3rd Week in April:
April 26: Arizona State Arbor Day
May 7-10: WCISA Annual Conference & Trade Show
June 1: National Trails Day
August: UCF Grants Applications Available
Sept 28: National Public Lands Day
October: UCF Month
November: Native American Heritage Month
Arborist Training: 2013 Events
The absorbing roots of trees can spread 1 � to 3 times as wide as the canopy. They are also typically within 1 foot of the soil surface. Watering the entire root zone will serve your tree well; however, most of the water will be absorbed outside of the canopy drip line.
Bacterial wetwood is a common disease that can affect the central core of urban trees. The bacterial activity causes a build-up of gas pressure within the tree.
Affected wood is wetter than the surrounding wood with symptoms being a yellow-brown discoloration of the wood and/or oozing or bleeding of slime. White foam can also be seen in affected areas.
As well as being unsightly, wetwood bacteria can destroy the cambium of a tree. Radial cracks and slightly weaker wood may also be present.
So how does the tree get the disease? The wetwood bacteria are common in soil and water and more than likely enters the tree through damaged roots or trunk.
There is currently no effective method to get rid of bacterial wetwood. The best practice is to prevent damage to the tree as well as reduce stress. Making sure your tree has sufficient water during the spring and summer months can help reduce wetwood problems.
Follow the link below for more information regarding bacterial wetwood.
One 6 inch mesquite tree in the Phoenix metropolitan area can save you $67 a year!
This number is based on an increase in property value, interception of stormwater runoff, reduction in energy cost, and affect on air quality.
To learn what other trees provide to you and your community, try out the "National Tree Benefit Calculator" at:
"A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
What do you think of our first newsletter? How did we do? We would love to hear what you think.
State Foresters Office
1110 West Washington, Suite 100
Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2935
Phone: 602-771-1400
Flagstaff District
3650 Lake Mary Rd.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Phone: 928-774-1425
Phoenix District
2901 W. Pinnacle Peak Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85027
Phone: 623-445-0274
Tucson District
3237 E. 45th St.
Tucson, AZ 85713
Phone: 520-628-5480
I would like to officially welcome you to our brand new
Urban Tree Talk eNewsletter! Arizona State Forestry's Urban and Community Forestry (UCF) Program was initiated in the late-1970's to provide technical assistance to communities throughout the state. We have been quietly working behind the scenes - and sometimes in full daylight - to support and implement urban forestry projects and programs with our community partners. This newsletter will be an opportunity for us to share exciting updates and new initiatives with the Urban Forestry Community, and will be another tool to keep you informed.
I encourage you to be involved in Urban Forestry work in Arizona - let us introduce ourselves to you, give us a call, ask us questions - we're ready to be your partner. Now find yourself a nice shady tree to sit under and take your time reading through the latest Urban Tree Talk. Enjoy!
The Arizona State Forestry Division's mission is to manage and reduce wildfire risk to Arizona's people, communities, and wildland areas while providing forest resource stewardship through strategic implementation of forest health policies and cooperative forestry assistance programs. Assistance programs include urban forestry programs, among others. The Urban and Community Forestry (UCF) program promotes sustainable management of Arizona's urban forests, and works collaboratively with partners across the state and Southwestern U.S. This newsletter will serve as a resource for the latest and greatest in urban forestry, as well as an educational and informational publication for those who reside in the great State of Arizona and members of the broader urban forest community. For now, you can expect this newsletter to go out 4 times a year.
The UCF program provides educational, technical, and financial assistance through the following:
- Community Challenge Grants and Grantee Showcase
- Statewide Arbor Day Celebration
- Tree City USA/Tree Line USA/Tree Campus USA Recognition Programs
- Tree Recognition Programs
- Partnerships with Non-Profits Dedicated to Urban & Community Forestry
- Urban Forest Management Plan Development & Tree Ordinances
- Urban Forest Canopy Inventories and Mapping
- Tree Identification and Education
Tiger moth larva and webbing on ponderosa pine
If you think the winters of Northern Arizona cause tree related insects to die or go dormant, you'd be correct... except for a few insects.
Found in undisturbed forests through more developed forested areas like Flagstaff, the tiger moth is one of Arizona's only tree related insects that is still active in the winter. As the name suggests, this native moth has contrasting colors-either striped or spotted-like tigers. Throughout the winter, tiger moth larval caterpillars will feed during the day on needles and return to their tents at night and during cold weather. Tents are created by the young caterpillars, usually around September and October. By April and May, their conspicuous white webs become very noticeable as they expand their tents. Looking for the webs at the topmost branches during this time of year is the best way to detect the tiger moth. Ponderosa pine is the preferred host but it is occasionally found on Douglas-fir, white fir, spruce, and pinyon pine. Needle defoliation on the tree is evident in the immediate area around the tent and can be unsightly on ornamental trees.
