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Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
April 2015
In This Issue
April Membership Meeting
President's Monthly Note
MASWA Spring Luncheon - Price Increase
Annual Events
Quick Links
Issue: # 4
April 2015

The birds are chirping, the new leaves are on the trees, and the tulips are coming is truly SPRING! As we celebrate this much needed warmer weather, we are also busy preparing for our annual Spring Luncheon. Registration for the luncheon is now open! Please take a moment to visit our website and register today. We look forward to seeing you! 



Minneapolis Area Senior Worker's Association
Thursday, April 23, 2015
2:30 pm Social/Introductions
2:45 pm Announcements
3:00 pm Presentation/Questions
4:00 pm Adjourn

TOPIC:  Cultural Differences in Death & Dying

Speaker:   Jeanne McGill, Certified Senior Advisor                                    & Certified Pre-Planning Consultant
                   Midwest Funeral Pre-Planning Consultants, LLC

Program Objectives:
  • Gain awareness of different cultural ceremonies
  • Understanding the belief systems that create the celebrations
  • Education on how to respond and act appropriately

Sponsored By:

Mary Richards




Calvary Lutheran Church

7520 Golden Valley Road

Golden Valley, MN 55427

directions and parking info: 

Calvary Lutheran Church 


Call either Vicky Willcox, 952-697-0607 or Diana Biebighauser, 612-207-7207 MASWA Program Chairs with questions related to this program. 


Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.

Annual Membership fee $20.00 Guest fee $5.00


We are now firmly into the month of April and the weather is sticking true to a Minnesota spring. Some cold and snow and some warm rains. It is exciting to with each passing day that we are closer to summer yet some days it feels like the cold and snow will never end. Here hoping that by our Spring Luncheon on May 7th all the crazy weather will be behind us and we will all be basking in the warmth.


If you haven't registered for the spring luncheon don't delay. We have early bird pricing till April 23rd so register today! The members at large have worked hard this year to listen to your feedback and there will be a fresh new feel to the event this year. We look forward to seeing each of you there.


We are also excited about our April membership meeting. We will be discussing Cultural Diversity in Death & Dying. This is such an important topic for us as Senior Workers and the knowledge will be very helpful as we work with our clients and their families as they navigate this difficult time in life.  

Jenelle Boeckermann

Care Options-Spring Luncheon
Mark your calendars for these fabulous annual events:

Spring Luncheon
Thursday, May 7, 2015 
Plymouth Creek Center 
11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Fall Aging Conference

Thursday, October 22, 2015
Earle Brown Heritage Center

Brooklyn Center   




Guests SAVE $5.00 - Bring a friend for FREE to the next MASWA meeting on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 2:30 pm at Calvary Lutheran Church in Golden Valley.   

Offer Expires: 4/23/2015