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PCD Connections
The newsletter of the Pacific Central District of the           Unitarian Universalist Association
PCD Connections

Serving Unitarian Universalism and 
the ministry and mission  of our congregations in PCD and the Pacific Western Region

January 2016


In This Issue
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Leadership Day

Register Your Team Today!

Religious Leadership for the 21st Century

PCD Leadership Day: Religious Leadership for the 21st Century
First Unitarian Church of San Jose
Event starts at 10:00AM to 4:00PM (Registration is at open at 9:30AM)
$40.00 per person
Facilitators: Rev. Jeanelyse Doran Adams and Rev. Jonipher Kwong
Religious leadership in the 21st century will require building interfaith competency.  In a world torn apart by religious conflict and scapegoating, how can we, as Unitarian Universalists, offer a model for interfaith collaboration grounded in our own faith tradition? How can we speak across cultures and build Beloved Community? This Leadership Day will help you articulate your faith in the public arena by equipping you with skills for interfaith work.
Join us for this exploration and practice in this interactive workshop format. Teams will have time to work together as well as network and collaborate with other congregational leaders.

Registration information is now posted on the new PCD website!

Awaken Spirit Small Call for Nominations - PCD Awards!

It's Awards Season!

(No, this isn't about the Golden Globes or Academy Awards.)

Every year at District Assembly, the PCD recognizes the achievements of individuals and congregations in areas including social justice, community service, religious education, youth ministry, website design, generosity and growth.

How do we determine the recipients of these awards?  We depend on you!

Nominations can be made by anyone familiar with the work of the individual or congregation.
We are requesting nomination for the following awards:
  • Patti Lawrence Distinguished Service
  • Junella Hanson Memorial Award for Excellence in Religious Education
  • Youth Programming Award
  • Youth Justice Award
  • Best Website
  • Dynamic RE Award
  • Community Service Award
  • Culture of Financial Generosity Award
  • Norma Cordell Award for Prophetic Voice
  • Small Congregation Award for Community Presence
To review the details of the nomination process, please visit this link:  


Please submit your nominations with specific details of the accomplishments and characteristics (no more than 1000 words) to: awards@pcduua.org.

The PCD Awards will be presented at the Award Luncheon at District Assembly 2016.

A list of those who received awards at District Assembly 2015 is at this link: 

District Assembly 2016 

Save the Date! 
April 22-24, 2016

Dear Friends:

Now is the time to submit your workshop proposal for DA2016! Please see this link for more information! The deadline for submissions is Monday, January 18, 2016.

We will be returning to the Newark Fremont Doubletree by Hilton on April 22-24, 2016, for our annual District Assembly and PCD Annual Meeting.

We are pleased to announce that we will be joined by Rev. Scott Tayler, Director of Congregational Life, overseeing our Regional and District field staff.

You can now make your hotel room reservations!  You can also call 1-800-HILTONS(445-8667) and request group code "PCD" to reserve your room.  

Rooms are limited, and you must make your reservation by March 28th - do not delay!

Registration and program information will be posted by February 8th! Keep an eye on the PCD website for all of the information.
Come gather again for worship, workshops, and friends, old and new - we hope to see you there!
Fund Your Dreams on Faithify!
Do you or your congregation have a dream that could take off if only it had a little funding? Has your congregation been putting off projects for lack of funds? 

If you answered yes,  FAITHIFY is the place to start! 
FAITHIFY is the UU crowdfunding platform where UUs can post a project online and invite donors to make financial pledges towards its success. In under a year and a half we have seen over $430,000 pledged to over 114 projects. Crowdfunding is a growing medium that takes advantage of the changing trends in online giving. 

The only question is: What will you FAITHIFY? To start FAITHIFYing your dreams visit FAITHIFY Online or send us an email info@faithify.org.

Regional Economic Justice Summit

Save the Date! Saturday, 
June 4th 

The Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco and the UU Justice Ministry of California are co-hosting a regional Economic Justice Summit on Saturday, June 4, 2016, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
This summit will be of special interest to social activists in UU Bay Area congregations. 

