Bastille Day Picnic
Bastille Day is "Pique Nique" time in France, and we never miss the opportunity for a picnic. This historic day marks the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789 and the first major event of the French Revolution. We like to forego the politics and to straight to the menu. So grab your wicker basket, red checked blanket, and any red, white and blue decorations left over from the 4th, and drop by the store on your way to a grassy field full of daisies.
Bastille Day Picnic Shopping List: - Trois Petit Couchons Mousse Pate
- Ile De France Supreme Brie
- Valfrais Garlic And Herb Cheese Spread
- Maille French Cornichons
- Radishes
- Edmond Fallot Dijon Mustard
- Acme Bread Co. Rustic Baguette
- Looka Patisserie French Macaroons
- Green and red grapes
- Lorina Sparkling French Lemonade
- Moet & Chandon French Champagne
And remember to load your iTunes with Edith Piaf chanson. |
Harris Ranch BBQ Comes to the Avenue - Sat. July 14 from 11 to 3
Harris Ranch will give a BBQ demo and tasting at Pied�mont Grocery. Come out down for some tasty sam�ples from a great, local ranch. The Harris family ranch has been oper�ating for over 40 years in Fresno County, and they take great pride in their meat. They have con�tin�u�ally strived to produce the highest quality beef in the world. This tra�di�tion is evi�dent in all of our beef prod�ucts. You can absolutely taste the difference. |
July is National Ice Cream month. Now really, what better way to pass a summer month than in the com�pany of good ice cream? We rec�om�mend Loard's, our local ice cream legend.
The com�pany was founded more than 60 years ago and they're still making the award winning pre�mium ice cream that has made them a Bay Area favorite. Their secret to longevity and suc�cess? An unwa�vering com�mit�ment to pre�mium ingre�di�ents and cus�tomer service. Read More...
Brentwood Corn and Festival
Our local Brent�wood corn is here. Sweet, firm, and deli�cious. Per�fect for grilling, boiling, or steaming. It's a tasty addi�tion to your summer pic�nics, bar�be�cues and parties.
Brent�wood is famous for its corn. The rich Brent�wood agri�cul�tural soil and tem�perate cli�mate of the Delta is ide�ally suited for growing corn. The local farmers take full advan�tage of these per�fect growing con�di�tions, and hand pick their corn each day. That's impor�tant because corn can lose over 25% of its sweet�ness shortly after picking. Read More...