This Week in the Legislature: October 19, 2015 
Action in the Wisconsin State Senate and Wisconsin State Assembly continues to pick up this week. The final floor period of the year begins on Tuesday and ends on November 5, 2015.

Both the Senate and Assembly are scheduled to be on the floor on Tuesday, with the Assembly also scheduled to be on the floor on Wednesday.

A number of committee hearings are once again scheduled for this week. Over the past few weeks a significant number of bills impacting county government have been introduced. Please be sure to check the WCA website to keep up-to-date on legislation impacting county government.

Committee Hearings for the Week of October 19, 2015
Note: The Committee hearings and bills listed below reflect action on legislation impacting county government.  See a complete listing of weekly hearings here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Senate Committee on Government Operations and Consumer Protection, 2:30 p.m.
Senate Bill 266 - comprehensive planning and making an appropriation. WCA opposes this bill.

Senate Bill 263 - applying financial accountability provisions that currently apply to certain tax incremental districts to all tax incremental districts created by a city or village. WCA supports this bill.

Thursday, October 22, 2015
Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety, 10:00 a.m.

Senate Bill 248 - strip searches of detained persons. WCA supports this bill.

Senate Bill 269 - duty of law enforcement officers to report to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, and reports of stolen prescription drugs. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Senate Bill 323 - granting victims of certain crimes the right to be accompanied by a victim advocate. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Senate Bill 324 - neglect of a child and providing criminal penalties. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Senate Bill 325 - repeated acts of physical abuse of the same child and providing a criminal penalty. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Senate Bill 326 - referral of cases of suspected or threatened child abuse or neglect to the sheriff or police department, coordination of the investigation of those cases, and referral of those cases to the district attorney for criminal prosecution. WCA opposes this bill.

Assembly Committee on Ways and Means, 1:00 p.m.

Assembly Bill 349 - applying financial accountability provisions that currently apply to certain tax incremental districts to all tax incremental districts created by a city or village. WCA supports this bill.

Assembly Bill 409 - the sales and use tax imposed on a jukebox. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Assembly Committee on Energy and Utilities, 10:00 a.m.
Assembly Bill 319 - conveying interests in local government land for construction of natural gas lines. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Senate Committee on Revenue, Financial Institutions, and Rural Issues, 10:00 a.m.
Senate Bill 300 - the sales and use tax imposed on a jukebox. WCA is monitoring this bill.

For a listing of all bills impacting county government and WCA's positions on those bills, please visit the WCA website

Floor Sessions
Assembly Floor Session, Tuesday, October 20, 1:00 p.m.
In addition to a number of Joint Resolutions, the Assembly will be taking up Assembly Bill 68, relating to John Doe proceedings and providing a penalty.

Other bills of interest include:

Assembly Bill 387 - Campaign finance. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Assembly Bill 388 - Reorganizing the Government Accountability Board, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and making appropriations. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Assembly Bill 389 - Electronic voter registration, verification of certain registrations, proof of residence for voting in an election, authorizing Wisconsin to enter into agreements to share information related to the registration and voting of electors; election registration officials; testing election officials after training; electronic poll lists; election equipment approval; overvoted ballots; voter registration proof of residency for an individual in a residential care facility; counting of absentee ballots; witness address required for valid absentee ballot; and granting rule-making authority. WCA is monitoring this bill.

To view the full Assembly calendar, please click here.

The Assembly is also on the floor on Wednesday starting at 1:00 p.m.

Senate Floor Session, Tuesday, October 20, 11:00 a.m.
The Senate will also be taking up John Doe legislation on Tuesday (Senate Bill 43).

Bills of interest on the calendar for counties include:

Senate Bill 160 - Modifying administrative rules related to maintenance and use standards for oxygen equipment in nursing homes. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Senate Bill 265 - Membership of certain federated public library system boards. WCA supports this bill.

Senate Bill 279 - Real estate transfer returns for conveyances exempt from the fee. WCA supports this bill.

Senate Bill 293 - Behavioral health care coordination pilot projects, psychiatric consultation reimbursement pilot project, access to information on availability of inpatient psychiatric beds, and making appropriations. WCA is monitoring this bill.

Assembly Bill 45 - Authorizing towns to participate in multijurisdictional tax incremental financing districts. WCA is monitoring this bill.

  • November 4 - County Ambassador Program (CAP) Team Meeting
Questions? Contact Our Government Affairs Team  
If you have any questions about anything happening at the state level, please feel free to contact any member of the WCA Government Affairs Team at 866.404.2700 or via email:

Kyle Christianson - Director of Government Affairs 
Sarah Diedrick-Kasdorf - Deputy Director of Government Affairs 
Daniel Bahr - Government Affairs Associate 
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Wisconsin Counties Association
22 East Mifflin Street, Suite 900
Madison, Wisconsin 53703