Monday, June 6, 2016
This Week


6th - 10th
All Day
InfoComm 2016 Convention & Trade Show, Las Vegas, NV

10:00 AM
San Joaquin Building Trades, Stockton

11:30 AM
BASA Board Meeting, Conference Call

7:30 AM
Pleasanton Chamber 2020 Forum, Pleasanton Chamber

3:00 PM
Oakland Chamber Economic Development Committee, Oakland

8:00 AM
East Bay EDA Board Retreat, ZNE Center, San Leandro

12:00 PM
ASAC GRC Meeting, Conference Call
Final Overtime Rule Merits Employers' Attention
DOL Issues Final Overtime Rule Doubling Exemption Threshold to $47,476 
On December 1, 2016, the Department of Labor's final overtime rule will go into effect, essentially doubling the salary level that determines eligibility for overtime. Currently, workers earning more than $23,660 per year are not eligible for time-and-one-half pay for more than 40 hours per week, if they also perform certain executive, professional or administrative duties. The new rule raises that minimum salary threshold to $47,476, and will likely bring forth a significant amount of new litigation by simply raising national consciousness of an issue that has become less relevant with each passing year. Keep in mind that just because you chose to pay an office employee on a salary basis vs. on an hourly basis, does not automatically exempt payment of overtime. The overtime rule does not change the current duties test. There was an excellent article in last month's Comstock's magazine regarding the new wrinkle that the Internet has brought for all employers.

Useful Links:
Politico Alert 
See attached Politico Alert for important information on DIR Registration for Public Works Contractors and Electronic Certified Payroll Reporting Update.
NECA Looks to Increase Opportunities for Members 
The House approved legislation on May 23rd, aimed at stepping up sales of vacant and underused federal buildings, a move that NECA and other construction groups believe could lead to a large volume of construction work as the facilities are converted to new uses. NECA has strongly advocated that Congress should enact federal property reform legislation that incentivizes building retrofits and upgrades to improve the energy efficiency of federal buildings. Learn more here.
Revised Fall Protection Rule
Effective July 1, 2016
A revised fall protection rule for California workers laboring within 6 feet of a skylight takes effect July 1, 2016, following the standard's recent approval by the state's Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board. The update makes several significant changes to the state's current rule (Title 8, Section 3212), such as setting specifications for screens and nets installed below skylights and requiring training for workers if their safety depends on nets. The revision did not change such fall protection provisions as allowing the use of guardrails and fall protection systems attached to workers.
Cost Increases Effective June 1, 2016
Effective June 1, 2016, the following increases will go into effect. Please be sure to use the attached cost data sheets when bidding work in these corresponding jurisdictions.
Please contact Scot VanBuskirk should you have any questions. 
Bisnow's Oakland Multi-Family & Mixed-Use Forum
Embarcadero Business Park, June 28, 2016
Bisnow Oakland is hosting its first annual Oakland Multi-Family & Mixed-Use Forum on June 28, 2016, at the Embarcadero Business Park, Oakland. Oakland multi-family has become highly attractive due to strong demand with limited supply. Get the lowdown from Oakland's top developers as they talk mega projects on the horizon. Panelists will weigh-in on the ever-expanding importance of mixed-use communities and finding value in properties where others may not. A limited number of tickets remain, so register today.
Become a CALCTP Acceptance Testing Technician 
CALCTP Acceptance Technician Training, June 4th and 11th 
On Saturday, June 4 & 11, 2016, the ZNE Center is offering CALCTP Accetptance Testing Technician Training. For more information, visit and/or

Effective July 1, 2014, the California Energy Commission adopted changes to the California Building Efficiency Standards (Title 24, Parts 1 and 6) that require lighting controls and devices to be certified as properly installed and operational, prior to the issuance of occupancy permits. All acceptance test technicians must be employed by an acceptance test employer, which provides support as well as quality control.
USGBC GreenerBuilder Conference 
Zero Net Energy Center, June 16th 
Here's a sneak peak at what is in store at the USGBC Conference being held at our own ZNE Center on June 16th. Register today; enter promo code IBEWNECA2016 to receive a $20 discount. NECA and IBEW are proud to partner with the USGBC on this one-day educational and action-packed day. Questions? Contact Darlene Besst.
Educational Opportunities  
Register Now For NECA's 2016 Workshops
Building Partnerships Through Customer Service
The Solano/Napa ECT is hosting a NECA Education Class where participants will learn:
  • Effective steps to deliver better, faster service, while increasing customer satisfaction;
  • Identify ways to increase credibility with customers;
  • Describe how to manage customer expectations by personality style;
  • Give examples of how to gain and maintain repeat business; and
  • Explain how to minimize difficulty when dealing with difficult customers.
Date:  Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Time:  8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Location:  Napa Training Center (720-A Technology Way, Napa, CA)
Cost:  Free to contractors working in Local Union 180's jurisdiction.  
   All others: $310 per person
Education Fund Credits offered by the Northern California Chapter, NECA may be used. Contact  Juanita Mitchell to register your attendance.

Cracking the 'WIP' - Driving Predictable Cost Projections 
Many contractors struggle with how to build a robust cost projection process that provides for consistency and predictability; banks and bonding companies are demanding contractors develop and implement robust cost controls. Learn how to identify the key indicators that monitor project performance and allow you to drive responsibility to the project level, affecting the greatest positive change.
  • Identify how to manage work-in-process for better profitability;
  • Explain the relationship between project profitability and processes;
  • Describe how to apply earned value reporting to projects;
  • Describe key performance metrics that create actionable information;
  • Discuss data collection and metric automation methods;
  • Explain deployment options.
Senior executives, financial managers and project managers will benefit from this full-day course.
Date:  Thursday, September 22, 2016 
Time:  8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 
Location:  Napa Training Center (720-A Technology Way, Napa, CA) 
Cost:  Free to contractors working in Local 180's jurisdiction 
           All others: $500 per person 

Education fund Credits offered by the Northern California Chapter, NECA may be used. Contact  Juanita Mitchell to register your attendance. 

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