The Summer Fair countdown continues!

June 17, 2016 - Vol 8, Issue 25
In This Issue
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Sunday Ministry Assignments
Sunday Services
Rector's Reflections
Office Hours
A Message from Bishop Rob
From the Music Corner
Liturgy Notes
Eucharstic Ministers Needed
Memorial Flowers
Education for Ministry
Fair News
Food Pantry
Weekly Activity Schedule
Birthdays & Anniversaries  
19 Dorothy Hyde-Williams, Jeffrey Moody               
20 Kaitlyn Baillargeon, Gail & Kurt Dietzer
22 Florence Pearson, Meegan Ellis                              
23 Judith Apy, John Foster, Carla Bickford, Thomas & Susan Adams 
24 Garrett Brown, Betty Brown, Valerie Christle, April McCarriston, Evan O'Dowd, Judy & Peter Cole     
25 Neda Walpole, Andrew Hunt
Sunday Ministry Assignments
Altar Guild
Sandy McBeth/Karin Hargy
Joy & Brock Jones
8 am Gail Dietzer
10 am Michael Scadron
Susan & Bill Lander
Eucharistic Ministers
8 am Andy Milligan
10 am Bill Lander & Lee White
Jane Newcomb/Georgia Mosher
Flower Guild
Joyce Lake
Altar Flower Delivery
Danielle Pierpont & Carolyn Sundquist
8 am Candace Tordonato
10 am Anne Hunt, Jeannie Muir
Links to Sunday Services
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Sunday Services
8 AM Holy Eucharist (spoken)
10 AM Holy Eucharist (w choir/hymns and church school)

Happy Father's Day!
Rector's Reflections
Proclaiming Jesus in the Midst of Evil
O Lord God, we bring before you the cries of a sorrowing world. In your mercy set us free from the chains that bind us, and defend us from everything that is evil, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. [adapted from #150 in the seventh-century Gregorian Sacramentary]

As the anniversary of the massacre at Mother Emanuel AME stares us down we are wading in the grief and rage of another massacre in Orlando. We feel powerless when life's storms rage about us. Despite our best efforts, we cannot navigate those dangers without the hand of God to guide and free us. We feel powerless in the stormy aftermath of rapists getting leniency and the demons of one terrorizing a nation.
In the gospel, the man with demons was unable to help himself. His affliction had caused him to be chained and shackled by his community. Yet even that could not control the raging evil within him. He remained helpless and ostracized on his own until he was emancipated by the power of God in Christ. Even though he was an outsider from the land of the Geresenes, Jesus came to his aid. He cast out the legion of demons in the man and sent them into the nearby herd of pigs, who then flung themselves off the bank. Though that dramatic event caused fear and confusion, the man was at last set free and commissioned by Jesus as a witness to his stunning liberation.
Paul reflects on the human condition of being "imprisoned" and "guarded" and the necessity of Christ to restore us. He reminds us of the power of our baptism to free and unite us. The text goes on to make the radically inclusive statement that there is no longer "Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus." [Sundays and Seasons, 2016]
The news of these last weeks, together with these texts remind us of God's call to our journey of faith moves from bondage to freedom, from separation to unity, from death to new life. And this is a path open to all, no matter who we are or from where we're from. Sunday's texts paint startling pictures of the horrific-the demonic-nature of sin. The Church's ongoing celebration of the Eucharist counters that tragic reality in a continued showing forth of the death of Jesus "until he comes." It is a dramatic declaration of "how much God has done for you."
Comfort and Peace,

O God, whose heart compassionate bears every human pain, redeem this violent, wounding world till gentleness shall reign. O God of mercy, hear our prayer: bring peace to earth again!

["Bring Peace to Earth Again" Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr. � 1996 World Library Publications]

Office Hours
Mon, Wed, Thur: 9am - Noon
Tue: 1pm-5pm
Fri: Closed
A Message from Bishop Rob
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
In response to the massacre in Orlando, I urge our congregations to open the celebration of Holy Eucharist in the coming weeks with The Supplication, a form of prayer found on page 154 in The Book of Common Prayer designed for use "especially in times of war, or of national anxiety, or of disaster."  Given the gravity of the events in Florida, our ongoing state of war in the Middle East, and the growing acrimonious divisions within our society, this form of prayer is warranted.  
The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld
Bishop of New Hampshire 

