It's About People

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Issue 56, 8-25-2014

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The Best You, You Can Be

When I was a child, my mother said to me, "if you become a soldier, you'll be a general. If you become a monk, you'll end up as the Pope." Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso. Pablo Picasso

As a full time Aunt, it has been my great Jeanne Gladden pleasure to watch my nieces and nephews, and all those I claim as my nieces and nephews, grow up. I have had a wonderful vantage point. With no parental responsibility, I have had the fun job of being on hand to offer a second opinion, when asked, and generally watch and enjoy the growth and development of these wonderful young people. Could there be a more enjoyable job on the planet? Of course, it's not really a job at all, is it?

Each of "my kids" has taken their own "road less traveled" to become their own unique person. Through chaotic and unpredictable terrain at times, each one has navigated and negotiated the challenges, and emerged as a unique and wonderful young adult. Each seems to be very good at being themselves, expressing their own special blend of talents, style, and interests.

Anna Rose and Grandma Eva If I were to be interviewed by, say, Time Magazine, about my wonderful nieces and nephews and asked what has impressed me the most about them, I would have to say that each one is busy being themselves... boldly. Watching as they grow and become who they are meant to be inspires me to continue growing into a better me.

One of my nieces just informed me that she scheduled a date with herself at her favorite Starbucks to research one of her special interests and figure out how to further her education in that direction. My niece reminds me that we can direct and re-direct our life and work at will.

So why not schedule a date with yourself, to make sure you are on track to becoming the "best you, you can be."


Your Coaching Challenge, Should You Choose to Accept It:


Think about how you might succeed more by injecting your personal flavor rather than using a formula.  Then do it... boldly! 




We'll see you on line next Monday. Cheers!  Coach Jeanne


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