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2013-Year of the Snake
Chinese culture, and the Lunar New Year, are filled with symbolism. The 12-animal astrology cycle points out the qualities of both the year, and those who are born that year. Even the food that is eaten on New Years is strongly symbolic. So, cut some cherry blossoms, and decorate your table with pomelos, oranges, tangerines, and red money envelopes for good fortune. 

The Year of the Snake is meant for steady progress and attention to detail. Focus and discipline are necessary to achieve goals. Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means that your family will have enough to eat.

A wonderful thing about the Lunar New Year is the festivities go on for weeks. The Bay Area is rich with Asian culture, so we still have two weeks of events. Here are three favorites.   
February 16th | 12 to 4 PM

This is a more intimate, neighborhood celebration that includes: traditional candy given-away at participating merchant shops, Martial Arts Demonstration by Concord Kung Fu Academy, Dragon & Lion Dance by Kei Lun Martial Arts, and Merchant Store Blessings by the Lion Procession.

OMCA Lunar New Year  
Sunday, Feb�ruary 17 | 12 to 4:30 PM

Treat the family and dis�cover the diver�sity of Asian New Year traditions including a spec�tac�ular lion dance, Japanese mochi pounding, Malaysian 24 Sea�sons drum per�for�mance, Red Panda Acro�bats, Mar�tial Arts, Chi�nese yo-yo demon�stra�tions, tai chi, The Magic of Jade Show, Bali�nese dancers, and Ike�bana flower arrangements. Learn the viral dance hit "Gangnam Style" and more.
SF Chinese Parade
Saturday,February 23, 2013 | 5:15 to 8 PM

This is the blow-out parade for those who love excitement. Nowhere in the world will you see a lunar new year parade with more gorgeous floats, elaborate costumes, ferocious lions, exploding firecrackers, and of course the newly crowned Miss Chinatown U.S.A. and her court. The 268-foot Golden Dragon takes a team of over 100 men and women to carry it throughout the streets of San Francisco.


Shi�take Mush�rooms are plen�tiful this time of year in at Pied�mont Gro�cery. They hold a spe�cial place in the culi�nary tra�di�tions of Asia, and our dinner tables. According to Chi�nese legend, shi�take mush�rooms are sym�bolic of growing for�tunes. This makes them a key ingre�dient in New Years dishes.


Their rich, earthy flavor and del�i�cate tex�ture com�ple�ment makes them one of the most cul�ti�vated and deli�cious edible mush�rooms. We eat them in recipes that range from stir-fry to risotto to pizza. We love these exotic mush�rooms for their dis�tinc�tive taste, but they have a long list of health ben�e�fits that can't' be ignored. Read More...


Just Desserts
Vendor of the Month
Just Desserts

You can see and taste the difference.


Just Desserts makes cakes from the same premium-quality ingre�di�ents you would find in your own kitchen. The results are beau�ti�fully hand-decorated, excep�tional tasting treats that are per�fect for a spe�cial occa�sion-like Valen�tines Day. 


Their vari�eties include classic cakes, bunts, bites, single serv�ings, and the ever trans�portable cupcake. Read More... 


  Stir Fry
Symbolic Ingredients for Chinese New Year
New Year's festivities include sumptuous meals, symbolizing thanksgiving and family unity. Feasts are designed around meaning-laden foods to ensure auspicious blessings for the coming year based on the Chinese belief that "you are what you eat." 
If you choose to serve a stir-fry, be sure to feature one or more of the following ingredients:

Shrimp for happiness and laughter
Eggs for fertility
Mushrooms for growing fortunes
Lettuce for prosperity and wealth
Chicken for a proper beginning and end
Scallions for intelligence
Clams and scallops for prosperity
Noodles for longevity
Lobster for auspicious symbol of the dragon
Fish for abundance and surplus
Cilantro for compassion
Pork for bounty and family unit
Five-spice tofu for happiness
Oysters for good business
Hard liquor for longevity
In This Issue
Lunar New Year
What's Hot
Vendor of the Month
Ingredients and Their Symbols
What's For Dinner Wednesday
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Oakland, CA 94611


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