Special Issue: International Olympic Committee Conference 
Monaco, April 10-12, 2014 

IFSPT Presence at IOC Conference Strong


By Bente Andersen, IFSPT Board Member 


The IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in sport was 2014's international conference for those interested in clinical aspects of sports and exercise medicine. The diverse faculty represented the pre-eminent international authorities in injury and illness measuring, prevention and treatment/rehabilitation.


Over 120 leaders in their fields were lined up as speakers. One of many highlights was the opening lecture by the dynamic Professor Dohmnall Macauley and Professor Karim Khan, BMJ/BJSM editors. Paul McCrory spoke on concussion, Benno Nigg on running injuries, Evert Verhagen on how digital and mobile platforms will influence athlete care, Andrew McIntosh on technology and equipment in sport, Juan Manuel Alonso on hamstring injury prevention, and Caroline Finch on injury surveillance and rule changes.


Some of the delegation from the Danish Association of Sports Physical Therapy was attending this important symposium Friday morning. Taking the Lab to the Game: Towards Innovative Field-based Injury Screening and Prevention with Scott McLean from USA as a chair had a spot-on message that a timely and critical step in effective sports injury risk screening and prevention must bring the lab to the field.  


Tron Krosshaug, Norway, underlined that video analysis could integrate injury situations and kinematics in naturalistic game situations and the need for this is growing.


Uwe Kersting, Denmark, revealed a modeling-based estimation of true joint contact forces and the perspectives for injury risk estimation in real competitions concerning ankle injuries. Sensors in the athletes' socks make field assessment possible. Also, accelerometry is a way to measure these forces. He underlined that external forces alone may not be sufficient to assess overloading of internal structures.  


Grant Goulet, USA, took us through the developing of a field-based morphomechanical predictors of injury risk and performance. His research is within the topic of femuroacetabular impingement morphology and mechanics in ice hockey, and the enviromental constraints for accurate placing of the markers. The goaltenders' range of movement was measured in the butterfly movement.  


Matthias Gilgien, Norway, offered a presentation on slope injury risk assessment and biomechanical data collection in alpine ski racing, with a combined GPS and inertial sensor approach and a terrain model. He has linked injury rates with real cases in downhill skiing, and certain spots of dropping out of course. In the future, the model can predict places in courses of high injury risk.  


Scott McLean then underlined the importance of the next steps in successfully achieving real-time field-based athlete risk assessment. The goal is to benefit the athlete. Multiple sensors on the athlete are a pathway to holistic understanding of injury risk, as well as applications beyond the game in long-term rehabilitation. New technologies should be explored and strengths of new technology utilized - this may be a paradigm shift in identifying easily translatable metrics distilling complex data to simple outcome measures. We shall be aware of technology overload and how much is too much for the athlete?


Some of the delegation from the Danish Association of Sports Physical Therapy took part in the symposium on Saturday morning, where Per Holmich, Denmark, and Mark Hutchinson, USA, were chairs, with the topic The Groin Injury Iceberg: Looking Beneath the Surface. This is an injury keeping a great of athletes grounded for most or the entire season.   


Martin Hagglund, Sweden, took us through the epidemiology across sports and gender which is multifaceted.   


Adam Weir, Quatar, had the topic Acute or Overuse Injuries: When to Prevent and Is Prevention Utopia? He described the incidence primarily with a study of Holmich et al,

Incidence and clinical presentation of groin injuries in sub-elite male soccer. Per Holmich, Kristian Thorborg, Christian Dehlendorff, Kim Krogsgaard, Christian Gluud. Br J Sports Med. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2013-092627.


He concluded that the prevention is not evidence based, but we must start getting to know more about the mechanisms, and, in the meantim,e use general programs in the intention of prevention. He invited attendees to the 1st World Congress on Groin Injuries in Aspetar, in November, 2014. Follow this link. 


Mark Hutchinson, USA, took us through the aspects of Diagnostic Imaging: Is It Convincing or Confusing? He asked the question: are we missing something in the surgery as the injuries often are recurrent. We might have to look for overlapping diagnosis fx sports hernia and focus on anatomy.  


