The Rejoicer Newsletter 
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Office Hours:
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon. - Thurs.
9:00 am - 2:00 pm Fri.
Sunday Morning:
8:00 a.m.        Holy Eucharist
9:30 a.m.        Christian Formation 
                       for Children and Youth
9:40 a.m.        Christian Formation for
10:30 a.m.      Holy Eucharist

12:00 p.m.        Holy Eucharist
Quick Links
Calendar Highlights
5         Labor Day - Office Closed
7         Rejoicer articles due    
           (for October)
10       Parent's Night Out
18       Invitation Sunday
25       Jazz Eucharist
Day School Diaries
Emmanuel Episcopal Day School is off to a great start for the 2016-2017 school year.  We will start our year off with an enrollment of 67 children.  This summer the school children enjoyed the wonderful Vacation Bible School program led by Machel Delange and Betsey Walker - we always appreciate the opportunity to share in God's love!
We ask that you keep the children and wonderful staff in your prayers for a successful year ahead:
Toni Bejko, Head of School 2004
Pat Boyle 2013
Alexa Da Costa 2016
Cheryl Gardner 2002
Karen Harris 2002
Sonik Mirzanalbandian 2004
Maria Munoz 1994
Alfonsa Rodriguez 2008
Tracie Rowlett 2008
Corrie Snell 2015
Shqiponja Vodo 2015
It's always wonderful to see everyone at Emmanuel.
Daughters of the King
The next meeting of the Mary, the Mother of Emmanuel, Daughters of the King chapter will meet on Saturday, September 17 at 9:30 a.m. in Russell Hall.  Let's get together and begin our new study program to help us to renew our commitment of pray and service to our Lord. 
Note:  The DOK meetings are typically held on the second Saturday of the month, but due to the DOK Fall Assembly, the September meeting has been changed to the third Saturday.  

To our Parish family and friends: please note that the DOK 
members continually pray for all persons who request to be on their prayer list for a period of one month. If you or someone you know is in need of prayers, please contact any DOK member, call the church office or complete one of the prayer request cards found in the Narthex to let the Daughters know when prayers are needed.
Social Life Committee
Our next meeting will be Saturday, September 17. Look for more details in the Emmanuel Minute and bulletin insert.

The Social Life Committee meetings are typically held on the third Saturday of every month, with members hosting the meetings in their homes. All interested Parishioners are welcome to attend and check out our committee. The Social Life Committee welcomes all who are interested in a ministry of hospitality. We provide the liturgical celebration receptions for our parish, purchase the kitchen supplies and equipment, and sponsor some fun fellowship events. Joins us, work on our events, and see if you would like to become a member of our committee.
TOILETRY COLLECTION - Do you travel often? Do you have a collection of small soaps and shampoos piling up or lying around? Maybe you visited the dentist recently and have a courtesy kit they provided you? You might not realize it, but there is a large community out in Houston that can use these items. Lord of the Streets is always looking to restock toiletry items. Their largest need is soap, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes IN TRAVEL SIZE! If possible, please bring in what you have when you can. We make a sandwich delivery to LOTS the first Tuesday of each month and want to try to deliver toiletries as often as possible. Thank you so much for helping out!
Camp Allen Corner
Visit the bulletin board in the foyer for more information or register at the Camp Allen website
Gramps camp - September 23-24
spend quality time with your grandchildren in the piney woods.
Fishers of men - September 30 - October 2
get your rods ready for a men's weekend of fly-fishing at camp allen! 
Starry Nights & Campfire Lights - October 13
Kick up your boots and save the date for our annual Camp Allen benefit held at The Junior League of Houston. We invite you to join us as underwriters and be part of this fun-filled, inspiring evening!
Endurance - October 14-16
join us for a brand new challenge course weekend designed specifically for families with children ages 10 and up.
Glory in the Stable, An Advent Retreat - December 02-04
Drawing from the Scriptures and the works of C. S. Lewis, this weekend retreat offers space for reflection and prayer during the joyful, often busy, Advent season. Participants will also find opportunities to enjoy Camp Allen's 1,100 pristine acres, outdoor activities, and Advent wreath-making. 
Holiday in the pines
December 9-11
Load your sleighs and head to Camp Allen for an old-fashioned, country Christmas!
From the Treasurer
The expense reimbursement form has been updated. All expense reimbursement requests must be accompanied by the fully completed new form. The updated form is located in the main office or  Click here.. Please remember: all requests for reimbursement must be accompanied by a receipt.  No Receipt = No Reimbursement! All requests must be received by the bookkeeper each week no later than Wednesday's at noon, checks are cut on Thursdays and will be available for pickup in the church office after Sunday services are complete. Please feel free to email and /or  treasurer@ if you have any questions. 
Staff Listing
The Rev. Andrew Parker
Toni Bejko
Day School Head
Phil Berrie
Parish Administrator
Julie Rainey
Publications Editor
Andra Abbott
Stacy Jenkins
Interim Choir Director
Cathy Beck
Pianist & Music Leader 
Christopher Lo 
Interim Organist
Machel Delange
Youth & Children Minister
Desiree Oakman
Karen Harris
Nursery Supervisor
The Vestry
Bill Holloway
Sr. Warden
Dick Boyle
Jr. Warden
Sheri Urinyi
Corinne Cooper
Jerry Cooper
Donald Crown
Lance Ferguson
Hooper Harris
Raymond Lindeen
Dave Paddock
Diane Rouse
Julia Veal
Betsey Walker
September 2016
A Letter from the Rector
August 19, 2016
Dear ones,

