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As you grow older your whole life becomes rich, multifaceted  
                    ~ Francesca Annis

t-shirt to be provided
click for larger view
We are launching a campaign in social media and it's important that you are all aware! 

We are launching our weekly digest and as a part of that we are holding a booster campaign with a free t-shirt that was designed for TYC.  It is the first t-shirt we are offering and its important to say you won't qualify to receive the free t-shirt. 

If you want one though you can buy one from the second booster campaign we are running this week!  Your purshase of a shirt encourages others to buy the shirt as well and these proceeds will be going to Trans Youth channel as part of the creating change funds!

Last announcement - we will have an organization topic this week that is just a survey to get to know our viewers better so pay attention to this!  we want you to spread this survey as much as you can so that people can provide this vital and important information.

Your favorite non-trans* thing about you

Being Trans* has for a long time defined us as advocates for change in the trans* community so every once in a while we like to do something that is not about being trans to show people who we are as people.

So this week its talking about your favorite thing about you.  make sure its positive (why wouldn't it be, its your favorite right?!) that is not trans* related!

Additionally however we will be featuring an "organization" but this will be our own survey to understand more about our community.

Make sure you stress:
this is a completely anonymous survey that will not even be possible to harm someone. 
Can't Volunteer Anymore?
Donate to our cause

See if a friend is interested

Be yourself and have fun
Don't worry about being professional right now

Trans Youth channel wants to conect with our communities on a more interpersonal level so talk in this video like you would a friend or better,  invite a friend to do this video with you! 

By doing so viewers are more likely to respond warmly and have a conversation. 

It may help to end your video with a question: Who are you on the other end of the camera?

Our set of videos for this topic
For inspiration

this shall not change me.
this shall not change me.

Please spread this survey!
We are asking you to spread this survey!

Please spread this survey as you would an organization, with a statement in the video within the first 2 minutes and then a full explaination at the end of the call. 

video Editing will provide it in the description of every video as well as in the video when you do mention it. 

click here and/or copy the link below to get the survey
The link is right here:

just copy and paste it anywhere you feel would be appropriate and if you do it on your personal channels it would also be much appreciated :)

This weeks pipeline at a glance
put this weeks topic here as a sub title

research and outreach
video bloggers
video editing & QA
published this week
No Topic Yet (must have 4 every week)
1 non-trans related thing about you
Whats in a name
Transgender Elderly

Trans Youth Channel
Can't Volunteer? 
Donate to our cause

See if a friend is interested

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