Per Holmich, Denmark/Quatar, underpinned the importance of clinical entities and the focus of prevention. The diagnostic terminology is still unspecific and we have to agree in the future. Re-injuries are very common. To concentrate on this, you could read:

Long-standing groin pain in sportspeople falls into three primary patterns, a "clinical entity" approach: a prospective study of 207 patients. Holmich P. Br J Sports Med. 2007;41:247-252 doi:10.1136/bjsm.2006.033373.


Kristian Thorborg, Denmark, concentrated on Which exercises are relevant for prevention?

How do we best protect the muscle-tendon-bone unit from overload? The importance of strength and resistance training - eccentric, isometric, stability - in one way or the other, seem to be of great importance. When we increase the cross-sectional area of the muscle-tendon-bone unit, this seems to prevent the injuries.  


They succeeded in taking us beneath the surface of the groin injury iceberg and made us aware of this very extensive injury complex.  


This triennial IOC conference was a unique opportunity for the global sport and exercise medicine and physical therapy community to meet face to face. And Monaco was a great choice of location for this meeting!


Members of sports medicine and sports physical therapy groups affiliated with BJSM (British Journal of Sports Medicine), including Swiss, UK and Norway IFSPT member organizations.   

Prince Albert II, Monaco, welcomes attendees to the conference.

Sunrise in Mandelieu.

The gorgeous Hotel de Paris.

Beach view of the Royal Pullman Hotel, Mandelieu.

A small conference room attracts a crowd.

Mario Bizzini, IFSPT board member; Marie-Elaine Grant, Ireland, IOC Physiotherapy; and Karl Lochner, Austria.

Professor Karim Khan, MD, Canada; Dr. Peter Brukner, MD, Australia; and another participant engage in a group session.

Dr. Khalid Alshaikh, MD, Baharain; Dr. Hassan Ahmed Halawani, MD, Saudi Arabia; and Dr. Jerry Smith, PT, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands.

Dinner table groups at the final dinner at Mandelieu.

Delegates enjoying pre-dinner drinks.

Mario Bizzini, IFSPT board member, Switzerland, speaks to the attendees.

Networking area at the amazing Grimaldi Forum where the conference was held.

Expo hall booth

Large general session hall.

The Australian Centre for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention team members, and the team leader, Professor Caroline Finch.

Dr. Amadeus Manson, MD, USA, his lovely wife and a friend enjoy dinner.
 Viagalo McCaig PT, (Fiji) engaging in group activity at the Advanced Team Physician Course (ATPC).
Pernilla Wiberg Bjerke, a Swedish former alpine ski racer, who competed on the World Cup circuit between 1990 and 2002, where she became one of the few all-event winners. Having won two Olympic gold medals, four World Championships and one World Cup overall title, she is one of the most successful alpine ski racers of the nineties. Wiberg was elected a member of the International Olympic Committee in 2002 and served an eight-year mandate until 2010. Pernilla is today a member of the "Champions for Peace" club, a group of 54 famous elite athletes committed to serving peace in the world through sport, created by Peace and Sport, a Monaco-based international organization.

An enormous thank you to Bente Anderson, IFSPT board member, Denmark, for her photographs and article, as well as Karl Lochner, Austria, Mario Bizzini, IFSPT board member, Switzerland, and Bakare Ummukulthoum, PT, Nigeria, for their photographs and input.

You may download the final conference programme at this link.

There's always one in the crowd... 


Some people are natural-born networkers, and the IFSPT is fortunate to have one terrific networker as a member, Bakare Ummukulthoum, PT, from Nigeria. "KT," as she is nicknamed, is always at hand with a ready smile and a handy Smartphone! KT attended the IOC Conference in April, and here are the images she captured for our enjoyment.

You might see yourself...or one of your colleagues...in her photographs!



Bakare Ummukulthoum, PT; Bente Andersen, IFSPT board member, Denmark; Marie-Elaine Grant, Ireland, IOC Physiotherapy; and Vibeke Bechtold, former IFSPT board member, Denmark, smile for the camera!  

Bakare Ummukulthoum, PT, Nigeria, shows her delight at attending the IOC Conference!
With Professor Lars Engebresten MD, IOC Medical & Scientific Department Head of Scientific Activities (Norway).