I have a lot to share with you this month.  Let me start with a couple bits of personal news.  In case you haven't heard, my wife, the Rev. Liz Parker, will be the new Associate Rector at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, starting the first of September.  We are both thrilled about this opportunity, for it feels like an answered prayer.  This will be the first time Liz and I have ever worked in different parishes, so I'm sure we'll have some learning to do!
I should also let you know that this summer Liz and I were blessed to move into our house in Houston at 11838 Riverview Drive, on Kirkwood.  I count my blessings every day I get to commute to work on my bicycle through Terry Hershey Park.  And since I'm living close now to the church, I'll be in the office on Friday afternoons.  I will continue to devote Friday mornings to study and sermon preparation at home and will keep Mondays as my Sabbath.
I'm sure you've already heard the other Big News: on October 9 our new full time Associate Rector arrives, the irrepressible Rev. Brad Sullivan.  You can read more about Brad and his family in this newsletter.  Blessings abound.
As for finding a new choir director, I'm so pleased that Midge Leonard has agreed to chair the Search Committee, assisted by Lance Ferguson, Kay Linson, and Betsey Walker.  We want to pursue a thorough search, so this will take some time.  Fortunately in the meantime, Stacy Jenkins has agreed to serve as our interim director. Stacy and his wife, Kay Lynn, began attending Emmanuel way back in 1988.  He's served as interim director here on three separate occasions, so he's well known to the choir and I feel he's just who we need for the interim.
I'd like to turn now to one of the vestry goals--to renovate and reinvigorate Christian Formation for all ages.  We're making sure progress in this area.  Gloria Alvarez has graciously accepted my invitation to lead the Adult Christian Formation Team, working alongside Lynn Berrie, Chris Delange, Martha Gilliam, and Beth Woodson.  Adult Christian Formation starts August 28, as do all the Sunday School classes, and meets in the Russell Hall Meeting Room. 
Inquiry begins the same day in my office for those who wish to learn more about the Episcopal Church, with a view to entering The Way toward Baptism or Confirmation.  I've been meeting with The Way team since April (Chris Friesen, Elaine Hill, Bill Holloway, Lynn Berrie and Martha Gilliam) and we're anticipating a good hearty group of inquirers.
The Wednesday classes will start up on September 21.  Patty Stevens will again lead the Daughters of the King Studies in Spirituality beginning at 9:30 a.m.  That will be followed by a Bible study at 10:45 a.m., which I'll start out teaching, later handing the torch over to Lynn Berrie.  This class will end at 11:45 a.m., just in time for the Holy Eucharist at 12 noon.
We're looking forward to providing Sunday School for all ages, beginning at 9:30 a.m. for children and youth and at 9:40 a.m. for adults.  And we're suspending the separate Children's Liturgy during the late service, basically because we feel that it's important for children, starting around age five, to worship with their parents and their church family.  The following link presents the case beautifully. (Thanks to Brad Sullivan for this!)
I'd like to quote a portion of the transcript, but I'm hoping some of you will read the whole thing:
The aim is that the children catch the passion for worshiping God by watching mom and dad enjoy God week after week. What would be the impact if, for twelve years, the children saw dad with his face in his hands praying during the prelude to worship? What would be the impact if they saw mom and dad beaming with joy in singing the praises of God? Just think of it. Millions and millions of children never see their parents sing, let alone sing songs with joy to a great God. Something really seems wrong to me when parents want to take their children in the most formative years and put them with other children and other adults to shape their attitude and behavior in worship rather than having them right there to shape them.
Of course, it is over their head. It is supposed to be over their head. They are beginners. The English language is over their head as soon as they come out of the womb. But we don't say: Well, let's put them with other children in their own situations and limitations so they can understand a word or two. No. We immerse them in the English language every day...
And this is true even if they say they are bored. Music and words become familiar. The message of the music starts to sink in. The form of the service starts to feel natural. Even if most of the sermon goes right over their heads, experience has shown that children hear and remember remarkable things. The content of the prayers and the songs and the sermon gives parents unparalleled opportunity to teach their children the great truths of the faith. What an opportunity. If parents would only learn to query their children after the service and then explain things to them, it would become enormously valuable for their long-term growth in the knowledge of God.
This is why Liz and I were so determined to work in the same parish for all those years we had children at home: we felt it was crucial for us to worship together with our three boys.
Machel Delange has been working hard to prepare to prepare special satchels and folders for the children to use during worship.  You can find them in the Foyer near the harpsichord. 
I believe that our new Associate, Brad Sullivan, will be key in helping us "renovate and re-energize Christian Formation" as he advises and supports Machel and her team in ministering to children, youth and families.
Finally, don't forget two of our big events in September-Invitation Sunday on the 18th and the Jazz Eucharist at the late service on the 25th. Laissez les bon temps rouler!
                                                                                                                                       Love and blessings, Andy+
New Associate Rector!
What a pleasure it was for me to announce that we soon will have a new full time Associate Rector at Emmanuel, the one and only Rev. Brad Sullivan!  Yes, the same guy who served here so beautifully first as curate, then as youth minister and assistant rector.  I've counted Brad as a friend and colleague in ministry for years, so this opportunity to work alongside him is golden.  As many of you know, my search for another priest has been long and sometimes frustrating; but the fact that it's culminated in Brad Sullivan makes it all worth the wait.  So the Lord sometimes has in mind for us "better things than we can desire or pray for."
I know you all will be primed and ready to welcome back Brad and his wife, the Rev. Kristin Sullivan, along with their three children on October 9, his first Sunday. Now I should let Brad introduce, or re-introduce, himself to you.    ~ Andy Parker+

