January 29, 2016 - Vol 7, Issue 5
In This Issue
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Sunday Ministry Assignments
Sunday Services
Rector's Reflections
ECW Bake Sale
Electronic Year-End Statements
Vases Wanted
Shrove "Wednesday"
All Saints' Preschool
Food Pantry
Activity Schedule for the Week
Article Headline
Birthdays & Anniversaries  
2 Chris Christiansen, Sarah Day, Abbey Sislane
3 Jo West
6 Jane & Andy Milligan

Sunday Ministry Assignments
Altar Guild
Lorraine Crocker
Sue Harding
Dot Hyde-Williams (9)
Louise & Ron Locke
Eucharistic Ministers
Andy Milligan/Phil Wasmuth (9)
Flower Guild
Louise Graham
Ann & Bob Champagne
Flower Del
Danielle Pierpont
Annual Meeting - Vestry providing food
Links to Sunday Services
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Sunday Services

at 10:30AM


Rector's Reflections
Called to Holy Disturbance

Jesus reads from the scriptures and is the talk of the town. At first, Jesus is seen as the hometown boy made good. Then something changes. Is it the mention of Jesus being the son of a local carpenter, Joseph? Does Jesus sense that people are proud of his learning but less eager to engage in his teachings? Is it that people's expectations are raised-but now Jesus tells them that "no prophet is accepted in the prophet's hometown"? Jesus angers the crowd and is driven to a cliff and probable death. What does it mean for this hometown boy to create a domestic, and more to the point, a holy disturbance? God's vision is certainly a challenge, and now Jesus, with the words of the prophets, is unleashing a disturbance in the domestic, tamed, controlled ways of the world and its powers. In the first lesson for today, Jeremiah recognizes the challenge of speaking a prophetic word and questions whether he is too young to take on God's commission. Jesus steps into his role and finds challenge among his home community and those who have known him his whole life. In a strange twist, Jesus walks through this challenging crowd to safety.

Sunday, echoing Jeremiah and the psalmist, we sense a call or mission, even in the midst of dangers or among those who would do harm. Jesus and Jeremiah become key illustrations and open conversation of how we are formed, equipped, and called to live God's agape love, even when surrounded by challenges, obstacles, or hostility. Where is God calling us? How must we confront our own or the community's barriers? What prophetic word are we being called to speak that might cause a holy disturbance?

Gracious God, Lead us beyond the smallness of our thinking and increase our expectations for your presence and action in our lives. Help us to see your love as abundant and for all. Help us to see our skills as enough for the work to which you call us. Give us courage to respond to your callings with the faith you give, the hope you promise, and the love you share. We pray for your Holy Spirit to increase our trust, broaden our vision, and expand our hearts and minds. In Jesus name, Amen.

February 9 = Primary Election Day = Bake Sale
Primary voters are hungry. Please help make the ECW's election day bake sale a success by contributing your cookies, muffins, breads, or soup. Food can be dropped off the day before clearly marked for the bake sale. Volunteers to work the bake sale are also needed. Please contact Gail Holm if you can help out. 

As with voting, please bake early and often.
Help Wanted x 2
Looking for Vacation Coverage for Parish Office
Donna is going on vacation and the office will need to be staffed from 9 am until Noon on the following days: Wednesday 2/17/16, Thursday 2/18/16, Friday 2/19/16, Tuesday 2/23/16 & Wednesday 2/24/16. It will only be answering phone, retrieving voice mail and greeting visitors. Please contact the church office at 569-3453 or allsaints@metrocast.net. Thank you.

Flower Guild
The Flower Guild is looking for some additional members. If you want to learn about flower arranging, please contact Louise Graham at 569-2876. You will be fully trained and this ministry is very rewarding. Thank you.
Annual Valentine Tea

Vases Wanted
Attention All Vase Keepers: our Flower Delivery Team is in need vases, preferably about 10 inches tall with a neck of 2 � to 3 inches diameter. Thanks so much! Lynne Slocum 
Shrove "Wednesday"
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner will be held on Ash Wednesday due to conflicts in use of the parish hall earlier in the week. We are looking for donations of real maple syrup. Please drop off in the church office. Thank you.
Be a Friend to All Saints' Preschool
All Saints Preschool is selling all purpose bags for $5.00 each. BUY A BAG. Please call the church office if you wish to purchase a bag.
Life Ministries

The L.I.F.E. Ministries Food Pantry, located in our All Saints' Outreach Center building is open every Wednesday, from 10:00am to 1:00pm and 5:00pm to 7:00pm. The food pantry is staffed entirely by volunteers, with no paid positions. The L.I.F.E. Ministries Board of Directors is made up of 2 representatives from each of the 7 local area sponsoring Churches.
The food pantry is blessed by the generosity of many local churches, businesses, schools, clubs and individuals who faithfully support those in need in our community. Food donations are passed directly to our clients, and monetary donations are used to purchase supplemental food products at local grocery stores and the New Hampshire Food Bank.
Started in 1985, the food pantry now a certified 501C3 non-profit organization has provided assistance to a growing number of families, providing each member of a family with 3 meals per day for 3 days a week. The pantry averaged 128 families a week in 2015 and distributed 142,039 meals in 2015.
Activity Schedule for the Week
2:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Parish Hall
6:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Parish Hall

10 am - 2 pm Wolfeboro Senior Center and Meals - Parish Hall

1:00 p.m. Adult Bridge - Library
3:00 p.m. All Saints Strength Training Group - Stevens Room
5:30 p.m. Youth Group Meeting - Parish Hall
7:00 p.m. Photo Club - Parish Hall

6:30 a.m. Women's Worship - Sanctuary
1:30 p.m. Scrabble Club - Library
4:00 p.m. Called to Care - Chapel

9-Noon Caregivers Meeting - Library
1:30 p.m. Knitting Club
5:30 p.m. Table Tennis - Parish Hall
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal - Stevens Room
Thursday 7:30 a.m. Men's Bible Study
10-3 Lord & Tailor Shop
3:00 p.m. ASSTG - Stevens Room
3:00 p.m. Bible Study - Library
5:00 p.m. Dinner Bell
6:00 p.m. Stamp Club - Library

8:00 a.m. Solarize Wolfeboro - Library
0-3 Lord & Tailor Shop
8:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Parish Hall

10-1 Lord & Tailor Shop
10:00 a.m. AA Meeting - Library
2:00 p.m. Valentine Tea - Parish Hall
8:00 p.m. AA Meeting - Parish Hall
All Saints e-News

We hope you have enjoyed reading our e-News and we encourage your feedback to help us make it even better. We publish an issue weekly on Friday afternoon, to help keep you up to date and in touch with our current news and activities. We think this may be especially helpful to those that are unable to attend our Sunday worship services, are out of town and away for the season. Please let us know if you have some information you would like us to share in future issues of this newsletter.



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Rev.  Bill Petersen
Rector, All Saints Church

Phoebe VanScoy-Giessler 
Editor, All Saints E-News 
