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Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
July 2014
In This Issue
July Membership Meeting
President's Monthly Note
Annual Events
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Issue: # 7July 2014

July is in full swing and we hope you are enjoying all that Minnesota summers have to offer. Whether it's a long weekend at the cabin, a boat ride around the lake or dinner on a rooftop patio, we have lots of activities to choose from! We hope you will make time in your busy schedule to join us for the July membership meeting. Jim Tift, who has a long history in geriatrics and is great resource to our group, will give us an overview of elder abuse and vulnerable adult reporting. You won't want to miss it! 



Minneapolis Area Senior Worker's Association
Thursday, July 24, 2014
2:30 pm Business Meeting & Group Introductions
2:45 pm Networking
3:00 pm Presentation/Questions
4:00 pm Adjourn

TOPIC:   Overview of Elder Abuse, Neglect and Vulnerable
Adult Reporting 
Speaker:  Jim Tift

Jim Tift is the former Community Services Coordinator at Tubman Elder Care & Rights Center. He has worked  as Director of an Assisted Living facility and memory care unit in a skilled nursing facility. He is a former Director of Education and Training in the Aging Division of the MN Department of Human Services and Director of Education in Senior Services at Fairview Hospitals. He has also been a community faculty member teaching courses in the Human Services Program at Metropolitan State University for 35 years. Jim has an M.A. in gerontology.


Program Objectives:

  • Outline the continuum of awareness and intervention related to the protective services system.
  • Define who is considered a vulnerable adult and how maltreatment is defined in MN statute.
  • Define and give examples of types of elder abuse and possible reasons for abuse and neglect.
  • List warning signs that might indicate that someone is being abused.
  • Describe mandatory reporting requirements related to suspected elder abuse. 
  • Identify specific resources to contact regarding elder abuse and neglect.


Calvary Lutheran Church

7520 Golden Valley Road

Golden Valley, MN 55427

directions and parking info: 

Calvary Lutheran Church 


Questions? Contact the MASWA Program Chair: Vicky Willcox, Marketing Director of the Colony at Eden Prairie, 952-828-9500.


Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.

Annual Membership fee $20.00 Guest fee $5.00   


I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! For me, especially after a winter and spring like we have just endured, it is always met with mixed emotions. While celebrating the independence of our great nation is always moving for me it also signifies that summer is half over. Let's face it we have just started enjoying the warm weather so I am hoping for a very nice rest of the summer and an unseasonably nice fall!


In June we had our joint public policy meeting. Our speaker Mary Jo George is a lobbyist for AARP. This meeting was a very educational meeting for all. Not only did Mary Jo give us an update on the last legislative session we also had a good amount of time for conversation surrounding the current political environment and what AARP's stances are. During this time our membership was able to give some feedback to her on how we view things from the "trenches". These types of conversations are always beneficial to all involved. Mary Jo is considering joining MASWA in an effort to connect more with those working in the field on a day to day basis and we would love to have her so she can help give us insight on AARP's initiatives. If you are interested in learning more about AARP's lobbying efforts you can always review their website at You can also reach out to Mary Jo directly and she really wants to hear your stories and to work for the seniors!

Jenelle Boeckermann
Mark your calendars for this fabulous annual event:  
Fall Aging Conference
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Earle Brown Heritage Center
Brooklyn Center 




Guests SAVE $5.00 - Bring a friend for FREE to the next MASWA meeting on Thursday, July 24, 2014 at 2:30 pm at Calvary Lutheran Church in Golden Valley.   

Offer Expires: 7/24/2014