Media Center to Host Reading Night 
OLCHS values reading, and research proves that literacy begins in the home. In conjunction with Illinois Reads, a statewide campaign to promote reading for all Illinois citizens under the auspices of the Illinois Reading Council, and to encourage family literacy, the Media Center will host Family Reading Night on November 19 from 7-8 p.m.  The event is an evening book club for students, staff, parents, and community members: all members of the Spartan Family! The evening will include discussion and activities based around the popular novel We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. Free copies of the book are available on a first-come basis. To register online:  Click here

School Board Members Honored For Their Public Service  
The Illinois Association of School Boards has officially designated November 15, 2015, as School Board Members Day in Illinois, and Oak Lawn Community High School District 229 is joining districts and communities throughout the state to thank these public servants for their commitment and contributions to our public schools. This year's theme revolves around school board members as "Everyday Heroes".

"School board members are the public voice for our local education decisions. They take on this tremendous responsibility to ensure our children are receiving a quality education that puts them on a path to future success," said Superintendent/Principal Dr. Michael Riordan. "Board members guide the district as tough decisions are made on significant issues that affect not only our school, but the entire community and the lives of individual residents. They are truly the leaders helping shape our society."

As community trustees for the schools, school board members have oversight in OLCHS District 229 for an annual budget of over 34 million; 1,750 students in grades 9 to 12; and more than 175 employees.

"The demands placed on our local board of education grow each year. Board members sacrifice a lot to ensure students are prepared to be productive citizens and leaders in the 21st century. These individuals give up their personal time and their family time because they understand the importance of local input in our educational system," Superintendent/Principal Dr. Michael Riordan said. "November 15 is a day to recognize their efforts and show how much we appreciate the demanding work they do."

"We would like to see the community say 'thank you' to local school board members for volunteering their time and going above-and-beyond to make sure all the children here in Oak Lawn are afforded an equal opportunity that a quality education can provide," Superintendent/Principal Dr. Michael Riordan said. "Their commitment to service ensures that decisions about our public schools are made locally by those most familiar with the priorities of our district. Many times their efforts get overlooked, but they are the everyday heroes fighting for quality public education."

The seven member Board of Education serving OLCHS District 229 are: Matthew Egan, President; Robert Loehr, Vice President; Kathleen Berry, Secretary; Timothy Burke; Stephen Greene; Dan Janik, and Ann Touhy.  <<read more>> 
Alliance Club Tackles Bullying 
The Alliance Club will host Harmony Week, a week of events designed to address the issue of bullying. The events will take place November 16-20 throughout the school.

Each day students will hear announcements regarding bullying.  Bullying will be defined and students will be given suggestions on how to prevent it. Student-created pledge posters will be available for students to sign to pledge to be positive, say hello, choose kindness, and be accepting.  A poster will also be hung in the main hallway where students can sign the official anti-bullying pledge.

On Monday, an anti-bullying themed poetry contest will be announced.  A poem from the Spartan Creative Writing Club will be read to spark interest in the contest. On Tuesday, interested teachers can share a bullying video.  Teachers will also pass along "harmony cards" where the students will have the opportunity to write positive notes to their friends or classmates. Members of Alliance will hand out positive messages to staff and students with a variety of positive messages to share.  During all lunch periods, Alliance members will paint their pinky nails blue in solidarity with those who have been bullied in an effort to open up conversation regarding bullying when asked, "Why do you have a blue pinky nail?" On Wednesday after school in the Junior/Senior lounge, a LGBT therapist will hold an informal Q & A / pizza party to answer student questions.  Thursday, the poetry contest winner will be chosen! Finally, on Friday, Alliance members will host a game area in the cafeteria and invite all students to play fun board games and meet the Alliance team to open up dialogue about the importance of positivity at school.  <<read more>>  
Community Outreach Event for Spanish-Speaking Parents   
Do you Speak Spanish at home? Would you like to learn more about District 229 in your home language? �Habla espa�ol en casa? �Quisiera aprender m�s de Distrito 229 en su lengua materna?

Students in Spanish 4 and 4 Honors will host the second annual Community Outreach Event for Spanish-Speaking parents of District 229.  This community outreach event is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, November 17, 2015, from 6:00-8:00 in the High School's Media Center.  The purpose of this event is to foster a relationship between Oak Lawn Community High School and its Spanish-Speaking parent community.  This will be a wonderful opportunity for students to use the target language with heritage speakers in a safe and fun environment. 