Emphases will include: affordable housing for working families with incomes below the top 25% of income, increased worker organizing (unionizing), and political mobilization. There will also be a focus on organizing a statewide campaign organized to change Prop 13.
The summit will include present and future SALT fellows.
Please save the date; we will send out more details as they are arranged! 
Pacific Central UU Young Adults
Living at the Level of Community
Saturday, January 16th, 10:00a to 5:30p
We live in a world where many believe the individual is supreme, and that our success and failure in life is of our own creation. THIS ISN'T TRUE. The reality is that your are who you are because of the communities that make up your life. They have impacted you at every point in life, and will continue to do so until the end. Because of this the question we ask is: How do we allow our communities to support us in our journeys, and how do we support others?
The class will be a combination of lecture, group discussion, one on one conversations, and activities. ALSO, IT'S FREE!
For more info: contact
Official Registration:

Quick Links



Contact us:

PWR Regional Lead

PWR-UUA Congregational Life Staff 

PWR-UUA Congregational Life Staff

Eric Bliss
PWR-UUA Youth Ministry Specialist

PCD District Administrator

Pacific Central District - UUA
4100 Redwood Road, #344
Oakland, CA 94619-2363
(510) 530-1437
Board Buzz 
Steve Burns, 
PCD Board President


The holidays are now behind us, and where I sit is presently in the middle of some long-awaited El Nino storms. Though daylight is still short and the days have been grey, it feels like the earth is hungering for the rain all around us (not so in other parts of the country, where in some places they have had more in one day than we've accumulated all season). Well aware of our deep need for this rain, I've yet to hear anyone complain about it locally.
It's also the time of year that many people make resolutions. I've listened to a number of friends (and read some articles) about New Year resolutions. Some feel that the calendar turning over is just an artificial thing anyway and why should 1 Jan be any different than another day? Others place great significance on the new beginning, yet from my informal research probably less than 10% of people actually accomplish their resolutions. So is it just a set up for failure, and should we be contrarians or join the crowd? I'm coming around to the idea that goals are needed, and often deadlines too, or things can just slide indefinitely. Though I clearly don't feel that New Year's resolutions have to be finalized by 1 Jan!
Our District (and Region) will also have a number of new beginnings. Since the start of implementing regional staffing structures, many changes have come about, and as of July 1 we will have all new staff in our District except for our Administrator, Chuck Rosene. In addition, the Regional Lead position currently held by Nancy Bowen, will also be filled with a new person. A big, new, blank slate is available for these people to reimagine and create our congregational life staffing. We have moved from an institutionally 'siloed' system to one of great interdependence, with staff working across District boundaries and accessing wisdom and resources wherever they may be found.
An example gave me some insight into how desirable it is to work within this new system. At the time of our last District Executive hire (prior to that position becoming obsolete) we had a short list of qualified candidates, and ended up with a great hire. Subsequently, last year we were hiring for 3 experienced congregational life staff in our Region-and had more than 2 dozen qualified candidates. This indicates to me a few things: Nancy and Scott Taylor have created a working environment that is attractive to many experienced people who wish to strengthen our faith and serve our congregations. It also shows how being more connected and less isolated than staff were under the District staffing model is appealing to our employed staff. I will miss the gifts of those who have gone, and welcome the new energy and perspectives of those who will join the team.
It promises to be another busy year, with quite a few changes. I hope your year is starting out well, and please be in touch if you have any ideas or suggestions to share.

 Best Wishes, 


Pacific Western Region Webinars!

The Pacific Western Region is offering a series of webinars designed for all types of congregational leaders - clergy and laity alike will find these webinars not only useful, but inspirational!

Don't find yourself wishing that you had attended one of these great presentations - check out the scheduled webinars, and see which webinar fits the training or continuing education needs of your congregation!

