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The Other Halloween  
So, perhaps this year you are not ushering trick-or-treaters around in the dark, or bar-hopping in the Mission, or frenzied dancing in the forrest around a bonfire. 
Perhaps you are wondering what Halloween has to do with being a grown-up.

One way to make this holiday festive involves delicious food and elegant flair. Set the table with your best china, (make certain you have a good view of the front door), and invite friends for a week-night dinner party that is simple to prepare. Dim the overheads, light your pumpkins and enjoy the stream of adorableness that arrives in costume while you dine.
Here are some menu ideas to celebrate the season, and ensure minimal time in the kitchen. 
  • For an appetizer, make cheese balls from Porky's Bacon and Cheddar Spread rolled in black sesame seeds and served with Carr's Table Water Crackers. 
  • Toss a salad of baby greens sprinkled with Laxmi's Spiced Nuts, Fuyu Persimmon Slices and pomegranate seeds.
  • Filet Mignon (bloody, of course)
  • Roasted Brussels Sprouts tossed with Olive Oil and Sea Salt
  • Pasta Prima striped Butternut Squash Ravioli
  • Roasted New Potatoes with Olive Oil & Rosemary
  • Studebaker Cheesecake with blood-like raspberry puree 
  • Bogle Vineyards 2010 Phantom Red Wine

Vendor of the Month 


We love Santa Cruz Organic for their fab�u�lous array juices and lemon�ades. But, do you know how good their other prod�ucts are?


Santa Cruz Organic is skilled at refining and combining the flavors of seemingly ordinary foods, and taking them to new levels. For example, just like coffee, they are now offering both a light and dark roast peanut butter (as well as the standard crunchy and smooth). And their fruit spreads include flavors like mango mango and black�berry pomegranate. Talk about a sophisticated PB&J! 


They have great autumn flavors, and their apple�sauces come straight up, or in combinations like apple-apricot, apple-peach, apple-cinnamon, apple-strawberry, and a full-out trop�ical fruit sauce.  Read More...


Well, our annual, big, fat pumpkin has arrived on a fork�lift, and it is time again to guess its weight.

Go inside the store, and fill out a ballot to enter. The winner gets a $100 gift certificate, and first runner-up gets a $50 gift certificate to Pied�mont Grocery.

The drawing will be held on October 31st. 


Rather than dig�ging your own, you can now pur�chase these tidy pack�ages of Grave�yard Dirt for your favorite Hal�loween sprite.


Clever, colorful, and crunchy, they make a fantastic gift for that special zombie in your life. Read More...


From Amy and our "What's For Dinner Wednesday" recipe blog 

I sat down to write, planning a post about our traditional Trick or Treating Halloween Grilled Cheese dinner, but the only thin to pop into my head was, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


So I decided to go a different direction: East.


I admit I have been on a pumpkin kick lately. Don't know if it's because of Halloween or the time of year, but I have been making and consuming any�thing with pumpkin: Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls, Pumpkin Spice Latte, etc. I'm a pumpkin-eating lunatic. Amazing I have not yet turned yellow.


Last week I made Pumpkin Curry for dinner from a recipe on epicurious.com, I adapted to my own tastes. (Read: spiced it up.) It was really good and, I bet it would be delicious even without the shrimp. You could easily substitute some browned chicken thighs.


Be pre�pared though, this dish is heavy on the pumpkin. Not just a little thrown in, here's  some big-time pumpkin flavor. 


It's all about the orange, baby.


So what�ever your plans are for the 31st, be it trick-or-treating, awaiting the arrival of the great pumpkin, or well, per�haps turning off the porch light and ignoring your front door-try this curry recipe, and at the very least spice up your Thursday dinner.  


Pumpkin Shrimp Curry

Adapted from Bon App�tit | November 2011
by Chef Tory Miller

Read the recipe on our website... 
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Harvest Time
Vendor of the Month
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What's For Dinner Wednesday
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Monday through
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Sunday 9 AM - 7 PM 




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4038 Piedmont Ave.

Oakland, CA 94611


(510) 653-8181