How can the PCD serve, and lead, going into the future?

Greetings, Unitarian Universalists of the Pacific Central District!

As you know, the governance and staffing structures of the PCD have been in a time of great change. Our local UUA staff are now hired, supervised and directed by the Pacific Western Region. This shift brings our congregations access to many more experienced and specialized leaders. It also leaves the function of the District as a separate entity uncertain. 

Yet, your PCD Board remains committed to a vision of serving and supporting our constituent congregations, and there are many possibilities for congregational collaboration beyond that which the UUA staff can provide. We continue to guide and/or support the Chalice Lighters program, the Growth Committee, MUUGS, and Coming-Of-Age, and District Assembly. 

How else can the PCD serve, and lead, going into the future?

That is what we hope to discern with your assistance, and why we are asking you to take 10-15 minutes to complete the enclosed survey. You are welcome to share the link with other leaders in your congregation.

The results will be collated and offered for your reflection at District Assembly, April 22 - 24. 

We hope you will take a few minutes to help shape the future of the Pacific Central District!

Thank you!!

Rev. Chris Bell
Steve Burns (President)
Charles DuMond (Vice-President)
Holly Ito (Treasurer)
Rev. David Keyes
Charlotte Selton (Youth Representative)
Rev. Sonya Sukalski

PCD | 4100 Redwood Road, #344 | Oakland | CA | 94619