Additionally, parents will be able to access important information about Oak Lawn Community High School exclusively in Spanish regarding (but not limited to): Athletics, clubs, graduation information, and technology.  Thea Meierkort will represent student services to share information about applying to universities and a representative from Moraine Valley will be on site to share information about English course offerings. To find out more information, or if you would like to offer your resources during this event: Please contact Alexandra Wong at (Se habla espa�ol).  <<read more>>

SADD Promotes the Great American Smokeout 
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club is participating in the Great American Smokeout sponsored by the American Cancer Society on Tuesday, November 17, 2015. The Great American Smokeout is used as a day to encourage smokers to quit. According to the American Cancer Society when smokers quit there are many great benefits over time, such as 20 minutes after quitting....your heart rate and blood pressure drop 12 hours after quitting....the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal; 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting...your circulation improves and your lung function increases; 1 to 9 months after quitting...coughing and shortness of breath decrease; 1 year after quitting...the excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a continuing smoker's; 5 years after quitting...risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder are cut in half. Cervical cancer risk falls to that of a non-smoker. Stroke risk can fall to that of a non-smoker after 2-5 years.  10 years after quitting...the risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a person who is still smoking. The risk of cancer of the larynx and pancreas decreases.

You can choose to reduce your risk to these diseases and cancer by choosing to stop smoking. By choosing to quit at a younger age you can reduce your health risks more, but quitting at any age can give back years of your life!  For more information on help on how to quit smoking go to the American Cancer Society website.  <<read more>>

PTSA Memberships  -Only $8.00   Join Today!  
Have you and/or your student purchased your 2015-16 membership for the Oak Lawn Community High School Parent Teacher Student Association?  Don't delay, purchase your membership today!

Memberships can be purchased online through the OLCHS Webstore or by submitting completed membership forms and cash to Office 126, or by mailing membership forms and checks payable to the OLCHS PTSA to the High School. Your membership is important and it provides opportunities for the PTSA to support Oak Lawn Community High School. The PTSA provides volunteers and/or funding for the following activities: Scholarships, State-wide PTSA Reflections Contest, Blood Drives, Coat Checks at school dances/events, Cinderella's Closet, Fall Craft Fair & Business Showcase, Staff Appreciation, Post-Prom Activities, Spartan Unplugged Family Night, school beautification projects, and so much more. PTSA Membership Form   

Spartans Host Annual Coat Drive  
The Junior Class Advisory Board and the Student Services Department are hosting a Coat Drive from November 4 through December 14, 2015.  The coats will be donated to local community organizations. This is the school's 13th consecutive year for hosting the drive and over  100 coats have been collected each year. 

New or slightly-used coats can be dropped-off in the school's Student Services Office or at the Southwest Highway Greeter's Station during school business hours, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.

Board to Adopt Annual Tax Levy 
A message from Assistant Superintendent/CSBO Rick Hendricks...  No later than the last Tuesday in December, local taxing districts must certify to the county clerk an approved levy.  The levy directs the county to collect an amount of real estate taxes on behalf of the local taxing district.  The Oak Lawn Community High School District 229 Board of Education will adopt its 2015 levy on December 16, 2015, at its regular monthly business meeting.  On Wednesday, November 18, 2015, the Board of Education will approve a 2015 estimated levy of $23,615,000.  This levy is 4.9% greater than the 2014 taxes collected and, as it has less than a 5% increase, a public hearing on the estimated levy is not required.  The 2015 levy is projected to generate $22,748,000 in real estate tax revenue for District 229, a 1% increase over 2014.  The Board of Education welcomes public comment on agenda items at its meetings.

Public Forum ISBE Division of Special Education Services   
Oak Lawn Community High School District 229 invites you to attend a public forum conducted by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), Division of Special Education Services.  Our District has been selected for a focused monitoring review regarding educational placement decisions for students with disabilities.  The ISBE team leader will explain the focused monitoring process about placement decisions and provide you an opportunity to share your comments.  The forum is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1, 2015, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room 119.   Information Letter

Oak Lawn Community High School District 229, Oak Lawn, Illinois

Mission Statement.  
Oak Lawn Community High School exists to: inspire, challenge, and empower students and staff in a safe, supportive environment; maximize individual potential through academic and personal growth;  and graduate students who attain the high standards set forth by our community.    


Board of Education:Webpage-Spartan-Logo 
Matthew Egan, President
Robert Loehr, Vice President
Kathleen Berry, Secretary
Timothy Burke, Member
Stephen Greene, Member
Ann Touhy, Member
Daniel Janik, Member  
Dr. Michael Riordan, Superintendent/Principal
Richard Hendricks, Assistant Superintendent
Joseph McCurdy, Assistant Principal
Dr. Jeana Lietz, Assistant Principal