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Sunday 10:10-Forums in Lent
Five different 10:10-Forums will be offered on  
March 17, 24


A Spirituality of Good Health (Dean Willey Hall)
God's love is always calling us in a gentle and persistent way. Receiving God's love brings health and vitality to our souls. God wants to support us in our endeavors to have healthy balance and perspective in our lives, but sometimes there are self imposed obstacles in our receiving the healing grace of God.  Come to Dean Willey Hall on Sundays during Lent at the 10:10 am time if this topic interests you. There will be a particular focus on good health in family systems and the good health to be discovered in working through freedom from addictions. Presenters will be: Harrison Smith, Elizabeth McGuinness, Robert Dennis and Canon Susan Joplin.  


Caring for Creation (Chapter Room)

Join Whole Creation Community and the St. Paul's Green Team for a diversity of topics.  Topics will encourage us to think about our own faith stories and how our life experiences shape our relationship with Creation. Topics will focus on our commitment as fellow workers in God's creation to each other and to our environment.  Forum sessions will include, discussions on spirituality, crafting something reusable from plastic bags, a film on "stuff",  an introduction to Cool Congregations, becoming an everyday environmentalist, and an introduction to the book, Of Wolves and Men by Barry Lopez which will be studied in greater detail during the Easter Season.


Discover:  Confirmation Class (East Garden Board Room)
Come and discover more about God, faith, the church and Saint Paul's Cathedral!  This class prepares people for confirmation or reception which will be held on March 30 at the Easter Vigil.  It is also open to those who want a refresher course on the church.  Come and discover:  Anglicanism and the Episcopal Church, The Bible, The Book of Common Prayer, The Sacraments, The Cathedral, Your Gifts for Ministry.
Discussion Leaders:  Dean Justin Lindstrom and Sharon Stewart

Parents Bible Study (Undercroft Parent Room)
Drop your children off at Sunday School in the Undercroft and head down the hall to the new Parents' Room.  Once there, you will find a relaxing environment with a Bible Study written by Dean Justin Lindstrom on the Gospel of the day.  Come and share your thoughts on the Gospel and how to carry that message into your everyday life. 

Revisioning Mary Magdalene: 
A Deeper Look at Jesus' Most Misunderstood Apostle (Parlor)
We invite you to spend time this Lent reading and discussing the Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault's book, 
The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity.   Rev. Bourgeault is an Episcopal priest and one of today's most respected contemplative teachers.  Our Presiding Bishop Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori writes that Bourgeault's book is "a remarkable invitation into the origins and wisdom of Christianity, through the apostolic witness of Mary Magdalene. Expect a challenge, perhaps more than you are ready for. This book should change something, as it invites you to deepen your capacity for love, through the witness of Jesus's beloved disciple."  Discussion leaders: Joyce Gibb and MaryAnn Sonntag.  The book will be available at the Cathedral Bookstore or on your kindle/nook.  You will find the reading schedule, discussion questions, the text of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and other auxiliary material on the Cathedral website at

Wednesday, 13             

  9:00 am    Guild of St. George Outreach - Dean Back Building

  9:00 am    Mobile Meals - Kitchen

*10:00 am   Retreat in Daily Life - Parlor

        Noon   Lenten Noonday Meditation and Lunch     

   6:00 pm    Lenten Dinner and Programs    


Thursday, 14          

  9:30 am    St. Catherine's Study and Prayer Group - Parlor

11:30 am    Tai Chi Class - Dean Willey Hall
12:10 pm    Holy Eucharist Rite II - Chapel

         *6:30 pm    Education for Ministry - Parlor


Friday, 15
          9:00 am    Guild of St. George Outreach - Dean Back Building


Saturday, 16            

 9:00 am    Safeguarding God's Children - East Garden Board Room        

*9:30 am    Education for Ministry - Parlor


Sunday, 17
          8:00 am    Holy Eucharist Rite I (no Music) - Cathedral
          9:00 am    Holy Eucharist Rite II - Cathedral

        10:10 am    Lenten Programs   

        10:10 am    Church School - Undercroft  

        10:10 am    Benedictine Class - Library     

        11:00 am    Holy Eucharist Rite I - Cathedral


Monday, 18   

          9:00 am    Guild of St. George Outreach - Dean Back Building

11:30 am    Tai Chi Class - Dean Willey Hall


Tuesday, 19    

7:00 pm    Vestry Meeting - East Garden Board Room 

7:30 pm    Brightmusic - Cathedral


Wednesday, 20              

  9:00 am    Guild of St. George Outreach - Dean Back Building

  9:00 am    Mobile Meals - Kitchen

*10:00 am    Retreat in Daily Life - Parlor

Noon   Lenten Noonday Meditation and Lunch   


* for more information about these events please call the Church Office at 235-3436  


Lent 2013

Lenten Noonday Program


March 13, 20

Join us for noonday prayers, a meditation and lunch.


Lenten Evening Program

6-6:35pm  Dinner

6:45-7:15pm  Choral Evensong with Meditation and Children's Activities

March 13

Join us for dinner then a activities for the children in the undercroft 

and Evensong with a meditation for youth and adults in the Cathedral.

