ASB Magazine Drive Starts Mon. Sept. 26th
The Magazine Drive is the ASB's LARGEST fundraiser each year and it supports many of the activities and events that benefit our students. We need your help! Profits support clubs, athletics, fine arts, music, dances, field trips and more! In order for us to reach our goal, we will need an average of 5 orders per student. Magazines can be purchased or renewed through our campaign at the lowest possible price!
Don't need any magazines, but would like to help support ASB? A direct donation can be dropped off to Bonnie in the Main Office.
Learn more about the ASB Magazine Drive
What is ASB? ASB is the Associated Student Body. Student officers are elected in the spring for the following year. They generally meet one day a week after school to plan spirit weeks, work on fundraisers, make posters advertising events, plan the daily announcements. ASB funds are spent on bussing students to their sporting events, dances, athletics, clubs and much more.
Parent Volunteers Needed with Magazine Drive! Have a free morning to spend counting money and magazine orders? It's a quick and easy way to help out the school and meet some parents. Contact Julie Taylor for dates.
Sports and Activity Schedule
KJH School Calendar
"Walk About" Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 27th, 7:00 pm, KJH Commons
The KJH "Walk About" program is designed to increase parent contact with kids during the lunch hour and before school. It also helps to maintain a positive school environment for your kids.
Read more PTSA General Membership Meeting - All are welcome Tuesday, Oct. 4, 7:00 pm, KJH Commons Of special interest to our 8th and 9th grade parents, our guest speaker will be LWHS Principal Christina Thomas. Debbie McCarson, KJH Principal, will give us an update on what's going on at school. In addition, teacher Melissa Wrenchey will give us a short talk about her classes: Computer Applications, Robotics, Photography, and Game Design. |
 The Tally is In! Big Give Update Thanks to our wonderful parents and staff, we reached our goal of $10,000! Last week at the KJH Curriculum Night the PTSA held our one major fundraiser of the year, The Big Give. With your generous donations we will be able to support many programs, such as tutoring, PantherGram, drama, staff appreciation, classroom grants and many more activities and events.
Remember that it is never too late to contribute and make a real difference! Donation forms are available online and in the school lobby -- look for "The Big Give".
PTA Reflections Art Program is Coming Up
Do you have a creative child? Then encourage them to participate in Reflections! The theme this year is "Diversity Means..." Students may submit works in any of six arts area: dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, visual arts, photography. Check out the National PTA Reflections website for rules and downloadable forms or contact melanie.e.thompson@gmail.com for more information.
Actors and Actresses! Mark your calendar!
Do you want to sing and dance on the big stage? Sign up to be in the KJH PTSA/Studio East's play and get your chance to shine on the fabulous, new Lake Washington High School stage! This year's production will be "Bye Bye Birdie". Rehearsals start in early February, performances are March 23rd and 24th. Stay posted for more information. Contact melanie.e.thompson@gmail.com with questions.
Interested in Traveling to Spain?
Great News! A teacher-led educational trip to Spain is being offered during Spring Break (March 31 - April 7, 2012). Proud of its own language and heritage, Spain is one of the most easily accessible countries. It offers a rich artistic and cultural heritage, along with a wealth of possibilities for leisure and educational pursuits. For more information, please go to www.acis.com click on "Parents section", then "Find your Trip". Enter Group ID 12469, for Group Leader ID "Anderson" or e-mail me at Ruth_anderson40@hotmail.com.
 KJH Library NewsWelcome Back to the Library, Students and Parents! There are two year-round fundraisers that help support the library: "Box Tops" and "Cartridges for Kids". Bring in Box Tops to the main office by Oct. 25th. Used printer cartridges (either personal, office or commercial printer cartridges) can be dropped off in the library or the main office. 100% of money raised goes to buy books for our library. Our library appreciates book donations, as well. Check out Mr. Ritchie's Amazon Wish List. Some featured titles for this month: 21: The Story of Roberto Clemente, by Wilfred Santiago "The War to End All Wars: World War I", by Russell Friedman Kindle Wi-fi, 6" E Ink Pearl display Students are starting to check out books. If titles are overdue, email notifications will be sent out to both parents and students. Learn more about this process. And don't forget to check out our library website! Read more Library News Go to Top |
Volunteer Opportunities
The KJH PTSA Board needs you! We are looking for a chairperson in charge of Legislation/Advocacy. This person would report on legislation impacting education at the school, district, and state level, and help organize advocacy for kids, parents, and schools.
