"Like people everywhere, I am horrified and distraught at the news of the killings at an Orlando gay night club. What is even more distressing is that this is but the latest in a long line of mass shootings. Our thoughts go to the victims, both the dead and the survivors, and the people close to them. May they find comfort and strength.
Unfortunately, this is the kind of violence that is predictable when hatred and fear are aroused by demagogues and when firearms are easily available. There are about 100 gun deaths per day in the United States. Only mass shootings are newsworthy. This is madness.
May all people of good will, people of all faiths and no faith, renew our determination to end racism, end demonization of those of other faiths, end homophobia, and create a society where access to lethal weapons has some rational control. Otherwise we will wait helplessly for the next atrocity."
May 6, 2017 - Save the Date!
Dear Friends:
We will gather together on Saturday, May 6, 2017, for the PCD sponsored "UUA Presidential Candidates Forum," as well as the 2017 PCD Annual Meeting. Location TBA.
Please plan to attend this "meet and greet" with our candidates - also note that we may plan some events to take place that Friday afternoon / evening.
You can acquaint yourself with the candidates on their websites:
You can follow the UUA Presidential Search Committee's process at:
A Presidential Candidates Forum will take place in the Greater Columbus Convention Center Hall D at General Assembly in Columbus, OH on Saturday, June 25, 2016 from 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM and will be live-streamed.
SF Pride Parade
Join Unitarian Universalists Marching in San Francisco Pride on June 26!
The theme of this year's SF Pride Parade is Racial and Economic Justice and Black Lives Matter, and UU Congregations will be marching with our congregational Black Lives Matter banners - bring yours! for more information and to let us know that you'll be marching.
Elementary School OWL Facilitator Training
For facilitators of the Our Whole Lives sexuality course, grades K-1, 3-4
Friday, August 19 at 5:00 PM - Sunday, August 21 at 3:30 PM
Fee:$250 per participant until July 25, 2015, $300 to August 1 for late registration (Cancelation fees, prior to July 25, 2015: $50, after July 25, 2015: $100)
Trainers: Cindy Beal, Just Peace Consulting (and former Director of Religious Education in Northampton, MA), and TBD.
UU Chalice Camp!
August 8-12, 2016
Summer day camp UU-style for children entering 1st-6th grades.
Hours are 9:00 to 5:00 (extended care 8:30-5:30) at Lake Temescal, one of Oakland's beautiful regional parks.
This year's theme: Foundations of Unitarian Universalism. We explore theological turning points in our history that make our religious tradition what it is today.
Chalice Camp is a fun filled week that deepens children's and youth's connection to one another, their understanding of themselves as UUs, and expands their knowledge of Unitarian Universalism and their capacity to be articulate about our faith. The activities during the week include daily worship, group building exercises, games, drama, art, study, and a service project.
International Women's Convocation
The Third International Women's Convocation will take place on February 16-19, 2017, Asilomar Conference Center, Monterey Peninsula, California.
For more information on the Convocation, please visit our website, IntlWomensConvo.org. There, you will find a link to our Program Guide with up-to-date news about speakers and the rich variety of workshop and discussion topics, as well as discounts and scholarship opportunities for ministers, young adults, and international participants.
Contact us:
PWR Regional Lead
PWR-UUA Congregational Life Staff
PWR-UUA Congregational Life Staff
PCD District Administrator & PWR Administration Team Pacific Central District - UUA
4100 Redwood Road, #344
Oakland, CA 94619-2363
(510) 530-1437
Board Buzz
Steve Burns,
PCD Board President
Though it is not quite officially Summer, it has felt like the season came early anyway. We reached our first 100-degree day only 3 days into June, and more is on the way. And I look forward to the lazy days of summer, though it won't feel so relaxing until July. We had our Board retreat starting on the hottest day so far this year, and it was rejuvenating. While church calendars typically get busiest in the Fall, our Board's work seems heaviest in mid-year. Our budget is prepared around the same time as most churches then we have our typical District Assembly and Annual Meeting, which completed in late April. Immediately on the heels of that is our Board retreat, which also takes planning.
