Ruthanne Bexton,
   Director, Elementary
Julia Kempkey,
   Director, Secondary

In This Issue




Upcoming Events






New Standards.

Common Core State Standards adopted by California in 2010 requiring students to show they have a deeper understanding of the content.

New Direction. 

To ensure all students no matter where they live are college and career ready. The standards are like those being used in other countries so that our students will be able to compete globally.


New Scores.  

The new California assessment known as Smarter Balanced or California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), is an online assessment and cannot be accurately compared to prior year's test results because this is a brand new system.




Raising the Bar in Novato

NUSD Curriculum & Instruction Newsletter
October 30, 2015
Journey to a University

In collaboration with 10,000 Degrees, NUSD is offering an engaging evening to support and educate 8th and 9th grade families on how to prepare for and access a 4-year University.  The evening will consist of important college concepts that will demonstrate to students and families that all students can go to a University. Such concepts will include college affordability, college requirements, and a question and answer session. Free childcare, food, and raffle prizes will be offered. The event will take place at Novato High School in the cafeteria on November 10 (Spanish version) and November 12 (English version) at 6:00pm.
Please join us for a fun and engaging event through the Journey to a University. 

Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences & 
the New Report Card  

The first trimester ends on November 4 for students in elementary school and during the week of November 16-20, all students will be released at 12:30 pm to allow teachers time to meet with all parents. If you would like to have an interpreter present, please request one from your child's teacher or principal in advance. At the parent-teacher conference, you will have an opportunity to discuss your child's learning and receive your child's first trimester report card.  As this is a new report card adopted by the NUSD School Board in September, you will also receive a brochure entitled, "Understanding Your Child's Elementary Report Card." This new report card has been updated to reflect the Common Core State Standards and was piloted during the 2014-15 school year.  All elementary teachers will be using this new report card.  
Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten Registration will begin on January 4, 2016, and registration packets will be available at your neighborhood elementary school and on the NUSD website under Registration/Kindergarten Registration. Please return completed packets to your neighborhood elementary school and check with your neighborhood elementary school if you are interested in attending a parent tour.
Please be aware of the new immunization law that takes effect for the 2016-17 school year.  The law requires students to be immunized when he or she enrolls in Kindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten.  For more information on the new immunization law please visit:
In addition, a Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten Information Night for parents will be held on December 3, 2015 in the Board Room at the District Office from 6:00-7:00 pm (1015 Seventh Street.) Parents of incoming Kindergarteners/Transitional Kindergarteners (for the 2016-17 school year) are welcome and encouraged to attend.  The Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, Ruthanne Bexton and the Coordinator of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction, Michelle Stephens, will give a brief presentation about Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten and will hold a question and answer time.  Spanish interpretation will be provided

California High School Exit Exam is Suspended!
Since 2006, the California High School Exit Exam or CAHSEE was a requirement for students to receive a high school diploma. On October 7, Governor Brown signed a law that suspended this requirement and required districts to grant diplomas to students who had met all other graduation requirements but had not passed the CAHSEE. The law also suspended the requirement for current high school students. The law takes effect January 1, 2016, at which time Novato Unified School District will begin to grant diplomas to former students since the inception of the law.  In addition to the suspension of the test, the law also requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to convene a panel to provide recommendations on the continuation of the high school exam and on alternative pathways to satisfy the high school requirements. We will monitor the progress of the advisory panel and let our community know of any updates regarding this change in the graduation requirements for students. 

Julia Kempkey                                     Ruthanne Bexton
Director, Secondary Programs              Director, Elementary Programs

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