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Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
August 2014
In This Issue
August Membership Meeting
President's Monthly Note
40th Annual Fall Aging Conference!
Quick Links
Issue: # 8August 2014

Does anyone know where the summer went? It's hard to believe it's already August! With the summer flying by, we hope you can make time to join us for our August membership meeting where we will learn about long-term care insurance. With more and more seniors using long-term care insurance, this is a meeting you won't want to miss!



Minneapolis Area Senior Worker's Association
Thursday, August 28, 2014
2:30 pm Business Meeting & Group Introductions
2:45 pm Networking
3:00 pm Presentation/Questions
4:00 pm Adjourn

TOPIC:   Long-term Care Insurance
Presenters: Steven Schoenberger and Tamar Fink

Calvary Lutheran Church

7520 Golden Valley Road

Golden Valley, MN 55427

directions and parking info: 

Calvary Lutheran Church 


Questions? Contact the MASWA Program Chair: Vicky Willcox, Marketing Director of the Colony at Eden Prairie, 952-828-9500.


Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.

Annual Membership fee $20.00 Guest fee $5.00   


This week while driving to an appointment I heard a radio ad for the State Fair.  With the State Fair signifying, to the State of Minnesota, that summer is ending I ask the question "where did summer go"?  If you are anything like me you are in the midst of school clothes and supplies shopping and getting ready for the kids first days back will be here before we know it.  While we are all looking for the last orange folder that your child needs for class the Fall Aging Conference Steering Committee is hard at work finalizing all of the details for the 40th Annual Conference.  There are still a few vendor tables for those who are interested and registration will be opening in the next few weeks so keep a close watch for the brochure in the mail. 


While you are searching for 18 glue sticks don't forget about our August 28th meeting.  We will be having an amazing discussion about Long Term Care insurance.  This is not a sales pitch!!!  We will be learning all of the ins and outs about how Long Term Care policies have evolved and the different ways policies were written.  Most importantly we will learn how we can help our clients understand the policies and ask the right questions about their benefits when they are starting to redeem them.  This should be a very insightful meeting so make sure it is on your calendar.

Jenelle Boeckermann

Save the Date


Forever Young:

The 40th Annual Fall Aging Conference!


Fall Aging Conference is quickly approaching on

October 23rd, 2014


Join us for a day of amazing speakers and networking with industry colleagues. Return to work feeling refreshed and energized with this remarkable speaker line-up:

  • Get ready to laugh with MEG SOPER, RN. Meg is a nurse with dual careers. She is both a registered operating room nurse with over 28 year experience and also a comedienne who has performed with stars such as Ray Romano and Ellen Degeneres.
  • Learn about taboo topics with LIZ VON WELLSHEIM, RN, MSN, MA, GNP. Liz is a Gerontological Nurse Practitioner and Social Gerontologist. She will tackle the tough topic of sexuality when cognitive capacity is an issue. This is a must hear presentation for anyone working in a facility or out in the community.
  • Get ready to challenge your critical thinking skills after lunch with Dr. JOHN P. SLOAN MD, FCFP. Dr. Sloan is a family physician who specializes in treating the frail elderly. He will speak on trying to improve their well-being by working to create a social movement on their behalf - giving them permission to request health care at home and support to make it happen.    
  • End the day on a high note with a feel good message from PETER W. ROSENBERGER, PRESIDENT, STANDING WITH HOPE. Peter Rosenberger provides perspective and inspiration as he draws upon his three decades as the sole caregiver for his wife through a medical nightmare.

Your brochure will be arriving in the mail

at the beginning of September!






Guests SAVE $5.00 - Bring a friend for FREE to the next MASWA meeting on Thursday, August 28, 2014 at 2:30 pm at Calvary Lutheran Church in Golden Valley.   

Offer Expires: 8/28/2014