We had an excellent facilitated session with Linda Laskowski, reviewing our Mission & Vision, and also got to know in more depth both our local congregational life staff member Rev. Jan Christian and our newly hired Regional Lead, Rev. James Kubal-Komoto. We also learned more about our three new Board members; Rev. Russ Menk, Paul Teplitz and Noa Mills. In addition we hope to strengthen our ties with the UU Ministers Association Chapter and see if collaborative projects or goals make sense.
At any rate, we began our full day of work by meeting with Rev. Wendy Bartell, the Chapter President. A Zoom meeting facilitated this conversation, which saved her probably 5 hours of driving. And while these technology advancements have made far-flung colleagues much easier to connect with, I still find that building relationships-especially new ones-is much better done in person. Once the initial foundation is laid, then the continuation of regular contact feels much more natural via a computer screen. Our Board will be experimenting with at least one virtual meeting this year, and will evaluate if we wish to add more to our calendar.
Also reviewed and brainstormed was our recent District Assembly. Though from most anecdotal reports the workshops were well liked, our attendance was down considerably and it was far from breaking even financially. We are considering ways to approach this event differently in 2017, as have many other Districts in the country. Most have seen falling attendance at their local Assemblies, and we are trying to tease out the reasons why. At the very least, we'll host an Annual Meeting and UUA President's Candidate forum on 6 May 2017.
Right around the corner is General Assembly, and we expect far fewer Western Region attendees in Columbus, OH than we saw in Portland. But I look forward to seeing a city that will be new to me, and feeling the Midwest energy again. If you are attending GA, I hope to see you there and please attend our Regional Ingathering. I hope your summer is starting out well, and feel free to contact either me,or the Board, with any concerns or questions.
With Blessings,
Meet the New PCD Board!
Holly Ito, Treasurer, Mission Peak UU Congregation
Paul Teplitz, Mt. Diablo UU Church Rev. Christopher Bell, UU Congregation of Santa Rosa Steve Burns, President, UU Church of Davis Noa Mills, Youth Representative, UU Church of Davis Charles DuMond, Vice-President, UU's of San Mateo
Rev. Russ Menk, Secretary, UU Fellowship of Santa Cruz County.
Paul Teplitz and Rev. Russ Menk were elected at this year's Annual Meeting; Noa Mills was selected as the Youth Representative by YRUU*P. We want thank all of the above for their service to our wider movement!
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Winter 2016 Chalice Lighter Call - Donate Today!
In September they dedicated a beautifully renovated and expanded sanctuary building. The project required moving to a rented Congregational church for services and RE for 13 months. Since returning home, attendance at worship and RE has grown again and is now above 300 on most Sundays, higher than before the project began. The number of newcomers has increased as well. The congregation has many new programs and activities, and the energy is high!
Congregational Highlights
First Unitarian Church of Honolulu Minister in Residence Program
The First Unitarian Church of Honolulu is moving towards the next chapter in our Church history through a new ministerial program we call the Minister in Residence Program. We are identifying UU and liberal religious professionals who are interested in a tropical working vacation of approximately 3 weeks in Honolulu, Hawaii.
The minimum requirement is that participants perform one sermon per week and run one workshop promoting spiritual, congregational and community themes. Compensation for this base level of service is $1450. The program does not pay for travel or lodging; however lodging for all or part of a stay may be available through church members and friends.
If you are interested in this opportunity please email a brief professional biography or CV to: russell@uualoha.com stating your availability between June 2016 and June 2017. Margaret Mann, President of the Board, will be attending GA this year and will be glad to meet with you there and answer any questions, email her at: margaretmann2000@yahoo.com or call her cellphone at 808-265-6551
Live Oak UU (Alameda) Seeks Children's Religious Educator
The Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Fellowship seeks a part- time teacher at 1700 Santa Clara Ave. (at Grand Ave.), in Alameda. Our children's program is currently small in numbers; we seek to expand both the number of children and their involvement in other parts of our congregational life.
UU Community of Lake County Seeks Sunday Pulpit Supply and Worship Consultant
is seeking a part-time Minister to preach one Sunday each month and consult with the Worship Committee.
10 months per year. The minister will provide one Sunday worship service per month, and attend the monthly meeting of the Worship Committee. (meeting will be scheduled for same week-end as service.)
Submit letter of introduction and Ministerial Record to: