these games. 

But first that day was a pretty simple medical procedure, and getting a look 'down the hatch'. Well, the universe had different plans for my evening. Following the short procedure I had a reflex reaction to all the probing and poking, and my pulse rate went into the mid-20's. This caused a loss of consciousness, which scares the heck out of the medical team. Despite eventually coming around and feeling fine, they pretty much insisted that I go the ER for further tests to make sure there was no adverse cardiac event. Middle aged, not very trim guy and they are hedging their bets. This earned me an ambulance ride, literally across the street and about 7 hours in the ER. Following much monitoring and testing, everything was declared completely fine. As I thought it was, but I realized how fast one can go from self-propelling and in control of one's future to very hooked up to medical equipment and mostly dependent on others. It was a good reminder of the transitory nature of everything, and helpful for remembering to be thankful for all that is right and good each day.

One of the goals of our District is to help every congregation become connected to at least one other congregation. This can be for mutual support, as we learned about during Scott Tayler's DA address. Or it can be more of a mentoring relationship, where one church is learning about another's success in completing a project. Some churches have very strong social justice programs, while others may be still new to growing that ministry. Each of us can learn from each other. But where to begin? I'd suggest that you consider two things: what things does your congregation do well and could share with others, and where would you like to grow stronger? Who are your neighbors, peer congregations, or just those who inspire you in some way? Consider making time to attend their services on a Sunday and reach out to their leaders. If you are not a church leader, perhaps share your ideas with your Board or other committee and see if there is a shared interest to pursue. Many of our congregations have been developing deeper relationships and it is gratifying to see successes spread out across the District. 

This is a project that could develop organically and spread even faster if the creative and engaged members of our congregations agree it is worthwhile and give it some energy to percolate. Share your thoughts with us and each other. There will of course be some District programming to help you make connections and breakthroughs, and District staff can also help you identify churches who may have experience with some problem you may be facing. And there has been increasing traffic on mailserver lists, such as the one for District Congregational Presidents. 

All of this is encouraging, as we can accomplish so much more together than alone. And in many real ways, none of us is ever really alone.




PWR Webinars

Organize your teams today - $20 for one connection!

Registration opens soon

Stewardship Transitions for Small Congregations -- with Kay Crider and Rev. Jan. Christian

Monday | October 3, 2016 | 6:30-7:45 p.m. PT 
How can small congregations become aware of and adopt successful stewardship concepts and practices as they grow? This webinar will help you become more comfortable talking about money, the stewardship team and minister's access to pledge information, migrating from a spreadsheet to a database, educating your fellowship about the range and distribution of pledges, keeping the personal stewardship connections intact as you grow, electronic giving options, subscribing to helpful listservs and blogs, and more.
Ways to Improve Congregational Giving (Some Tried and True and Some Very New) -- with Kay Crider & Rev. Jan Christian

Wednesday | November 2, 2016 | 6:30-7:45 p.m. PT

Some of the techniques we'll explore: Tying the congregational budget to our values and how they intersect with our pledges and gifts, creating opportunities for open discussions about money, broadening the ways and opportunities to give, creating the next generation of generous Unitarian Universalists, building a stewardship ministry team, mentoring and more. 
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You can also keep up with PCD news through our "news blogs" issued from the PCD website: sign-up at: http://www.pcduua.org/category/news/

Be sure to pull down the menu on the "LIKE" button and turn on notifications to ensure that our posts enter your stream. Don't miss the latest news - sign-up today!

Congregational Highlights

Livermore Playground UU Church in Livermore Seeks Interim Director of Religious Education

The DRE will plan, execute and supervise a comprehensive program of Religious Education for the UUCIL community in accordance with the Unitarian Universalist Church in Livermore principles and purposes.

Important: A key to success in this position is not only running successful RE programs, but taking the lead on building a foundation upon which our RE program may grow and thrive.

We're looking for inspiration as well as administration. The ideal candidate will provide leadership in planning and designing a robust program, with support from our dedicated spiritual community.

If you are capable of thinking outside the Sunday-School box and building a strong learning foundation for our children's future, let's talk!

Live Oak UU (Alameda) Seeks Children's Religious Educator

The Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Fellowship seeks a part- time teacher at 1700 Santa Clara Ave. (at Grand Ave.), in Alameda.  Our children's program is currently small in numbers; we seek to expand both the number of children and their involvement in other parts of our congregational life.

Financial Compensation:  $20-25/hour, depending on experience and skills. Please send a letter of application and a resume to:educator@uuliveoak.orgThis position announcement is posted at: http://uuliveoak.org/jobs/

PCD | 4100 Redwood Road, #344 | Oakland | CA | 94619