Upcoming PTSA Volunteer Needs:
Vision/Health Screening - Oct. 5th Contact: Connie Sadis
Picture Re-Takes - Oct. 11th Contact: Julie Taylor
Want to be more involved at KJH? There are plenty of volunteer opportunities whether you are available during the day, the evening or prefer to help from home. Check out the listings on the volunteer form and let us know where you are interested in helping out! |
Are You a Member of PTSA Yet?

Why join PTSA? KJH PTSA works closely with school staff to provide financial and volunteer support for a variety of student activities and needs. Your membership also funds state and National PTA work advocating for education; the more PTSA members we have, the stronger our voice in Olympia and Washington, D.C. We need your support.
PTSA Membership Form |
Have You Turned in Your Student Directory & PTSA Membership Forms?
The Student Directory lists students' important phone and email contact information. This year, you can provide the information for the student directory and sign up for PTSA membership on one combined form. We appreciate your help and support towards student programs, teacher grants and many wonderful activities your PTSA provides and, as a bonus, your PTSA Membership comes with one free student directory (additional copies can be purchased separately).
You do not have to be a PTSA member to have your student listed in the directory - but you do have to send in the form!
Return it to the KJH office by September 30 if you haven't done so already.
Questions? Contact Lina Kramer
Thanks for your support!
- Lina Kramer (Membership) and Maria Staaf (Student Directory) | Student Directory Form Go to Top
Upcoming Classes
Helping the Behaviorally Challenging Child
(presented by Lake Washington PTSA Council) This 6 session program teaches parents & caregivers to understand and communicate with children in order to solve behavioral problems and build skills. Thursdays, 7 - 9:00 pm, Sept. 29 - Nov. 3. Register by 9/26.
Learn more
Become the Parent You Want to be with Positive Discipline Positive Discipline is for parents who are looking for long term parenting skills that will encourage their children to think for themselves, become more responsible and have a greater respect for themselves and others. Wednesdays, October 5 - November 16, 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Learn more about these classes and many others
Go to Top |
Lake Washington Schools Foundation |
Thank you to all of those who donated during this year's back-to-school campaign! Donations fund reading programs like "Blazing Books for Boys" that identify and provide books that better appeal to boys. Research shows that boys gradually read less than girls over time, and books targeted to boys can help alleviate that trend.
There is still time to donate to the back-to-school campaign. Visit the www.lwsf.org website to learn more about programs, grant applications, volunteer opportunities or to donate.
Your donations and volunteer efforts do make a difference in the lives of students.
Walk About
Find out:
- What would I do?
- What is the time commitment?
- How does this help my school and my kids?
If you would like information about the Walk About Program but cannot come to the meeting, then send me an email at sueamorosi@msn.com
Sue Amorosi, Walk About Coordinator.
Go to Top |
Coming up in the Next PantherGram:
-Message From Principal Debbie McCarson
-Reports from the 7th, 8th, 9th Grade teachers
-What's Going in Music and Language Classes
-Update on the ASB Magazine Drive
-Teacher Wish Lists
and much more.
Help spread the word about PantherGram! Ask your friends if they are receiving it.
Next PantherGram deadline: Friday Sept. 30
Submit to panthergram@gmail.com
Home of the Panthers!
| PTSA Membership
| Have you joined the KJH PTSA yet? Learn more about KJH PTSA and why PTSA membership is important. Forms can be turned into the Main Office.
| Student Directory Needs Your Info! | Don't be left out of the Student Directory. Fill out the form and turn into the Main Office. |