Brad Sullivan Having grown up in Houston (St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church) and gone to school at the University of Texas, I began seminary in 2002, two years after graduating from U. T.  I'd begun feeling a call to the priesthood back in high school and started fully exploring it during my last year of college.  From there, I earned a Master of Divinity degree from Virginia Theological Seminary (2002-2005), where I also met my wife, the Rev. Kristin Sullivan.  We now have three children:  Noah (8), Rhys (6), and Ellie (2)...along with a dog (River) and a cat (Buffy).
After seminary, Kristin and I both served congregations in Houston, and I was fortunate enough to serve at Emmanuel for seven years as assistant rector and youth minister.  Over that time, I developed a passion for ministry beyond the walls of the church and for our "church life" being part and parcel with our home life.  I also continue to enjoy ministering with youth through diocesan programs, Camp Allen, and youth group.
From Emmanuel, we moved to Bay City where I served for four years as the rector of St. Mark's.    Kristin then received a call to serve as the chaplain and religion teacher at St. Mark's Episcopal School in Bellaire, and we moved back to Houston.
It is good to be home, and I was thrilled when Father Andy called, asking if I would be interested in serving as his associate.  Having known Andy for years, I am very excited to get to work under him, and I am very glad to be coming back to Emmanuel!
Beyond the ministry (and also part of it), my passion is music.  I play the guitar and have been writing songs for about 7 years now.  Much of my theology goes into my writing, along with life events, struggles and joys.  I believe that God is everywhere in all we do and that our way in life is to follow Jesus, to believe in him, his teachings, and to live out his Kingdom here on Earth.    ~ Brad Sullivan+
Coming Events
PARENTS NIGHT OUT - After a long, hot summer and rushing to get the kids back to school, you probably need a little relaxation! Let us help...leave the kids with us from 6:00-9:30 p.m. Saturday, September 10 in Russell Hall. The age limit for children is 18 mo - 11 years. There are 30 spots in total available; we have designated spots for 15 children from the day school and 15 from church membership, on a first come first serve basis. We will have dinner, snacks, juice, crafts, games and a movie. This is a no charge event, but donations are greatly appreciated to support Memorial Area Ministries with any back to school needs. Please RSVP by Wed., September 7 to Also, let Machel know if you would be willing to participate by contributed your time or food for the children attending.