Gather a team together - one low price ($20) for one connection! 

with Rev. Nancy Bowen and Kay Crider
(Limited to 20 Connections)
Monday | January 18, 2016 | 6:30-8 pm PT
with Betsy Lowry and Youth Leaders, Albert Lorenzana and Eli Breidford
Tuesday | January 19, 2016 | 6:30-8 pm PT
with Rev. Nancy Bowen
Thursday | January 28, 2016 | 6:30-7:30 pm PT
with Eric Bliss
Tuesday | February 9, 2016 | 6:30-8 pm PT
What Makes a Compelling Mission Statement?
with Rev. Robert Latham
Friday | February 12, 2016 | 6:30-7:30 pm PT
with Rev. Carol McKinley, PNWD Healthy Congregations Team
Thursday | February 11, 2016 | 6:30-7:30 pm PT 
with Rev. Laura Shennum, PNWD Healthy Congregations Team
Thursday | February 25, 2016 | 6:30-7:30 pm PT 

See the PWR-UUA webinar webpage for all of the upcoming webinars and webinar series!

Congregational Highlights

UU West Hawaii (Kailua-Kona)

Saturday, February 20, 2016
Kailua-Kona, Big Island, Hawaii

The UUs of West Hawaii invite all UUs who are planning to visit The Big Island to arrange their trip so they can participate in our "Aloha Spirit Day."  The Day will offer well-designed workshops and fascinating speakers plus a communal dinner. Experience the Big Island of Hawaii more deeply and understand the unique nature of this place we love so much: environment, volunteering, cultural sensitivity, music & fun. Connect with UUs in Paradise - we look forward to meeting you!

Pre-registration is necessary. Contact Linda Olsen at 530-368-0079 to obtain more information. You could also email linda-o@audioeditions.com. Our website is    

UU Church of Palo Alto

Performance and Education to End Modern Slavery
Sunday, January 17, 2016

The UU Church of Palo Alto is proud to host a day of theater, education and action against modern slavery, with a performance of "52 Letters," Regina Evans's stunning solo performance. The SF Chronicle's Robert Hurwitt writes, "A mesmerizing blend of scathing personal stories, incantatory phrases, artful oratory and movement, this is theater as essential wake-up call."
Come for any - or all - of the day's program:
2:00-2:30pm: Arrival
2:30-4:30pm: Workshop: Human Trafficking Here and Now
4:30-6:00pm: Enjoy dinner and network
6:00pm:  52 Letters, Regina Evans's stunning solo performance. 
7:00-8:00pm: Panel with anti-human trafficking activists in the Bay Area.
Advance tickets for 52 Letters are recommended and are available at Brown Paper Tickets. Proceeds benefit the UU Abolitionists.

Fresno Church

UU Church of Fresno
Seeks Assistant Minister

The UU Church of Fresno  seeks an Assistant Minister of Education and Family Ministries (AMEFM) to direct a vibrant and inviting Lifespan Religious Education Ministry; coordinate multi-age social justice activities; provide pastoral care to teachers, families, and other congregants; and lead worship for monthly Children's Chapel, as well as adult and multi-generational services.
The AMEFM, the Minister and the Director of Operations will form a Ministry Team responsible for meeting the pastoral, educational, operational, social justice, and worship needs of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno. The Assistant Minister provides management and development in the areas of LRE programming, multi-age social justice activities, worship and pastoral care.

For a more information, please contact the Rev. Tim Kutzmark at: tkutzmark@uufresno.org

UU Fellowship of Redwood City

SHARED MINISTRY: Purpose.Balance.Motion.

Installation Ceremony for Reverend Stefanie Etzbach-Dale at 5 pm on Sunday, January 31st!

The UU Fellowship of Redwood City will be celebrating the successful conclusion of its ministerial search through the Installation Ceremony for Reverend Stefanie Etzbach-Dale at 5 pm on Sunday, January 31st!  In working through the possibilities of this new shared ministry, the image of a mobile was selected as fittingly inspirational!  The mobile illustrates something of the unique elements that seek balance within congregational life, as they move in relationship with one another, and are held together through common purpose.  

Several workshops are being planned in anticipation of the Installation Ceremony, during which members will help create a large, colorful mobile that will be unveiled in the sanctuary on that day.  Please plan to celebrate with us! 

Illustration by Kaye Bonney