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Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
May 2014
In This Issue
May Membership Meeting
President's Monthly Note
Annual Events
Quick Links
Issue: # 5May 2014

Finally, May is upon us and that means we are busy with last minute preparations for the Annual Spring Luncheon. We are excited about our featured speaker, Kari Barit, and looking forward to seeing all of you. We hope you can join us for an afternoon of networking, education, and fun! As a reminder, all attendees are encouraged to bring a door prize. See you there! 

Spring Luncheon


Annual MASWA Spring Luncheon & Meeting
Featured Speaker  Kari Barit 
"Passionate, Authentic, Down-to-Earth, and Fun. She connects immediately with her audience."


Thursday, May 15, 2014 

11:30am - 4:30pm


Sponsor Introductions
Door Prize Drawing
1:00pmLunch Business Meeting
Board Introductions
Nominating Committee Report
Introduction of New President
Comments from New President
Sponsor Introductions
2:30pmFeatured Speaker: Kari Berit
4:00pmDoor Prizes and Concluding Comments


The Metropolitan Ballroom  

5418 Wayzata Blvd

Golden Valley, MN 55416



 Thank you to our Event Sponsor: 

Re/Max Results Senior Services




Beth NemecThis month will be the last month that I will be serving as president of MASWA.  As of the Spring Luncheon (I hope you are all attending), I will be passing the Presidential  baton to Jenelle Boeckermann.  It has been a pleasure to serve our community of dedicated, smart and compassionate professionals whom serve seniors for the past two years.  MASWA's president term is two years in length.  The expectation is that there is a president elect position and a past president position - so serving in a president role in our organization can end up being 6 years in length.  That is a true commitment!   So, I can honestly say that all of the people (and the organizations that they represent) believe in the importance of service and giving back to our community. 


Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.  I look forward to continuing in the role of past president and supporting MASWA in a different role.  

Beth Nemec 
Mark your calendars!

Fall Aging Conference
Thursday, October 23
Earle Brown Heritage Center
Brooklyn Center