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"Thought has no Gender" ~Vanna Bonta

We are officially 501c3 certified!!! after just a brief 3 weeks we now have the documentation to prove that we are a functioning non-profit.  But that means we need to fast track a lot of things!  

Please nominate either yourself or another volunteer to get a board of directors who will foresee the development of Trans Youth channel moving into the future!  

New 3rd person pronouns (click here to view more)
Gender Neutral Pronouns

This weeks topic is on gender neutral pronouns. There have been some new words invented to describe non-binary gender people. Some of these new words include "Xe, Ne, Ve" etc. Some other things to consider are:

1) What pronouns do you prefer?
2) How do you ask someone their pronoun preference?3) What is your take on 3rd person pronouns?

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There has been a steady movement towards use of third person pronouns beyond just the vague and indefinite ones like they, them, their. The new 3rd person pronouns include (but are not limited to) "Xe, Ze, Ve, and Ne." Click the links provided to go deeper into this topic. 

What to talk about?
1) What pronouns do you prefer to use and have describe you?
2) How do you personally go about asking someone their pronoun preference?
3) What is your take on the new third person pronouns and have you used them?

This weeks pipeline at a glance
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research and outreach
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LGBT Counseling3rd Person Pronouns
do YOU have any suggestions for the next topic?!? SlursStay on top of the pipeline.QA: Pride

Trans Youth Channel
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