Issue: 6June 2016
Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
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  Meeting    President's Note   Fall Aging Conference  2016 Charity Donation Winner
There is nothing more rewarding than giving back and making a difference for the lives of people in this great community. On behalf of the MASWA Board, we want to recognize one of three recipient winners for this year's charitable donation, East Side Neighborhood Services- Adult Day at Friendship Center!
     The MASWA Board
Meeting June Membership Meeting
January 2016
In June we will have a Joint Public Policy Meeting with SPASWA.
Joint Public Policy Meeting

Thursday, June 23, 2016
2:20 pm - Sign In/Networking
2:40 pm - Introduction/Announcements
3:00 pm - Program
4:00 pm - Adjourn

SPEAKER: Toby Pearson, VP of Advocacy, Care Providers of Minnesota

Toby will give an overview as to what has been happening at the Capitol during this year's 2016 Legislative Session that impacts seniors and senior service providers in Minnesota. 

Calvary Lutheran Church
7520 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427

Directions and parking info: 
Call either Vicky Willcox (952-697-0607) or Karen Mandile (952-345-4405) MASWA Program Chairs with questions related to this program.
Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.
Annual Membership fee $30.00 Guest fee $5.00

PresidentPresident's Note
Linda Debner
Summer is here in all of it's glory this week - thunderstorms and heat. Just remember, we hope for this weather for six months out of the year and when we get it most would say Spring and Fall are their favorite times of the year. I came to the conclusion a few years ago that it doesn't matter what my preference is for the weather, I just needed to adjust my attitude about the whole subject.
The new Board of Directors met for the first time on June 2, 2016. It was a very social meeting with new members getting to know old members (longevity on the board). Now it's time to look to the future and how MASWA can touch the lives of not only it's members, but the lives of those we serve. We have a retreat day scheduled for the end of July. If you have some great ideas for ways to do this, please grab someone on the board at our next membership meeting, which is being held on Thursday, June 23, 2016 at Calvary Church, our usual meeting place. That meeting will be focusing on Public Policy and I do hope you will attend. Even if you're not political by nature, it is still enlightening to hear what goes on in St. Paul and Washington D.C. It's also a time to get to know each other better and welcome new members. MASWA has always been the glue holding all of us senior workers together, so we can provide the vast array of services we do provide. It is also a great way to get education on senior issues or needs, and beyond that, you get to see your friends at least once a month! That all rolls up to make MASWA a great place to get the ingredients for a successful senior worker career. Just ask any of us who have been around forever! If you're new to the organization, please come and introduce yourself to the members of the board - we all want to welcome you to this great organization.
You will start hearing about the Fall Aging Conference now, as we head into summer. It is scheduled for October 27, 2016 at the Earle Brown Heritage Center, and is going to be really exciting. Maura Albrecht, MASWA Co-chair has been working hard, along with her team, to get four great speakers and 6 CEU's for the conference. So please, get October 27th on your calendar for another great Fall Aging Conference.
I want to wish all of you a very safe and fun Fourth of July celebration. It's on a Monday this year, so we all get a three-day week-end. It doesn't get much better than that!

Linda Debner

MembershipRenewalSave the Date - Fall Aging Conference
Save the Date!
Mark your calendars for the 42nd Annual
Fall Aging Conference
Thursday, October 27, 2016
7:15 am - 4:15 pm
Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association and St. Paul Senior Workers Association present:
Lessons from the Past - Planning for the Future
This year, we will take a look at the lessons from the past which our greatest generation wish to impart to us, and learn how younger generations will put their own twist on those teachings.  
Join us for a dynamic day of learning, networking and fun!
Watch for additional information coming soon!
MASWACharityDonationsMASWA 2016 Charity Donation Winner

Please congratulate this year's recipient, East Side Neighborhood Services- Adult Day at Friendship Center, of the 2016 MASWA charity donation of $1,000.00. Pictured left is Beth Nemec, MASWA's Public Policy Chair presenting the check to Linnea Tweed, Senior Navigator for East Side Neighborhood Services. We thank you for all the work you do for seniors, it does not go unnoticed!

Minneapolis Area Seniors Workers Association
P.O. Box 26630
Minneapolis, MN 55426