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September Events, Ideas, and Recipes
red and white wine glasses The Wine Thing
We all know that Piedmont Grocery has great wine selection, but picking out a bottle can be daunting. There is so much to choose from, and you only need one bottle. We are here to help, and asked our wine guys for their best picks. This is what they told us:

Perfect Ending
It's been a long day, and you are dropping by the store to pick up a Grab and Go Piedmont Grocery takeout dinner and a pint of your favorite ice cream. You have a hot date tonight--with Netflix. You want something that's everyday, but delicious, and for a reasonable price.
Recommendation: Pick up a bottle of Protocolo Spanish Red, go home, and relax.

Crowd Pleaser
You are heading to a potluck or friend's house for dinner. Anything could show up on the menu. You are looking for a moderately-priced wine that will please most palates.
Recommendation: Liberty School 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon or 49 Crows 2009 Chardonnay will delight most, and offend no one.
Romantic Diner
You're cooking tonight, and not just for anybody. Special consideration has gone into menu planning, ingredients, and table setting. The conversation will be intimate, the senses stimulated.
Recommendation: Punto Final Argentine Malbec enhances the aesthetics of the evening.
Important Celebration
You have good reason to pull out all of the stops. This is an important event, and you plan to mark it with a memorable bottle.
Recommendation: Reynoso Family Vinyards Cabernet Sauvignon exudes special occasion.

Impressive Gift
It's time to make a good impression on an important client or your future in-laws. You want to send an unmistakable message of generosity, refined taste, and elegance.
Recommendation: Heintz Sonoma 2009 Pinot Noir will blow them away.
apple harvest


The region is teeming with great autumn activ�i�ties. Here is a sam�pling of what is coming up this month and next.


Learn about our top picks: San Fran�cisco Inter�na�tional Dragon Boat Fes�tival, Pied�mont Ave Art Walk, Russian River, Jazz and Blues Fes�tival, Eat Real Fes�tival, Octo�ber�fest by the Bay, Hoes Down, Half Moon Bay Art and Pumpkin Fes�tival, Pied�mont Avenue Hal�loween Parade.  Learn event details and links... 

honest tea kids
Honest Kids Drink Pouches solve the dilemma of the juice box. Here is a deli�cious drink, that is truly appealing, with less than half the sugar of most other pouches. Their secret is the just-so blend of teas and fruit juices. 

Five fla�vors with fun, bright pack�aging and great names like Appley Ever After and Good�ness Grape�ness. This all-natural, great-tasting good�ness has a mis�sion to sup�port the envi�ron�ment by planting trees, and the pack�ages are recy�clable too.   


Honest Tea is a great com�pany that we are proud to sup�port. In 2010 The Huff�in�gton Post ranked Honest Tea as one of the leading Eight Rev�o�lu�tionary Socially Respon�sible Com�pa�nies.   Read More...  

Koeze Peanut Butter

This is the good stuff-the best all nat�ural peanut butter avail�able. Con�sis�tent winner of taste tasting awards, Koeze Peanut Butter has no added sugar and no extra oils. The only thing added is a pinch of salt. 

The Koeze secret to great peanut butter is decep�tively simple. The best Vir�ginia peanuts are care�fully roasted to a rich, dark color and then coarse ground to per�fec�tion. Only a pinch of sea salt is added, and that's it. No arti�fi�cial fla�vors or preser�v�a�tives. No pre�ten�sion. It's so good you might just skip the jelly. Read More... 

In This Issue
Bastille Day Picnic
Fall Festivities Around the Bay
Vendor of the Month
Featured Product
What's For Dinner Wednesday
Quick Links


What's For Dinner Wednesday?
Visit our recipe blog to learn what Amy, our VP and resident foodie, is cooking up in her home kitchen.

Thick Pork Chops with Spiced Apples and Raisins


We're Open 
Seven Days a Week
Monday through
9 AM - 8 PM

Sunday 9 AM - 7 PM




 Free Parking

4038 Piedmont Ave.

Oakland, CA 94611


(510) 653-8181