Although tiger moths feed on needles, their presence is mainly aesthetic, and will not harm most trees. For smaller trees, caterpillars can be hand-picked and disposed of properly by using gloves, without deforming the tree. Most new growth on large trees masks the defoliation. Therefore, treatment is not necessary, as the only option will soon deform the tree. If a deformed tree is acceptable and you have decided to treat for tiger moths, prune the branches with the tents late in the evening and place them in plastic bags for disposal. Caution: The hairs can produce rashes and blisters on the skin of people who are sensitive to them.
Click HERE and HERE for more information on Tiger Moth.
With the increased use of portable sawmills; so does the opportunities to utilize urban trees.
Depending on what Arizona community you call home, there is likely a business nearby that can recycle or process residential trees and landscaping waste into a usable product. The recycling and remanufacturing of residential trees helps to reduce the volume of material being stored in landfills. Additionally the products generated from the residential trees that are being disposed are typically sold locally and contribute to the local economy. The three main avenues for utilization and recycling of residential wood waste that are found in AZ are sawmills, fuelwood manufacturers, and green waste recycling facilities.
Often associated only with northern Arizona, small sawmill businesses are located throughout the state. These sawmill owners may be willing to allow the disposal of trees at their business for a minimal cost. Depending on the tree species, the sawmill owners may even be interested in paying you to deliver more trees of the same species and quality. This however rarely occurs because trees from urban and residential areas are more apt to have metal contaminants that can damage expensive wood cutting equipment (nails, etc). Despite this, sawmill businesses still remain a viable option to disposing of urban trees. Some small sawmill owners in Arizona have the ability to bring their sawmill to your residence if transporting trees is not an option. Often this business arrangement involves the homeowner paying the sawmill owner a set rate to process the trees into lumber. Many times homeowners use this option if there is sentimental value associated with the residential tree. Lumber from the tree can then potentially be manufactured into an item that retains the sentimental value of the tree.
A sawmill in Chandler, Maricopa County, that specializes in the sawing of high quality mesquite lumber. Another sawmill in Yavapai County will not only saw lumber, but also produce custom moulding. Custom manufactured moulding is often needed for restoration projects in historic buildings. A directory that lists many of Arizona's small sawmill businesses is available for download at the Arizona State Forestry website, under the Forest Utilization and Marketing tab.
Market prices for fuelwood can vary depending on tree species and region.
Processing residential trees into fuelwood is also another good utilization option. To a limited extent there are markets for fuelwood throughout the state. Depending on the species, wholesale fuelwood manufacturers may have some interest in purchasing trees that are being removed. Certain ornamental trees species are aromatic when burned and can be sold as a specialty item. Likewise some tree species burn hotter and longer than other tree species, and are more sought after.
However, there are also options available if you would like to
dispose of landscaping waste and trees in a cost effective and environmentally conscious manner. Many communities have "green waste" disposal yards or regularly scheduled pickup dates for landscaping waste and other woody materials. In Yavapai County, the Firewise communities work together with the local fire districts and municipal waste authorities to schedule annual green waste collection days. The green waste collection days provide an opportunity for communities to dispose of the trees and shrubs that are removed around residential structures in an effort to reduce the risk of wildland fire to homes. The collected green waste is consolidated at a transfer station in Prescott and ground into mulch that is made available to the general community. If your local city government does not have annual green waste pick days, there is most likely a private business in the area that will charge a nominal fee for you to dispose of your landscape and tree trimmings. One such business in Navajo County separates the incoming green waste based upon the size of the incoming material. Large limbs and tree segments are processed into shavings that can be used for horse and animal bedding. The smaller size material received at this green waste facility in Navajo County is ground up and sold as a mulch product.
In Arizona and across the nation, communities are developing resources and procedures to utilize and recycle urban trees and landscaping waste. To find out more about opportunities to utilize urban trees contact: Patrick Rappold 928-774-1425
A new round of Community Challenge Grants was awarded in January 2013. The reviewing committee worked hard to make the final decisions on some outstanding project proposals. When the dust settled, $154,700 was awarded through 12 different projects across the state. Projects selected for funding vary from urban forest inventories and expanding the urban green infrastructure to the development of tree networks and community education regarding forest benefits.
A list of the new 2012 CCG awardees is listed below.
Arizona Community Tree Council, Scottsdale
Arizona State University, Tempe
Bisbee High School, Bisbee
City of Glendale, Glendale
City of Phoenix, Phoenix
Friends of Tucson Birthplace, Tucson
LEAF Network, Tucson
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff
San Carlos Apache Tribe, San Carlos
Tucson Clean and Beautiful - Trees for Tucson, Tucson
University of Arizona, Plant Sciences, Tucson
Watershed Management Group, Tucson
Congratulations to these organizations! We look forward to seeing how the projects progress over the coming months. We anticipate the next Community Challenge Grant call for proposals to be announced late summer. If you'd like to add your name/email to our contact list for grant notifications, please email us (see contact information below).