Live Without Fear: 
A Reflection From Bishop Hirschfeld
From the Music Corner
Our guest soloist today is Charlotte Noble of Wolfeboro, soon to be a freshman at Kingswood High School. Charlotte has been studying voice and piano with Holly Simons for 2 years, and has already had extensive involvement in musical theater both in the Kingswood Art Center, and numerous years in Kingswood Summer Theater. She will be involved in the musical "Elf" this summer. Charlotte was recently honored for her flute playing by being selected to participate in a New Hampshire All-State concert this past spring. She was also the selected soloist for a special choral offering in the Middle School spring rock concert several weeks ago.  Watching her musical gifts continue to blossom and unfold in her high school years will be a special blessing for our Wolfeboro community.
Liturgy Notes
Our sending hymn this Sunday: To a Place of Celebration is a new hymn set to a classic and familiar tune for responding to the Orlando Massacre. It was written this week by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette who is the author of "Songs of Grace: New Hymns for God and Neighbor" (Discipleship Resources/Upper Room Books) and "Gifts of Love: New Hymns for Today's Worship"(Geneva Press). Carolyn and her husband Bruce serve as the co-pastors of Limestone Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, Delaware. Her hymns are sung by many congregations throughout the USA and overseas, posted on thousands of web sites, published in 18 books, on national PBS-TV three times and in recent feature stories about her hymns by "The New Yorker" and "The Christian Century" magazines. A complete list of Carolyn's 300+ hymns can be found at
Eucharistic Ministers Needed
Sunday, June 19th we will gather existing and new Eucharistic Minister for an overview of expectations and question and answer time between services on Sunday, June 19th at 9:00 am. If you have any questions, please contact Pat McLaughlin or Pastor Bill. 
Memorial Flowers
Thank you all for bearing with us as we organize the memorial flower process more clearly for all. The scroll hanging on the kitchen wall in the undercroft lists the year's dates and current donors as well as the cost of memorial gifts. Many of the Sundays have two or more donors, so the cost per donor is $17.50.  On any Sunday, a rose on the altar celebrates a birth, two for twins; roses cost $5.00 as of now. Please remember to send your check.The schedule of weekly flower arrangers is posted in the hall above the table from which you pick up the weekly bulletin, and in the flower room, on the right at the front of the church. The weekly bulletin also lists the next week's assignments. If you have a special kind of flower in mind, you can contact the week's arranger.  Linda Siracusa provides many of the flowers from her shop, which closes at 1:00 on Saturdays. Garden flowers are fine also. If the week's arranger does not hear from you, she will get the best flowers available. Questions? Please contact Louise Graham: 569-2876 or OR

Added note: Please let Deb in the office know the details of your dedications prior to the Sunday requested.  Leave a flower card or send her an email: Thank you.
Education for Ministry
Education For Ministry (EFM) is a 4 year program of theological study for lay people, which requires a commitment a year at a time. The group meets for a 3 hour session each week, and there is a bit of reading between each session. EFM gives people a solid grounding in the Bible and Church History, and also the ability to make connections between your faith and what you do in the world. 

The core of the program is doing theological reflection, which integrates tradition (scripture, hymnody, church writings), culture (movies, issues, news) belief/position (what we understand to be true in our lives) and action/experience - how is our behavior impacted by all of this.

There is an Open House at Trinity, Meredith on Tuesday, June 28 at 6 p.m. for anyone who would like to know more. If you are interested, please contact the Rev. Robin Soller at:
Fair News
Charlie Kellogg and Lynne Moughty, Summer Fair Co-chairs, meet with Kevin and Dorothy Maus and Sue Adams.

Raffle Baskets will again be a part of All Saints Summer Fair. Joy Jones and I will be co-chairing this year and, as you might expect, we will need raffle baskets. Anyone who would like to donate a basket should contact either myself or Joy by June 30th. Need a basket? We just happened to have a nice wicker basket for you to fill with lots of good stuff. Don't know what to do? We can help with suggestions. This is always a popular part of the Fair so we hope you can help us again this year. Thanks! 
- Joy Jones and Carolyn Sundquist

Restaurant Gift Certificates
This year we are offering to restaurants the opportunity to donate Gift Certificates for bidding in the silent auction. There is a list of restaurants and a copy of the letter to whom we would like to be personally contacted posted on the bulletin board in the undercroft. We are asking parishioners to present this letter to these establishments. Please see Charlie Kellogg or Lynne Moughty if you can help.
Life Ministries

We welcome any and all donations of non-perishable items. June's item is canned chicken. Please place donations in the basket in the narthex. Thank you for all donations!
Activity Schedule for the Week
2:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Parish Hall
6:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Parish Hall
10:00 a.m. Friends of Music - Library
1:00 p.m. Adult Bridge - Library
3:00 p.m. All Saints Strength Training Group (ASSTG) - Stevens Room
7:00 p.m. Photo Club
6:30 a.m. Women's Worship - Sanctuary
1:30 p.m. Scrabble Club - Library
1:30 p.m. Knitting Club
7:30 a.m. Men's Bible Study
10-3 Lord & Tailor Shop
3:00 p.m. ASSTG - Stevens Room
3:00 p.m. Bible Study - Library
6:00 p.m. Stamp Club
6:30 p.m. AMTP
7:00 p.m. TRACS-Library
10-4 Lord & Tailor Shop
8:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Parish Hall
10-1 Lord & Tailor Shop
10:00 a.m. AA Meeting - Library (Breakfast)
8:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Parish Hall

All Saints e-News

We hope you have enjoyed reading our e-News and we encourage your feedback to help us make it even better. We publish an issue weekly on Friday afternoon, to help keep you up to date and in touch with our current news and activities. We think this may be especially helpful to those that are unable to attend our Sunday worship services, are out of town and away for the season. Please let us know if you have some information you would like us to share in future issues of this newsletter.



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Rev.  Bill Petersen
Rector, All Saints Church

Phoebe VanScoy-Giessler 
Editor, All Saints E-News 
