Georgia's Future. Now! Header
July 2014

Georgia's Future. Now! 
Georgia Studentsis a package of initiatives that has withstood the scrutiny of teachers, principals and research.  It features high standards, evaluation and accountability measures focused on improvement, and career pathways to inspire students based on their personal interests and aligned with business needs.
Georgia's Future. Now! means: 

Georgia's Race to the Top Summit July 15 - 16

Race to the Top logo The Georgia Department of Education's Race to the Top (RT3) Implementation Division is collaborating with Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) to host the 2014 Race to the Top Summit.  The Summit, which is July 15-16, will start at the conclusion of the GAEL Summer Conference at the Jekyll Island Convention Center in Jekyll Island, GA.    


This two day event will offer a variety of sessions led by education leaders from around the state.  General sessions will cover topics such as: updates on teacher and leader evaluations, changing landscape of assessments, GA Awards and the Innovation Fund, the convergence of internet and technology to increase student learning, and the next steps after Race to the Top.  


There will be a number of breakout sessions highlighting how the state and local districts have successfully implemented initiatives related to:

  • Data Systems to Support Instruction
  • Great Teachers and Leaders
  • Innovation Fund
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
  • Standards and Assessments
  • Turning Around Schools


The final day to register online for GAEL and/or Race to the Top Summit is Monday, July 7th.  There will be an opportunity for "walk up" registration at the Jekyll Island Convention Center.


For more information and registration for GAEL Summer Conference and/or the Race to the Top Summit, please visit the GAEL Summer Conference page


Georgia Department of Education Launches new Website Design
Click to visit GA Dept of Education Website

The Georgia Department of Education website is a tool used by many parents and and public school officials throughout Georgia.  It is a resource of vital information related to public education in Georgia.  The Department of Education spent considerable time gathering feedback from users to help design it.  


The new site (  includes:


*  Streamlined format with a familiar and visual design aesthetic across the site.

*  A fully responsive design that works on all browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox & Google Chrome), as well as devices (smartphones, tablets and desktops).

*  Fully redesigned mega menu-style global navigation and redesigned local navigation.

*  A dynamic homepage with billboard banner, a return of the ABC site index, GaDOE Twitter feed and more.


Please visit the newly designed website to learn more about Georgia's: 2015 Teacher of the Year Amanda Miliner, Milestones Assessment System, Teacher and Leader Effectiveness, School Safety Resources, Teacher Resource Link, and more.

Results of End of Course Tests Show Positive Trend

Students improved performance on six out of the eight 2014 End-of-Course Tests (EOCT) compared to last year, according to data released today by the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE). One test (U.S. History) saw no change from last year and another EOCT (Analytic Geometry) was new this year.

One-year increases were seen in the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the standards in Coordinate Algebra, Economics, Biology, Physical Science, Ninth Grade Literature and Composition, and American Literature and Composition.
"Students and teachers are getting more and more comfortable with our standards and the results are showing it," said State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge. "The comparable End-of-Course Tests demonstrate a positive trend. When results on almost all comparable tests increase then we should be encouraged. However, we do know that the more demanding expectations on our new tests could bring similar results to what we've seen the last two years in math."
On the new Analytic Geometry EOCT, 35 percent of students met or exceeded the standard this year. That number is expected to increase next year, just as the Coordinate Algebra EOCT increased from last year to this year (+3 percentage points).
"The Analytic Geometry and Coordinate Algebra results give us another look at the new level of increased expectation for student achievement that is coming with Georgia Milestones. The expectations to meet standards are significantly increasing so we have a new and more realistic baseline of student performance," said Superintendent Barge. "While these results seem low and different from what we are used to seeing, they are in line with what many national assessments say Georgia's students' college and career readiness level is. We must address this head-on so our students leave our schools with the best preparation possible to succeed in life after high school."
Summary of 2014 EOCT results:
·         Eighty-eight (88%) percent of Georgia's students met or exceeded the standard for Ninth Grade Literature & Composition.  This is an increase of two (2) percentage points when compared to spring 2013.
·         Ninety-three (93%) percent of Georgia's students met or exceeded the standard for American Literature & Composition.  This is an increase of two (2) percentage points when compared to spring 2013.
·         Forty (40%) percent of Georgia's students met or exceeded the standard for Coordinate Algebra.  This is an increase of three (3) percentage points when compared to spring 2013.
·         Thirty-five (35%) percent of Georgia's students met or exceeded the standard for Analytic Geometry.  The Winter 2013 EOCT was the first administration for Analytic Geometry.
·         Seventy-five (75%) percent of Georgia's students met or exceeded the standard for Biology.  This is an increase of one (1) percentage point when compared to spring 2013.
·         Eighty-five (85%) percent of Georgia's students met or exceeded the standard for Physical Science.  This is an increase of two (2) percentage points when compared to spring 2013.
·         Seventy-three (73%) percent of Georgia's students met or exceeded the standard for U.S. History.  This represents no change from spring 2013.
·         Eighty-one (81%) percent of Georgia's students met or exceeded the standard for Economics/Business/Free Enterprise.  This is an increase of two (2) percentage points when compared to spring 2013.
For more information and specific subject results, please see the official Georgia Department of Education Press Release.
2014 CRCT Scores: More 8th graders Exceeding Standards 

The percentage of Georgia's 8th graders exceeding standards in all content-area

Criterion-Referenced Competency 

Tests (CRCT) increased this year, including an eight percentage point increase in reading. Grade 8 students showed a two percentage point increase in English language arts, a three percentage point increase in mathematics, a three percentage point increase in science, and a two percentage point increase in social studies.


"Reading is truly foundational to learning, so those increases in students exceeding standards are encouraging to see," State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge said. "As we transition to tests that more accurately reflect our standards - and the emphasis those standards place on critical thinking and comprehension - students' reading abilities will help them to excel."  

Students in Georgia's elementary and middle schools secured gains, as measured by the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the standards, on 14 of 30 content-area CRCTs taken this year. Eight areas showed no change, while another eight areas showed decreases. Decreases ranged from one to two percentage points while increases ranged from one to four percentage points. No decreases were experienced on Reading tests: Grades 4, 5 and 6 saw gains, while grades 3, 7 and 8 stayed the same.  
Students took the CRCT for the last time this year. Beginning next year, all students in grades 3-8 will take the Georgia Milestones. The new testing system is one consistent program across grades 3-12, rather than a series of  individual tests. It will include open-ended questions to better gauge students' content mastery and, with some exceptions for special education students with specific testing accommodations, will be administered entirely online by the fifth year of implementation.  
Georgia Milestones will be aligned to the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) in English language arts and mathematics and Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) in science and social studies. This testing system will require more from students than the CRCT and EOCT it replaces, in order to better prepare students for college and career and to provide a more realistic picture of academic progress. 
These increased expectations for learning may mean initially lower scores than previous years' CRCT or EOCT scores, but that is to be expected and should bring Georgia's tests in line with other indicators of how our students are performing.
3rd Grade Results: Excel
4th Grade Results: Excel
5th Grade Results: Excel
6th Grade Results: Excel
7th Grade Results: Excel
8th Grade Results: Excel
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The contents of this newsletter were developed under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education.  However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U. S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.

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Georgia Department of Education
Race to the Top Communications

1566 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE

Atlanta, GA  30334 
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