Invitation Sunday is September 18.  We invite because He invited! There are many reasons why we are hesitant to invite someone to church.  "What if they don't like it?  What if they can't follow the service?  I don't know how to invite?  What if they have never been to a liturgical church?"  It can be so intimidating but the bottom line is we need to invite.  Personal invitation is the most effective way to bring people through the doors of our church so that they can experience the love of Jesus Christ right here at Emmanuel.  Once we invite we can put it in God's hands.  It is between God and and an individual as to whether our church is a good fit for them.
We encourage you to take a few of the 'Join Us" cards you will find on the round table in the narthex.  Use them to invite a friend or invite a stranger!  Take a few extra and use them to invite someone to the Jazz Eucharist on September 25!  It's time to let the surrounding community experience the beauty of worshiping here at Emmanuel!
Jazz Eucharist - On September 25, we get to celebrate Emmanuel's first Jazz Eucharist at 10:30, led by the outstanding 7 piece band "Jazz Sunday."  Believe me, you will not want to miss this!

Blessing of the Animals St. Francis of Asissi is known for his love of all creatures great and small so we typically honor our pets close to his feast day.

Join us on Saturday, October 1 for the annual Blessing of the Animals at Emmanuel.  In addition to the traditional pet blessing, we are excited to welcome representatives from Citizens for Animal Protection (CAP) providing microchip services for your pets and some volunteers from Golden Beginnings Golden Retriever Rescue with their goldens to help teach us about rescue.  The festivities will be from 10:30 - 12:30 and the Blessing of the Animals with Father Parker will begin at 11:00.  So come early, or stay late, or both and get your pet microchipped and learn how rescue groups operate and what you can do to help. 
All family pets are welcome for a blessing.  In consideration for others, please insure your pets are comfortable around strangers and other animals.  Please note there is a small fee of $25 charge for the microchip.
We're moving to October 8th with the hopes it will be cooler.  The Picnic will be held on our campus under the trees.  Watch for a Poster in the lobby explaining details such as the menu and what to bring and when.  This year we want to invite our friends, neighbors, relatives, and coworkers.  For information contact Patrick Abbott at