Meditation will be given by

March 13 Canon Susan


Liturgy We Live

During Lent, we are reminded by Ash Wednesdayʼs gospel that we are in a time of prayer, fasting, and self-denial. Surprising to some, page 17 of our BCP designates Ash Wednesday and Good Friday as "Fasts", while the weekdays of Lent and Holy Week, (except the Annunciation on March 25) are considered "Days of Special Devotion" requiring "special acts of discipline and self-denial". No specific rules are provided. The original fast preceding Easter lasted two days. Later in the Western church, the thirty-six days of Lent were punctuated by Sunday feasting - continuing the resurrection celebration even during Lent. Forty days of Lenten fasting was begun in the 7th century when the four days from Ash Wednesday to the first Sunday in Lent were added. Initially, fasting was strict with only one meal a day towards evening. Meat, eggs, and fish were forbidden. Beginning in the 4th century, the hour for breaking the fast was moved to 3 PM and later back to noon. The exact manner of a personʼs fast is an individual one. The important point is to set aside this Lenten time in a special and personal way.
Calling all Vestry and Church School Teachers!

Safeguarding God's Children Training
9am - Noon Saturday, March 16 in the East Garden Board Room
The Episcopal Church requires that all vestry, staff and volunteers who work with children be certified through Safeguarding God's Children. SGC is a 3 hour training and must be renewed every four years. Our last scheduled training session will be held Saturday March 16th from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m.
Youth Group Spring Break
No Meeting this Sunday March 17!
SPC Green Team   


10:10 am Forum this Sunday 

Caring For Creation This Sunday 
This Sunday during the 10:10 Forum at St. Paul's Cathedral, Fenton Rood from the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality will talk about being an everyday environmentalist. There will also be an opportunity to donate to the Regional Food Bank's Orchard Project. Please join us.

Order Coffee/Support WCC

Whole Creation Community has partnered with the Create Good Foundation to provide you with your morning coffee! The Create Good Foundation is committed to helping the poor who live in coffee growing regions around the world through water and economic infrastructure investments aimed directly at creating sustainable communities


Please click on this link to be directed to the website. A portion of your purchases will be rebated to Whole Creation Community. You may also navigate directly to the Pura Vida Create Good website and make your purchase, attributing it to Whole Creation Community by typing WHOLECREATION in the "Coupon/Fundraising Code" box in your shopping cart.

  You are Needed!   

We are looking for a few more good mug washers and recyclers.  

For more information contact Ferrella March at    


A green tip from the Saint Paul's Green Team   

Carry your own Pyrex or reusable to go box to restaurants. You are saving the restaurant from buying (typically) styrofoam & you can reuse it when you get home.   Submitted by Heather Sessing          

Brightmusic  Brightmusic March 19

7:30 pm Tuesday, March 19, 2013
at the Cathedral

Mozart, "Kegelstatt" Trio in E-flat Major, K.498

Bruch, Romance for Viola and Piano, op. 85

Schumann, "M�rchenerz�hlungen" ("Fairy Tales"), op. 132

Lekeu, Piano Quartet for Violin, Viola, Cello and Piano

Guest Artist: Miles Hoffman (viola)
(Artistic Director, American Chamber Players;
Music Commentator for National Public Radio's "Morning Edition")

Admission $10,
students free

Easter Memorial Flowers
Envelopes for Easter Flower memorials are in the Sunday worship guides. Please take this opportunity to make a contribution in memory of a loved one or in celebration of Easter. Donations should be into the office no later than Monday, March 25 for inclusion in the Easter worship guides. The Altar Guild appreciates your continued support in helping us to beautify our place of worship.

Palm Cross Making
9:00 am Saturday, March 23 Reception Area
Children can make palm crosses, too! If you can handle a pair of scissors, you are invited to Reception Area on Saturday morning, March 23 to help the Altar Guild make palm crosses for Palm Sunday.
Personalized instruction and refreshments for all.

Holy Week and Easter Worship

Tuesday, March 26
12:10 pm Holy Eucharist
7:00 pm Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, March 27
12:10 pm Holy Eucharist
7:00 pm Tenebrae

Maundy Thursday, March 28
12:10 pm Holy Eucharist
5:30 pm Agap� Dinner RSVP here
7:00 pm Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing

Good Friday, March 29
7:00 am Stations of the Cross
12:10 pm Seven Last Words
7:00 pm Good Friday Liturgy

Holy Saturday, March 30
7:00 pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday, March 31
8:00 am , 9:00 am and 11:00 am services

Oblationer Ministry

From Merriam-Webster:

Oblation:  Something offered in worship or devotion;
a holy gift offered usually at an altar or shrine

We are introducing a new and significant piece to the flow of our Eucharistic services. As we open the Offertory portion of the service, you will now be seeing two people carrying an offering of bread and wine up to the Chancel, just ahead of the Ushers before they begin to take up the collection. They are known as Oblationers, and the bread and wine they carry up to be consecrated is The People's symbolic gift to the Eucharistic table.

This practice reminds us that there are many gifts that The People can bring to God, and in addition to the ritual bread and wine offering, we will from time to time bring other items forward as Oblations, such as food collected for St. George's Guild. We did this last fall when the Whole Creation Community held its drive to collect leaves for the compost bins at the Food Bank's gardens, and a symbolic basket of leaves was brought up to the altar -- making of them a Gift to God. If you would be interested in being an Oblationer (likely to serve about once a month) please RSVP.
Roof and Restoration Update
 Roof 2/20

The major event of the past week was a meeting with the members of the R&R committee and Mass Architecture.  The purpose was to review some of the major decision points with Mass Architecture and to reassure ourselves that we have all the information we need to make the best final decisions in important areas, such as: roofing materials, restoration scope and processes, bidder qualification and selection.  We also discussed some timing options that might be available for some of the work.


Later this week we will be meeting with Lingo, the general contractor, to review: bids and bidders, projected costs, alternate add/deduct options and scheduling.

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suggestions and feedback.
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