Issue: 2February 2016
Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
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  Meeting    President's Note   Membership Renewal  Save the Date
May 2015 #1
Roxanne Cornell (Education Committee)
Allison Bakke (Member at Large)
We want to thank all of those that chose to renew their 2016 MASWA memberships, what a great turnout thus far!  Let's continue to encourage, empower, and assist our clients to express their love and caring for their families and loved ones this Valentine's Day.
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."
                     - William Arthur Ward 
                                                                     The MASWA Board 
MeetingMembership Meeting
January 2016
Minneapolis Area Senior Worker's Association Membership Meeting

Thursday, February 25, 2016

2:20 pm - Sign In/Networking
2:40 pm - Introduction/Announcements
3:00 pm - Program
4:00 pm - Adjourn

TOPIC: Suicide Awareness Gatekeeper

SPEAKER: Julia Pawlenty, Clinical Social Worker

Julia is a clinical social worker in the Suicide Prevention Program at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center. She works directly with patients who are identified as high risk for suicide and coordinates care with primary outpatient mental health providers to ensure they receive enhanced care elements and treatment planning specific to their risk for suicide. Julia provides education to both employees and the community at large, regarding suicide prevention, intervention and post-vention.
She has experience working with a variety of populations, within a variety of settings to include; adolescent dual diagnosis day treatment center, provider of direct care services to those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as a consultant for parents of children on the spectrum, outpatient psychotherapy provider for all ages & diagnoses and assessment of mental health conditions in emergency department setting. Julia is a certified QPR Gatekeeper Instructor. Julia holds a Certificate in Gerontology.
  • Recognize the prevalence of suicide in the community
  • Learn how to identify warning signs and risk factors
  • Learn how to ask if someone is thinking about suicide
Elder Homestead
Calvary Lutheran Church
7520 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, MN 55427

directions and parking info: 
Call either Vicky Willcox, 952-697-0607 or Diana Biebighauser, 612-207-7207 MASWA Program Chairs with questions related to this program.
Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.
Annual Membership Fee $30.00; Guest Fee $5.00
PresidentPresident's Note

I was enjoying a pretty tame winter we were experiencing until February rolled around.  It has felt like ever since we switched our calendars we have had one winter warning after the next.  I hope everyone is staying safe and warm!
In January we had a wonderful monthly meeting with an amazing turn out.  We enjoyed seeing so many friends and colleagues, new and old, in the audience.  We would like to thank Michelle Klegon for providing us with such valuable information.  Our February meeting is sure to be just as educational!  We will be having Julia Pawlenty who will be speaking with us about suicide prevention.  You will not want to miss this so if you haven't already mark down February 25th on your calendar for our monthly membership meeting.  We look forward to seeing you there!
The amazing monthly meeting topics have been bringing larger crowds to our monthly meetings.  With the growth that we have experienced we wanted to share with everyone a growing pain that we have been experiencing.  We have received feedback that some of our members have been frustrated because they want to hear all of the wonderful information our speakers have to share but that our meetings are running over and they have other commitments so they can't stay over.  We would like to respect everyone's time so we have made some adjustments to our meeting structure.  In an effort to make sure we have enough time for Networking at the beginning of the meeting and time for Introductions we are adding 10 minutes to our meeting time.  So we will be starting Networking at 2:20pm and Introductions at 2:40pm.  We are hoping this will alleviate some of the crunch that we currently experiencing.  We would also like to ask for some help from each of our members as well.  If each of you could please limit your introductions to your name and company's name that would be greatly appreciated.  This will help keep the flow of the meeting going so we can respect the speaker's time and the time of each and every one of our members.  Thanks in advance for your help!
As a reminder we are in the renewal process for 2016.  If you haven't renewed yet you can easily renew online at or at the meeting in February.

Jenelle Boeckermann
MembershipRenewalMembership Renewal
May 2015 - G
Judy Decker, (Membership Chair)
Sara Laube, (Member at Large)
What a great turnout we had at our January meeting!  It was good to connect with so many of you.  At our February meeting we will draw prizes for those of you who took advantage of the early bird special pricing and renewed your membership or joined for the first time by January 31st.  I hope that many of you have the MASWA meeting on your monthly calendar!  Looking forward to seeing you all on the 25th.

Judy Decker
MASWA Membership Chair   

SavetheDateSave the Date  -  MASWA Spring Luncheon 
MASWA Annual Spring Luncheon
Save the Date: Thursday, May 5th, 2016
Location:  Plymouth Creek Center - 11:00 - 3:00
Speaker:  Dr. Jody Janati
Title:  Professional Communication:
How to Keep It Calm, Cool, and Collected
Back by Popular Demand!  Were you at the Fall Aging Conference?  If yes - you know that Dr. Janati kept us laughing AND learning about our control dramas.  If no - you missed out, but you still have a chance to hear her speak to us about how to effectively communicate in both tough situations and our daily work. "Who Does That?"
Minneapolis Area Seniors Workers Association
P.O. Box 26630
Minneapolis, MN 55426