Ministry Fair Sunday and Chili Cook-off - Date: Sunday, October 23, from 11:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m please come to Russell Hall to learn about our church ministries. You can talk with leaders and others who have found ways to serve. Look for more details about Ministry fair and Chili cook-off  in the Emmanuel Minute and October Rejoicer. This event will be hosted by the stewardship committee.
All Hallows Eve Trunk or Treat Event
When?  Sunday, October 30; 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Where?  Emmanuel circle drive parking lot and the Russell Hall.
What?  Decorate yourself and your vehicle and get ready to "treat" our kids from the church, the school and the neighborhood - SIGN UP IN THE FOYER.
MORE INFO?  Contact Toni Bekjo at 281-493-1375 or Machel Delange at
Children's Ministry and
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)
Car Wash
Thank you to all of our youth that assisted in the car wash on August 14!!! Thanks to their efforts and the congregations support, we were able to raise $650.00 to support this year's MAM fundraising. Your support for our kid's efforts in such a worthy cause means the world to all of us and we appreciate everything you do for them.
Sunday School - Our 2016-17 Sunday School session has started! Thank you to all of our wonderful teachers for volunteering your time:
Tony May & Keith Drymond, EYC
Oscar Walker & Anita Martin, 3rd-5th grade
Betsey Walker & Julia Miller, PK-2nd grade
Kris Ferguson for leading our music
We are studying the WHIRL Lectionary Sunday School curriculum. Lectionary-based lessons that connect kids with church life. Whirl Lectionary has a three-year Scope & Sequence that follows the Revised Common Lectionary. Every Whirl lesson follows a four-part sequence: Welcome, Hear, Respond, and Launch (WHRL!). Each week, kids and leaders start their time together by identifying where they are in the church year and watching an animated video to set up the lesson. Videos feature animated characters who model what it's like to live out their faith. Next, they dive into the Whirl Story Bible or Whirl NRSV Bible together, respond to the scripture lesson with creative leaflet activities, and circle up to review the lesson and pray before being sent out. 

September Youth and Children's Calendar
Sunday, September 4 
     9:30 a     Sunday School
     12 p        EYC: Music & Lessons
Saturday, September 10 
     6-9:30 p  Parent's Night Out
Sunday, September 11 
     9:30 a     Sunday School
     12 p        EYC: 3rd Annual Nerf War
Sunday, September 18, Invitation Sunday
     9:30 a     Sunday School
                    NO EYC
Sunday, September 25
     9:30 a     Sunday School
     12 p        EYC: Caring & Sharing
Youth Sunday school is open to all 6th - 12th graders.
Episcopal Youth Community is for 6th - 12th graders.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Machel at
Evangelism Matters

Cost: $125 plus lodging
November 18-19, 2016 (Friday-Saturday) 
Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas, TX
"How can we become a spiritual oasis in West Houston?", you ask.  It is an important question. As a result of the visioning exercises done with parishioners during the rector search process, the vestry has set this as our vision statement.  How do we get there and who will help us achieve this vision?  The answer is that only the community of Emmanuel can achieve such a goal and our efforts will need to be prayerful and intentional.  A good first step is to have as many parishioners as possible attend The Evangelism Matters Conference.  Presiding Bishop Curry will be speaking about the urgency of sharing God's love in the Episcopal way.  In addition, there will be a number of workshops offering tangible tools and bold ideas about how to reach out to the surrounding community.  Please consider attending!  Sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex and register at the link provided below.
Emmanuel's Weapons Policy
Emmanuel's Weapons Policy Like all churches in The Episcopal Diocese of Texas, Emmanuel is a gun-free zone under the diocesan Weapons Policy.  To implement this policy under the Texas' Open Carry law, we are providing the following written notices:
Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with an openly carried handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a handgun that is carried openly.
Pursuant to Section 30.06, Penal Code (trespass by license holder with a concealed handgun), a person licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (handgun licensing law), may not enter this property with a concealed handgun.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me or any member of the Vestry.