News from Insights Vancouver
July, 2015
In This Issue
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"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
~ Albert Einstein

It's officially summer-time!  The weather in our part of Canada has been fantastic, and there are so many things to see and do this time of year.

This has been a very busy month at the Insights offices in Vancouver as we prepare to integrate our team with our Calgary counterparts.  The expanded Insights organization will serve Western Canada from Manitoba through to BC, including the Yukon and Northwest Territories, while maintaining the two current offices and all their team members.  In the meantime, we're planning a retirement get-together for Joyce and Ken, as well as getting things in place for Learn@Work Month in September and an Insights Discovery Accreditation session in October.

For now, we invite you to take a few minutes and catch up on the latest news and announcements from Insights Vancouver.
Important Announcement 

Joyce Gwilliam & Ken Blosser
We're delighted to share some exciting news about Insights Learning and Development.


After careful consideration and reflection, Joyce Gwilliam, Founder and President of Insights Vancouver, and Director of Operations Ken Blosser have decided to retire.


As a result of this decision, and after a review of client needs, current market trends and other factors, our successful Vancouver and Calgary businesses will be integrated and become one Insights organization serving western Canada with offices in both Vancouver and Calgary.  This new organization, launching August 1st, 2015, will combine the experience and strengths from two dynamic teams to support the expanding markets in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.  


By amalgamating our resources to create one collaborative organization, we'll enhance the breadth and depth of knowledge and experience within our team and continue to improve our service for our customers.


Joyce and Ken are a remarkable partnership who have made a tremendous contribution to Insights over the years. They have created a powerful and lasting legacy, which will continue to provide learning and development support throughout Western Canada.  Please join us in thanking Joyce and Ken for their efforts over the past 16 years at a 'Come and Go' Retirement Party July 17th at the Insights Vancouver offices, #339 - 17 Fawcett Road in Coquitlam.   Full details and RSVP links are provided below. 

EventsUpcoming Events              

Come & Go Retirement Party 

Friday, July 17th from 1:30 to 4:30
Insights Learning & Development Office
#339-17 Fawcett Road, Coquitlam  
We're hosting a 'Come & Go Retirement Party' to celebrate the contributions of Joyce Gwilliam and Ken Blosser.  Join us for refreshments, nibblies, and great sharing of memories from over the past 16 years. RSVP if you're planning to join us and wish Joyce and Ken all the best in their retirement.  

Learn@Work Month
September 2015
The Canadian Society for Training & Development's national Learn @ Work Month is an annual celebration designed to promote the importance of workplace learning and performance to key stakeholders and the public-at-large. Learning has a positive impact on key business measures such as job performance and productivity and this event showcases how workplace learning makes a difference. During the month of September, workplace learning will be celebrated in organizations big and small through a variety of awareness campaigns, learning activities and professional development events.

If you're curious about Insights, or would like to 'dip your toes' into the Insights magic and get a better understanding of how Insights can support your learning and development needs, we have a number of one-hour sessions you can book on a first-come first-served basis to enhance your Learn@Work month activities.  Session details and booking information is available here.



Discoverylogowithglobe Insights Discovery Accreditation, Vancouver
October 5-8
May has always been a busy month for Insights Discovery Accreditations, and this year was no exception, with the Vancouver IDA wait-listed again.  There are now over 30 public and internal Accreditations each year across North America, which demonstrates how many organizations are choosing to bring Insights Discovery 'in house'.  
It's never too early to talk to us if you're thinking about bringing Insights Discovery into your organization, and if you're planning to attend the October Accreditation, remember that registration closes in early September.  We always have a wait list for the Vancouver Accreditations, so don't delay.  Full details and registration information is located here.  


A 2015 research paper published online by McKinsey and Company found leaders in organizations with high-quality leadership teams typically displayed 4 of 20 possible types of behaviour. These four behaviours explained 89% of the variance between strong and weak organizations in terms of leadership effectiveness.

The study is reprinted on our website, and a review of their four leadership behaviours directly mirrors the Insights Four Manifestations of Leadership. Their research listed:    
(1) Solving Problems Effectively  
(2) Operating with a Strong Results Orientation  
(3) Seeking Different Perspectives, and  
(4) Supporting Others as the four key leadership behaviours.

These four are a close match to the Insights four manifestations of Leadership effectiveness: 
  • Centred Leadership
  • Results Leadership
  • Visionary Leadership
  • Relationship Leadership

Their conclusions reinforce the fact that different business situations often require different styles of leadership. For organizations investing in leadership development, prioritizing these four areas is a great place to start. Contact our office to learn more about Insights Transformational Leadership.  The complete article is located here.  


To download a Fact Sheet about Insights Transformational Leadership, click here.
Let's Be Social 
Join us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.  We'll be using these links to provide updates in-between our monthly newsletters and we'll also be re-posting or re-tweeting stories and articles we find interesting. 

If you have comments or suggestions for articles in upcoming newsletters, please contact me directly. 

Dale Nelson, 
Insights Vancouver