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Coconut Popsicles
Mexican Cool
While other parts of the country dig through their closets for fall gear, in the East Bay we have yet to savor our best days of summer weather.
Always in search of a flavorful twist, what better way is there than Mexican-style? 
Mexican Coconut Popsicles
A refreshing treat on a hot day, these are lightly sweetened and simple to prepare.
One can of coconut milk
1/4 cup sugar
1 cup ice cubes
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Popsicle Mold

Slowly simmer the coconut milk. Add the sugar, stirring occasionally until dissolved.
Remove the mixture from heat, and pour into a large measuring cup. And add the ice, and stir until it is melted and the coconut milk is cooled. Add in the milk, heavy cream and vanilla. 

Pour the coconut mixture into the popsicle molds, and freeze until solid.
Tamarind and Date Aguas Fresca

Tamarind & Date Agua Fresca
Here is a great recipe from Bon App�tit Magazine

1 pound tamarind pulp (with seeds)
18 pitted Medjool dates
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons superfine sugar

Combine tamarind, dates, and 2 1/2 quarts water in a medium pot and bring to a boil; simmer briskly, stirring often and mashing pulp and dates with the back of a spoon until they break down, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 2 hours.

Strain mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a large bowl, pressing on solids to extract as much liquid as possible (you should have about 4 cups). Transfer tamarind mixture to a pitcher. Stir in sugar and 3 cups water. Chill until cold.

Laura Chenle Chevre  
Vendor of the Month 


A Sense of Place


Laura Chenel Cheese helps define the culi�nary land�scape of Northern Cal�i�fornia. They reflect the fresh, bright flavor of our Cal�i�fornia cli�mate and geography.


Laura Chenel's clean, full- fla�vored cheeses are such a staple at Pied�mont Gro�cery, we some�times must remind our�selves not to take them for granted. This is really spe�cial cheese!. Read More...


Labor Day  


Pied�mont Grocery will be closed for Labor Day, September 2nd, so our employees can spend the day with families and friends. So, please make certain to complete your purchases by Sunday evening when we close at 7.


We will resume our regular hours on Tuesday morning at 9 AM.

  Wedermeyer Sliced Bread


As August turns to September, and our thoughts turn to school lunches, we will be certain to pack Wede�meyer sandwich breads. Their German Rye and Sour�dough make fantastic sandwiches. Then there is the Ham�burger Schwartzbrot, a traditional and delicious black bread. All are brick-oven baked and delivered fresh to Pied�mont Grocery.


This South San Fran�cisco company, crafts breads have that "old country" taste. Generations of German-Americans in the Bay Area have grown up with and enjoyed their wonderful wares since their founding in 1936 by German immi�grant Friedrich Wedemeyer.  Read More...



  Avocado Gelato

Brain Freeze

From Amy and our What's For Dinner Wednesday recipe blog 

My recent ice cream odessy started when I dis�cov�ered these really yummy ice cream bars at our local his�panic gro�cery store. Every time I am in that store, after picking up some of the world's freshest tor�tillas, I buy a few. (You know, for the kids. wink, wink.) They are Mex�ican Paletas made out of super fresh and all nat�ural ingre�di�ents. The fla�vors range from Straw�ber�ries and Cream to Guava and Tamarind. Not to men�tion Spicy Mango and Corn. Totally refreshing and a great treat.

At a recent Cook�book Club Dinner, we were treated to some fab�u�lous Avo�cado Ice Cream made by the same com�pany as the ice cream bars. Now, I know what you're thinking. Avo�cado Ice Cream? Hmmmmm. That's kinda pushing the bound�aries of the ice cream com�fort zone. I am here to tell you it's tasty. It's really tasty. It's creamy, sweet and so good on a hot day. Even my 9 year old loves it. He chose the Avo�cado flavor over the Mex�ican Choco�late. What kid passes up choco�late? Crazy...

The other day I found myself walking down the street with some time before an appoint�ment, so I wan�dered around and did a little window shop�ping. I noticed a new creamery selling small batch artisan ice cream. I stepped inside to see what fla�vors they had. I was floored. While the tra�di�tional Vanilla and Choco�late was avail�able, they also had a variety of inter�esting fla�vors that changed daily. My choice that evening was the Thai Iced Tea ice cream which was phe�nom�enal. But, Thai Iced Tea? Huh?

Most recently at the store, we had the plea�sure of tasting a new product that is made locally called Genuto. It is a dairy-free 100% nut based "ice cream" and it is FANTASTIC. As an unre�pen�tant lover of fat and other things that are bad for me I was super sur�prised at how good this was. You would never know that there was no cream in this. It's totally nuts. Yes, pun intended. The Lemon Almond was my favorite.

I have been having so much fun on this adven�ture and I encourage you to go on an ice cream adven�ture of your own. Whether you make it or buy it, do your�self a flavor (ha ha ha) and seek out the unusual. You will be glad you did.

Get the recipe for Avocado Gelato...
In This Issue
Mexican Cool
Vendor of the Month
Closed Labor Day
What's Hot
Avocado Gelato
What's For Dinner Wednesday
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Visit our recipe blog to learn what Amy, our VP and resident foodie, is cooking up in her home kitchen.
We're Open 
Seven Days a Week
Monday through
9 AM - 8 PM 
Sunday 9 AM - 7 PM 




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4038 Piedmont Ave.

Oakland, CA 94611


(510) 653-8181