Prof Caroline Finch MD, (Australia), Bakare Ummukulthoum PT, (Nigeria), Lauren Fortington (Australia) and Sheree Bekker ( South Africa).

With Dr. Monika Grygorowicz, PT (Poland).

With Dr. Peter Brukner MD, (Australia).

With Dr. Jerry Smith, PT (St Thomas, US Virgin Islands).

With Viagalo McCaig PT, (Fiji).

Looking lovely in front of the hotel!

With Michiko Tashima Dohi, MD ( Japan), and her son .

With Dr. Juan Manuel Alonso, MD (Spain).

Prof Roald Bahr, MD Chair IOC Scientific Committee (Norway), Bakare Ummukulthoum PT, (Nigeria), Prof Karim Kahn, MD IOC Faculty Member (Canada).

With Peter Halen, Finland, the IFSPT delegate. Finland will host a sports physical therapy conference in March...watch for details!

Margie Gibson, PT (Zimbabwe), Dr. Milena Antic, MD (Serbia), Dr. Inoka Weeransinghe, MD (Sri Lanka), and Bakare Ummukulthoum PT, (Nigeria).

Delegates from around the world: USA, Serbia, Sri-Lanka, Egypt, Zimbabwe, and Nigeria.

With Professor Karim Khan, MD (Canada), and Karl Lochner, Austria.

With Daisuke Bai, PT (Japan).

With Heiko Van Vliet, DJO Global (Switzerland).

With Vibeke Bechtold, Denmark, former IFSPT board member and current delegate from Denmark.

With Dr. Cindy Chang, MD (USA).

With Dr. Luis Serratosa, MD (Spain).

Bakare Ummukulthoum shows her support of her country during a conference session.
Sunset in Mandeville! An unforgettable conference for all who attended.

Upcoming Conferences from IFSPT Member Organizations

Sportfisio Switzerland Annual Conference
  • Bern, Switzerland
  • Friday, November 21
  • More information to follow: save the date!

1st World Conference on Groin Pain in Athletes

  • November 1-3
  • Presented by Aspetar 
  • Aspire Academy for Sports Excellence Auditorium
  • Doha, Qatar 
  • For more information, click here 
Team Concept Conference 2014
  • December 4-6
    Green Valley Ranch Resort
    Las Vegas, Nevada - USA
  • December 4: Full day of education sponsored by the editorial committee of Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach
  • December 5-6: Programming for the evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of the athlete
  • Save the Date: Registration available in May 2014
  • Current agenda may be accessed at this link

Danish Sports Medicine Conference

IFSPT 2015 General Meeting and Symposium: In Conjunction with the Swiss Sportfisio Conference

  • General Meeting: Thursday, November 19, 2015
  • IFSPT/Swiss Sportfisio Conference: November 20 and 21, 2015
  • Exciting international speakers!
  • Save the Date! More information to come.

Attention Member Organizations:  

Are you sponsoring a physical therapy, sports physical therapy or sports medicine conference in 2014 or 2015?


Please send the information regarding your conference to Mary Wilkinson, IFSPT marketing director, for addition to the IFSPT newsletter and website! Newsletters are published every other month, so please submit your material as early as possible. You are also welcome to provide updates as your event draws closer!

Have you become a Registered International Sports Physical Therapist?
If you are a qualified level member in the following countries, there's no reason not to register!
  • Australia
  • Denmark
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • The Netherlands
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
Just follow the links to the application form and payment portal. Once your application is approved and payment received, you will be added to the roll of Registered International Sports Physical Therapists! The fee is only 50 euros for a five year registration.
Does your member organization have an upcoming conference?
If so, let your fellow members know!
More and more of our member organizations are scheduling conferences each year. One of the benefits of membership in the IFSPT is that you can reach over 27,000 sports physical therapists around the world by simply submitting your event information to Mary Wilkinson, Director of Marketing.

Please submit details as soon as possible for maximum exposure. Your conference will be advertised on the website as well as in the IFSPT newsletter.

And don't forget to submit a story and photographs after your event to inform your colleagues about the success of your conference!
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