Issue: 5May 2016
Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
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  Meeting    President's Note   Photos - Spring Luncheon
We want to thank all of those that were able to attend this year's MASWA Spring Luncheon, and of course a HUGE shout out to our fabulous sponsors! We had a wonderful turnout and hope you were able to enjoy the networking opportunities that were presented. Just a friendly reminder, there will not be a membership meeting this month due to the luncheon, see below for details.
The MASWA Board
MeetingMembership Meeting
January 2016

In June we will have a Joint Public Policy Meeting with SPASWA.


Joint Public Policy Meeting

Thursday, June 23, 2016
2:20 pm - Sign In/Networking
2:40 pm - Introduction/Announcements
3:00 pm - Program
4:00 pm - Adjourn

SPEAKER: Toby Pearson, VP of Advocacy, Care Providers of Minnesota

Toby will give an overview as to what has been happening at the Capitol during this year's 2016 Legislative Session that impacts seniors and senior service providers in Minnesota. 

Calvary Lutheran Church
7520 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427

Directions and parking info: 
Call either Vicky Willcox (952-697-0607) or Karen Mandile (952-345-4405) MASWA Program Chairs with questions related to this program.
Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.
Annual Membership fee $30.00 Guest fee $5.00
PresidentPresident's Note
I want to send out a Happy Spring to all of you. I also want to thank all of you who attended the Spring Luncheon and helped make it a huge success. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
As I looked around the room during the luncheon, I recounted the numerous luncheons I had attended in the past. I started to think about the early luncheons and the fact I was there alone and didn't know anyone. I felt like a pair of brown shoes being worn with a black tuxedo! Not cool, all alone, and wondered if it was a worthwhile use of my time. For the first couple of years I only attended the luncheon and the Fall Aging Conference put on by MASWA and SPSWA in the fall every year (the 42nd conference will be held this coming October). I started to occasionally attend the membership meetings and it was there someone made an announcement about people needed to work on the Fall Aging Conference steering committee. A lightbulb went on and I thought this is a great way to get to know people - get on a committee. I went to the cattle call meeting and there were several openings to be filled on the steering committee. The one opening no one volunteered for was "secretary". I thought I should leap in with both feet and volunteer for the secretary role. Is there a better way to get to know people than recording their meetings? Probably, but I volunteered anyway. I had a great time. I got to know everyone on the committee and they introduced me to the people they knew. I was no longer the outsider. The more involved I became, the more worthwhile it became. I formed friendships, alliances, and developed amazingly strong relationships. Not only did I learn a lot about the services available for seniors, but the more I learned, the more successful I became. I also became a resource for all of our clients and other providers in this marketplace.
I want all of you new members to keep coming back. Get involved in the organization, join committees, check out the Fall Aging Conference, introduce yourself to everyone you encounter, and enjoy the networking opportunities.
The new Board of Directors will be ready to start meeting and planning for the next year soon. We have a retreat in July every year and use that day to plan for the future. It's a day we all exchange creative ideas regarding speakers, donations, and activities. I'm hoping you all will be willing to share your ideas with the board before our retreat. We will be meeting for the Public Policy meeting on June 23rd at our usual location and that would be a great time to seek out board members and share your thoughts about the coming year.
Have a wonderful spring and I'll see you at our next membership meeting!

Linda Debner
MASWA President

PhotosPhotos from our MASWA Spring Luncheon 2016














Minneapolis Area Seniors Workers Association
P.O. Box 26630
Minneapolis, MN 55426